Searches for procedures with containing query_string if lucky redirects to best match Weight the different hits with the proper weights Shows a list of returned procs with links to proc-view Note: api documentation information taken from nsv array
- Location:
- /packages/acs-api-browser/www/proc-search.tcl
- Author:
- Todd Nightingale <>
- Created:
- Jul 14, 2000
$Id: proc-search.tcl,v 1.26 2024/09/11 06:15:46 gustafn Exp $
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File Contents
# acs-api-browser/www/proc-search.tcl ad_page_contract { Searches for procedures with containing query_string if lucky redirects to best match Weight the different hits with the proper weights Shows a list of returned procs with links to proc-view Note: api documentation information taken from nsv array @author Todd Nightingale ( @creation-date Jul 14, 2000 @cvs-id $Id: proc-search.tcl,v 1.26 2024/09/11 06:15:46 gustafn Exp $ } { {name_weight:notnull 0} {doc_weight:integer,notnull 0} {param_weight:integer,notnull 0} {source_weight:integer,notnull 0} {search_type:optional 0} {show_deprecated_p:boolean,notnull 0} {show_private_p:boolean,notnull 0} {query_string:token,notnull} } -properties { title:onevalue context:onevalue name_weight:onevalue doc_weight:onevalue param_weight:onevalue source_weight:onevalue query_string:onevalue results:multirow } -validate { csrf { csrf::validate } } ########################################################## ## Begin Page set quick_view [string equal $search_type "Only best match"] ######################### ## Optimizes quick search if {$quick_view && [nsv_exists api_proc_doc $query_string]} { ad_returnredirect [api_proc_url $query_string] ad_script_abort } ########################### # No weighting use default: if { $name_weight == 0 && $doc_weight == 0 && $param_weight == 0 && $source_weight == 0 } { set name_weight 1 } # Exact name search if {$name_weight eq "exact"} { set name_weight 5 set exact_match_p 1 } else { set exact_match_p 0 } set counter 0 set matches [list] set deprecated_matches [list] set private_matches [list] # place a [list proc_name score positionals] into matches for every proc foreach proc [nsv_array names api_proc_doc] { set score 0 array set doc_elements [nsv_get api_proc_doc $proc] ############### ## Name Search: ############### if {$name_weight != 0 && [string is integer -strict $name_weight]} { # JCD: this was a little perverse since exact matches were # actually worth less than matches in the name (if there were # 2 or more, which happens with namespaces) so I doubled the # value of an exact match. ##Exact match: if {[string tolower $query_string] eq [string tolower $proc]} { incr score [expr {$name_weight * 2}] } elseif { ! $exact_match_p } { incr score [expr {$name_weight * [::apidoc::ad_keywords_score $query_string $proc]}] } } ################ ## Param Search: ################ if {$param_weight} { set arglist "$doc_elements(positionals) $doc_elements(switches0) $doc_elements(switches1)" incr score [expr {$param_weight * [::apidoc::ad_keywords_score $query_string $arglist]}] } ############## ## Doc Search: ############## if {$doc_weight > 0} { set doc_string [lindex $doc_elements(main) 0] if {[info exists doc_elements(param)]} { foreach parameter $doc_elements(param) { append doc_string " $parameter" } } if {[info exists doc_elements(return)]} { append doc_string " $doc_elements(return)" } incr score [expr {$doc_weight * [::apidoc::ad_keywords_score $query_string $doc_string]}] } ################# ## Source Search: ################# if {$source_weight != 0} { set body [api_get_body $proc] incr score [expr {$source_weight * [::apidoc::ad_keywords_score $query_string $body]}] } ##### ## Place Needed info in matches if {$score} { if {$doc_elements(varargs_p)} { set args "$doc_elements(positionals) \[ args... \]" } else { set args $doc_elements(positionals) } if { $doc_elements(deprecated_p) } { lappend deprecated_matches [list $proc $score $args] } else { if { $doc_elements(protection) eq "public" } { lappend matches [list $proc $score $args] } else { lappend private_matches [list $proc $score $args] } } } } set matches [lsort -command ::apidoc::ad_sort_by_score_proc $matches] if {$quick_view && $matches ne "" || [llength $matches] == 1 } { ad_returnredirect [api_proc_url [lindex $matches 0 0]] ad_script_abort } set title "Procedure Search for: \"$query_string\"" set context [list "Search: $query_string"] multirow create results score proc args url foreach output $matches { incr counter lassign $output proc score args set url [api_proc_url $proc] multirow append results $score $proc $args $url } multirow create deprecated_results score proc args url foreach output $deprecated_matches { incr counter lassign $output proc score args set url [api_proc_url $proc] multirow append deprecated_results $score $proc $args $url } global __csrf_token set show_deprecated_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] -no_empty -override {{ show_deprecated_p 1 }} { name_weight doc_weight param_weight source_weight search_type query_string show_private_p __csrf_token }] set hide_deprecated_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] -no_empty -override { { show_deprecated_p 0 } } { name_weight doc_weight param_weight source_weight search_type query_string show_private_p __csrf_token }] multirow create private_results score proc args url foreach output $private_matches { incr counter lassign $output proc score args set url [api_proc_url $proc] multirow append private_results $score $proc $args $url } set show_private_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] -no_empty -override { { show_private_p 1 } } { name_weight doc_weight param_weight source_weight search_type query_string show_deprecated_p __csrf_token }] set hide_private_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] -no_empty -override { { show_private_p 0 } } { name_weight doc_weight param_weight source_weight search_type query_string show_deprecated_p __csrf_token }] # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: