Creates test cases and add them to a library
- Location:
- /packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/record-test.tcl
- Author:
- Enrique Catalan <>
- Created:
- 2007-08-21
$Id: record-test.tcl,v 2024/02/08 18:47:18 gustafn Exp $
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- packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/record-test.tcl
- packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/record-test.adp
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File Contents
# packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/record-test.tcl ad_page_contract { Creates test cases and add them to a library @author Enrique Catalan ( @creation-date 2007-08-21 @cvs-id $Id: record-test.tcl,v 2024/02/08 18:47:18 gustafn Exp $ } { package_key {return_url:localurl ""} } -properties { } -validate { } -errors { } # Todo # This is a first attempt of integrating the TwtR # with oacs. I think it is a good point to start # but in the ToDo list would be really useful to # have: # - Parsing the Test code to replace fixed values with # Random ones (i.e. names, descriptions, intervals, # etc.). We might need to change TwtR src. # - Modify the js code of TwtR to be able to print # the code in this form to avoid users copy&paste it # - Find a way to get fixed date values and replace # them with dynamic date values # - Might be useful to keep record in the db to this # kind if testing procs, for statistics just # or more control set title "Record a new test" set focus "new_test.test_name" acs_user::get -array user_info set creation_user $user_info(email) ad_form -name new_test -method post -export {package_key return_url} \ -form { test_id:key { test_name:text {label "Test Name"} {html {size 50}} } { test_description:text {label "Short Description"} {html {size 70}} } { search_str:text,optional {label "Search String"} {html {size 50}} {help_text "Sometimes, you might need this string to check if the test is successful or no (i.e. testing Warning messages) <br> If you want to check more than one string, use a comma to separate the different strings"} } { login_type:integer(select) {label "Login Type"} {options {{admin -1} {newuser -2} {searched_user 0}}} } { login_id:party_search(party_search),optional {label "Type a keyword to find a user"} } { test_code:text(textarea),nospell {html {cols 90 rows 50}} {label "Test Code"} {help_text "The test code itself, usually generated by the TwtR plugin for Firefox ("} } } \ -validate { { test_name { $test_name ne "" } {The name can not contain special characters, whitespaces or be null} } { login_type { 1 } {You forgot to search the user} } } \ -new_request { set test_name "" set test_description "" set test_code "" set search_str "" } \ -new_data { # Open the automated tests Tcl file # of this package key and add the # test code to the script, then # do an eval to load the test proc. # Get the test directory set pkg_test_path "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/tcl/test/" # Create or Open the test cases file and add the # code set file_name "$package_key-recorded-test-procs.tcl" set full_path "${pkg_test_path}${file_name}" # Get the namespace set package_namespace "${package_key}::twt" if {$login_id eq ""} { if {$login_type == -2} { # set login_code "acs::test::user::create" set login_code " array set user_info \[acs::test::user::create\] twt::user::login \$user_info(email) \$user_info(password) " } elseif {$login_type == -1} { # set login_code "acs::test::user::create -admin" set login_code " array set user_info \[acs::test::user::create -admin\] twt::user::login \$user_info(email) \$user_info(password) " } } else { set login_code "ad_user_login -forever $login_id" } if { ![file exists $full_path] } { # file does not exist yet set file [open $full_path w+] puts $file " ad_library { This library was generated automatically for Automated tests for ${package_key} @author Automatically generated (Ref ${creation_user} ) @creation-date [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}] } namespace eval ${package_namespace} {} " } else { # file exists, let us do the job =) set file [open $full_path a] } # To be able to use these cases on other server instances # we need to replace the URL generated by TwtR # with the URL provided by ad_url, we could do # a string map or use the regexp or regsub like #regsub {::tclwebtest::do_request # \{http://([^:/]+)(:([0-9]*))?} $line [ad_url] new_line2 puts $file " #------------------------------------------ # Code for case ${test_name} #------------------------------------------ aa_register_case \ -cats {web smoke} \ -libraries {tclwebtest} \ ${test_name}_case {} {} { aa_log \"Running test case ${test_name} \" aa_log \"${test_description} \" set response 0 aa_log \" Log-in the user\" $login_code #------------------ TwtR code ----------------- ${test_code} #-------------- End ofTwtR code --------------- aa_log \"Test code executed\" set response_url \[tclwebtest::response url\] aa_log \"Response URL is \$response_url\" # Look for the text \$search_str if not empty if { \[string ne $search_str \"\"\] } { set string_list \[split \$search_str \",\"\] foreach item \$string_list { if { \[catch {tclwebtest::assert text \$item} errmsg\] } { aa_error \"Text \$item was not found!: \$errmsg\" incr errors } else { aa_log \"Good news! :), Text \$item was found!\" } } } # if no errors, test has passed if { !\$errors } { set response 1 } aa_log \"Finishing ${package_namespace}::${test_name}\" twt::user::logout aa_display_result \ -response \$response \ -explanation \"for test: ${test_name} \" } #------------------------------------------ # End of code for case ${test_name} #------------------------------------------ " close $file } -after_submit { set version_id [apm_version_id_from_package_key $package_key] apm_mark_version_for_reload $version_id files ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: