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- /packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/bootstrap.tcl
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# /packages/acs-tcl/bootstrap/bootstrap.tcl # # Code to bootstrap OpenACS, invoked by /tcl/0-acs-init.tcl. # # @creation-date 12 May 2000 # @author Jon Salz [] # @cvs-id $Id: bootstrap.tcl,v 1.38 2024/10/28 16:04:31 gustafn Exp $ if {![info exists ::acs::rootdir]} { # just a temporary measure before the release of OpenACS 5.8.1 ns_log warning "update openacs-4/tcl/0-acs-init.tcl" set ::acs::rootdir [file dirname [string trimright $::acs::tcllib "/"]] } # Remember the length of the error log file (so we can easily seek back to this # point later). This is used in /www/admin/monitoring/startup-log.tcl to show # the segment of the error log corresponding to server initialization (between # "AOLserver/xxx starting" and "AOLserver/xxx running"). # # GN: not used anymore, but could be reactivated in the future. Note that # the system log might be spooled to stderr or the like. #catch { nsv_set acs_properties initial_error_log_length [file size [ns_info log]] } # Initialize proc_doc NSV arrays. nsv_set proc_source_file . "" # Initialize ad_after_server_initialization. nsv_set ad_after_server_initialization . "" ns_log Notice "OpenACS bootstrap begin encoding [encoding system]" ### # # Bootstrapping code. # ### # A helper procedure called if a fatal error occurs. proc acs_bootstrap_fatal_error { message { throw_error_p 1 } } { # First of all, redefine the "rp_invoke_filter" and "rp_invoke_procs" # routines to do nothing, to circumvent the request processor. proc rp_invoke_filter { conn arg why } { return "filter_ok" } proc rp_invoke_procs { conn arg why } {} set proc_name {Bootstrap} # Save the error message. nsv_set bootstrap_fatal_error . "$message<blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $::errorInfo]</pre></blockquote>" # Log the error message. ns_log Error "$proc_name: Server startup failed: $message\n$::errorInfo" # Define a filter procedure which displays the appropriate error message. proc bootstrap_write_error { args } { ns_returnerror 503 "Server startup failed: [nsv_get bootstrap_fatal_error .]" return "filter_return" } # Register the filter on GET/POST/HEAD * to return this message. ns_register_filter preauth GET * bootstrap_write_error ns_register_filter preauth POST * bootstrap_write_error ns_register_filter preauth HEAD * bootstrap_write_error if { $throw_error_p } { return -code error -errorcode bootstrap_fatal_error "Bootstrap fatal error" } } set errno [catch { # Used for ns_logs: set proc_name Bootstrap # Load the special bootstrap Tcl library. set files [lsort [glob -nocomplain "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/tcl/*-procs.tcl"]] if { [llength $files] == 0 } { error "Unable to locate $::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/tcl/*-procs.tcl." } foreach file [lsort $files] { ns_log Notice "$proc_name: sourcing $file" source $file } db_bootstrap_set_db_type database_problem ##### # # Perform some checks to make sure that (a) a recent version of the Oracle or PG driver # is installed and (b) the OpenACS data model is properly loaded. # ##### # DRB: perform RDBMS-specific sanity checks if the user has survived the database # gauntlet thus far. if { ![info exists database_problem] } { set db_fn "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/db-init-checks-[nsv_get ad_database_type .].tcl" if { ![file isfile $db_fn] } { set database_problem "\"$db_fn\" does not exist." } else { source $db_fn } db_bootstrap_checks database_problem error_p } ns_log Notice "$proc_name: Loading acs-tcl" apm_bootstrap_load_libraries -procs acs-tcl if { [info exists database_problem] } { # Yikes - database problems. ns_log Error "$proc_name: $database_problem" # Check if the admin enabled the site-failure message, display # it if enabled. if { [file exists "$::acs::rootdir/www/global/site-failure.html"] } { ns_log Notice "$proc_name: database problem found; enabling www/global/site-failure.html. Rename this html page if you want to run the installer instead." source "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/site-failure-message.tcl" return } # Remember what the problem is, and run the installer. nsv_set acs_properties database_problem $database_problem ns_log Notice "$proc_name: database problem found; Sourcing the installer." source "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer.tcl" source "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer-init.tcl" return } # Here we need to at least load up queries for the acs-tcl and # acs-bootstrap-installer packages (ben) apm_bootstrap_load_queries acs-tcl apm_bootstrap_load_queries acs-bootstrap-installer # Is OpenACS installation complete? If not, source the installer and bail out. if { ![ad_verify_install] } { ns_log warning "$proc_name: Installation is not complete - sourcing the installer." source "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer.tcl" source "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer-init.tcl" return } # # The installation is apparently ok, we can use the database. It # should not be necessary to use the [ad_acs_kernel_id] redefine # trick, but to use a plain variable in the ::acs namespace. # set ::acs::kernel_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] ns_log notice "bootstrap: setting ::acs::kernel_id to $::acs::kernel_id" # # Load all parameters for enabled package instances. # ad_parameter_cache_all # Load the Tcl package init files. apm_bootstrap_load_libraries -init acs-tcl # LARS: Load packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/aa-test-procs.tcl if {[apm_load_tests_p]} { ns_log Notice "Loading acs-automated-testing specially so other packages can define tests..." apm_bootstrap_load_libraries -procs acs-automated-testing } # Build the list of subsite packages apm_build_subsite_packages_list # Build the nsv dependency and descendent structures apm_build_package_relationships # Load libraries, queries etc. for remaining packages apm_load_packages # The acs-tcl package is a special case. Its Tcl libraries need to be loaded # before all the other packages. However, its tests need to be loaded after all # packages have had their Tcl libraries loaded. apm_load_packages -load_libraries_p 0 -load_queries_p 0 -packages acs-tcl if { ![nsv_exists rp_properties rp_initialized] } { # security-init.tcl has not been invoked, so it's safe to say that the # core has not been properly initialized and the server will probably # fail catastrophically. acs_bootstrap_fatal_error "The request processor routines have not been loaded." } ns_log Notice "bootstrap finished encoding [encoding system]" ns_log Notice "$proc_name: Done loading OpenACS." }] if { $errno && $errno != 2 } { # An error occurred while bootstrapping. Handle it by registering a filter # to display the error message, rather than leaving the site administrator # to guess what broke. # If the $::errorCode is "bootstrap_fatal_error", then the error was explicitly # thrown by a call to acs_bootstrap_fatal_error. If not, acs_bootstrap_fatal_error # was never called, so we need to call it now. if {$::errorCode ne "bootstrap_fatal_error" } { acs_bootstrap_fatal_error "Error during bootstrapping" 0 } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: