Displays information about a page request.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-developer-support/www/request-info.tcl
- Author:
- Jon Salz <>
$Id: request-info.tcl,v 1.27 2024/09/11 06:15:47 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/acs-developer-support/www/request-info.xql
- packages/acs-developer-support/www/request-info.tcl
- packages/acs-developer-support/www/request-info.adp
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Displays information about a page request. @author Jon Salz ( @cvs-id $Id: request-info.tcl,v 1.27 2024/09/11 06:15:47 gustafn Exp $ } { request {rp_show_debug_p:boolean,notnull 0} {getrow_p:boolean,notnull "f"} } ds_require_permission [ad_conn package_id] "admin" set page_title "Request Information" set context [list $page_title] set page_fragment_cache_p [ds_page_fragment_cache_enabled_p] foreach name [nsv_array names ds_request] { ns_log Debug "DS: Checking request $request, $name." if { [regexp {^([0-9]+)\.([a-z]+)$} $name "" m_request key] && $m_request == $request } { set property($key) [nsv_get ds_request $name] } } if { [info exists property(start)] } { set expired_p 0 append body [subst { <h3>Parameters</h3> <blockquote> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr><th align="left">Request Start Time: </th> <td>[clock format [lindex $property(start) 0] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"] }] } else { set expired_p 1 append body [subst { The information for this request is gone - either the server has been restarted, or the request is more than [parameter::get -parameter DeveloperSupportLifetime -default 900] seconds old. }] return } if { [info exists property(conn)] } { foreach { key name } { end {Request Completion Time} endclicks {Request Duration} peeraddr IP method Method url URL query Query user_id {User ID} session_id {Session ID} browser_id {Browser ID} validated {Session Validation} error {Error} } { if { [dict exists $property(conn) $key] } { set raw [dict get $property(conn) $key] switch $key { error { set value "<pre>[ns_quotehtml $raw]</pre>" } endclicks { set value [format "%.f ms" [expr { ($raw - [dict get $property(conn) startclicks]) / 1000.0 }]] } end { set value [clock format $raw -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"] } user_id { if { [db_0or1row user_info { select first_names, last_name, email from users where user_id = :raw }] } { set value [subst { <a href="/shared/community-member?user_id=$raw">$raw</a>: $first_names $last_name (<a href="mailto:$email">mailto:$email</a>) }] } else { set value $raw } } default { set value [ns_quotehtml $raw] } } append body [subst { <tr valign="top"><th style="white-space: nowrap; text-align:left">$name: </th> <td>[expr {$value eq "" ? "(empty)" : $value}]</td> </tr> }] } } } append body "</table></blockquote>" if { [info exists property(rp)] } { append body [subst { <h3>Request Processor</h3> <ul> }] foreach rp $property(rp) { lassign $rp kind info startclicks endclicks action error if { $kind eq "debug" && !$rp_show_debug_p } { continue } set duration [format "%.1f ms" [expr { ($endclicks - $startclicks)/1000.0 }]] if { [info exists conn(startclicks)] } { append body "<li>[format "%+06.1f" [expr { ($startclicks - $conn(startclicks))/1000.0 }]] ms: " } else { append body "<li>" } switch $kind { transformation { lassign $info proc from to if { $to eq "" } { set to "?" } append body "Applied transformation from <b>$from -> $to</b> - $duration\n" } filter { lassign $info . kind method path proc args append body "Applied $kind filter: <b>$proc</b> [ns_quotehtml $args] (for $method $path) - $duration\n" if {$action eq "error"} { append body "<ul><li>returned error: <pre>[ns_quotehtml $error]</pre></ul>\n" } elseif { $action ne "" } { append body "<ul><li>returned $action</ul>\n" } } registered_proc { set proc [lindex $info 2] set args [lindex $info 3] append body "Called registered procedure: <b>$proc</b> [ns_quotehtml $args] for ($method $path) - $duration\n" if {$action eq "error"} { append body "<ul><li>returned error: <pre>[ns_quotehtml $error]</pre></ul>\n" } } serve_file { lassign $info file handler append body "Served file <b>$file</b> with <b>$handler</b> - $duration\n" if {$action eq "error"} { append body "<ul><li>returned error: <pre>[ns_quotehtml $error]</pre></ul>\n" } } notice { append body "$info\n" } debug { append body "<i>$info</i>\n" } } } if { !$rp_show_debug_p } { set href [export_vars -base "./request-info" -entire_form {{rp_show_debug_p 1}}] append body [subst { <p><a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">show RP debugging information</a> }] } append body "</ul>\n" } if { [info exists property(comment)] } { append body "<h3>Comments</h3><ul>\n" foreach comment $property(comment) { append body "<li>[ns_quotehtml $comment]\n" } append body "</ul>\n" } if { [info exists property(headers)] } { append body {<h3>Headers</h3> <blockquote><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> } foreach { name value } $property(headers) { append body [subst { <tr valign="top"> <th align="left">$name: </th> <td>[ns_quotehtml $value]</td> </tr> }] } append body "</table></blockquote>\n" } if { [info exists property(oheaders)] } { append body {<h3>Output Headers</h3> <blockquote><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> } foreach { name value } $property(oheaders) { append body [subst { <tr valign="top"> <th align="left">$name: </th> <td>[ns_quotehtml $value]</td> </tr> }] } append body "</table></blockquote>\n" } multirow create dbreqs handle command sql duration_ms value if { ![info exists property(db)] } { template::list::create \ -name dbreqs \ -elements { } } else { foreach { handle command statement_name sql start end errno return } $property(db) { if { $handle ne "" && [info exists pool($handle)] } { set statement_pool $pool($handle) } else { set statement_pool "" } if { $command eq "gethandle" } { # Remember which handle was acquired from which pool. set statement_pool $sql set value "gethandle (returned $return)" set pool($return) $sql } elseif { $command eq "releasehandle" } { set value "releasehandle $handle" } else { if { $statement_name eq "" } { set value "" } else { set value "$statement_name: " } # Remove extra whitespace before query set min_whitespace -1 foreach line [split $sql \n] { set len [string length $line] set trimleft_len [string length [string trimleft $line]] if { $trimleft_len > 0 } { set whitespace [expr {$len - $trimleft_len}] if { $min_whitespace == -1 || $whitespace < $min_whitespace } { set min_whitespace $whitespace } } } if { $min_whitespace > 0 } { set new_sql {} foreach line [split $sql \n] { append new_sql [string range $line $min_whitespace end] \n } set sql $new_sql } append value "$command $statement_pool $handle<pre>[ns_quotehtml $sql]</pre>" } if { $command ne "getrow" || [string is true -strict $getrow_p] } { multirow append dbreqs $handle [lindex $command 0] $sql [format %.2f [expr { $end - $start }]] $value } } multirow sort dbreqs -real -decreasing duration_ms template::list::create \ -name dbreqs \ -sub_class narrow \ -elements { duration_ms { label "Duration" html { align right } display_template {@dbreqs.duration_ms@ ms} aggregate sum } command { label "Command" } sql { label "SQL" aggregate_label "Total Duration (ms)" display_template {@dbreqs.value;noquote@} } } -filters { getrow_p { label "Getrow" values { {"Include" t} {"Exclude" f} } default_value t } request { hide_p t } } } # Profiling information global ds_profile__total_ms ds_profile__iterations template::list::create -name profiling -multirow profiling -elements { file_links { label "Ops" display_template { @profiling.file_links;noquote@ } } tag { label "Template" } total_ms { label "Total time" } size { label "Size" } } multirow create profiling tag total_ms file_links size if { [info exists property(prof)] } { foreach {tag time} $property(prof) { if {[file exists $tag]} { set file_links "<a href=\"send?fname=[ns_urlencode $tag]\" title=\"edit\">e</a>" append file_links " <a href=\"send?code=[ns_urlencode $tag]\" title=\"compiled code\">c</a>" } else { set file_links {} } if { $page_fragment_cache_p } { if { [string match "*.adp" $tag]} { append file_links " <a href=\"send?output=$request:[ns_urlencode $tag]\" title=\"output\">o</a>" if {[ns_cache get ds_page_bits "$request:$tag" dummy]} { set size [string length $dummy] } else { set size {?} } } else { append file_links " x" set size - } } else { set size {} } set total_ms [lc_numeric $time] multirow append profiling $tag $total_ms $file_links $size } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: