return x-editlocal or the code for the compiled function
- Location:
- /packages/acs-developer-support/www/search.tcl
- Author:
- Jeff Davis
- Created:
- 2005-02-02
$Id: search.tcl,v 1.5 2017/08/07 23:47:56 gustafn Exp $
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ad_page_contract { return x-editlocal or the code for the compiled function @author Jeff Davis <> @creation-date 2005-02-02 @cvs-id $Id: search.tcl,v 1.5 2017/08/07 23:47:56 gustafn Exp $ } { request:integer,notnull expression:notnull } ds_require_permission [ad_conn package_id] "admin" set context [list [list request-info?request=$request "request $request"] search] if {![ns_cache get ds_page_bits $request pages]} { set gone_p 1 } else { set gone_p 0 multirow create matches page excerpt file_links size foreach page $pages { if {![info exists matched($page)] && [ns_cache get ds_page_bits $request:$page content]} { if {[regexp -indices $expression $content offset]} { set file_links "<a href=\"send?fname=[ns_urlencode $page]\" title=\"edit\">e</a>" append file_links " <a href=\"send?code=[ns_urlencode $page]\" title=\"compiled code\">c</a>" append file_links " <a href=\"send?output=$request:[ns_urlencode $page]\" title=\"output\">o</a>" set size [string length $content] set highlight "...[ns_quotehtml [string trimleft [string range $content [expr {[lindex $offset 0] - 50}] [expr {[lindex $offset 0] - 1}]]]]<b>[ns_quotehtml [string range $content [lindex $offset 0] [lindex $offset 1]]]</b>[ns_quotehtml [string trimright [string range $content [expr {[lindex $offset 1] + 1}] [expr {[lindex $offset 1] + 50}]]]]..." multirow append matches $page $highlight $file_links $size } set matched($page) 1 } } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: