Interactive shell for executing commands in OpenACS
- Location:
- /packages/acs-developer-support/www/shell.tcl
- Author:
- Nis Jorgensen
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Interactive shell for executing commands in OpenACS @author Nis Jorgensen } { {script:optional,allhtml {}} } -properties { out } ds_require_permission [ad_conn package_id] "admin" if { ![acs_user::site_wide_admin_p] } { ad_return_warning "Error" "Sorry, only site-wide admins may use this." ad_script_abort } set page_title "OpenACS Shell" set context [list $page_title] set out {} ad_form -name shell -form { { script:text(textarea),nospell {label {Input Tcl Script}} {html {cols 80 rows 10}} } } -on_submit { if { "POST" ne [ns_conn method] } { set out "You cannot use GET to invoke a script on this page.\nClick OK to resubmit the form as a POST." } else { if {[catch {set out [uplevel 1 [string map {"\\\r\n" " "} $script]]}]} { set out "ERROR:\n$::errorInfo" } } } template::head::add_style -style { #script { border:1px solid #999999; width:100%; margin:5px 0; padding:3px; background-color: #f6f6f6; font-family: monospace; font-size: small; color: darkblue; } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: