Display a given service contract
- Location:
- /packages/acs-service-contract/www/binding-display.tcl
- Author:
- Jeff Davis
- Created:
- 2005-02-05
$Id: binding-display.tcl,v 2022/09/14 14:16:55 antoniop Exp $
Related Files
- packages/acs-service-contract/www/binding-display.tcl
- packages/acs-service-contract/www/binding-display.adp
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Display a given service contract @author Jeff Davis <> @creation-date 2005-02-05 @cvs-id $Id: binding-display.tcl,v 2022/09/14 14:16:55 antoniop Exp $ } { id impl_name:trim,notnull } set contract_name [db_string contract_name {select contract_name from acs_sc_contracts where contract_id = :id}] db_multirow contract contract { select o.contract_name, o.operation_name, o.operation_desc, (case when t.msg_type_id = o.operation_inputtype_id then 'input' else 'output' end) as inout, e.element_name as param, e.element_msg_type_isset_p as set_p, et.msg_type_name as param_type from acs_sc_operations o, acs_sc_msg_types t, acs_sc_msg_type_elements e, acs_sc_msg_types et where contract_id = :id and t.msg_type_id in (o.operation_inputtype_id, operation_outputtype_id) and e.msg_type_id = t.msg_type_id and et.msg_type_id = e.element_msg_type_id order by o.contract_name, o.operation_name, t.msg_type_name, e.element_pos } template::list::create \ -name binding \ -multirow binding \ -elements { impl_operation_name { label "Operation" } impl_pl { label "Language" } impl_alias { label "Alias" display_template {@binding.impl_alias;noquote@} } } db_multirow -extend {check} binding binding { select impl_operation_name, impl_alias, impl_pl from acs_sc_impl_aliases where impl_name = :impl_name and impl_contract_name = :contract_name order by lower(impl_operation_name) } { if {$impl_pl eq "TCL"} { regsub {^::} $impl_alias {} impl_alias if {[namespace which ::nsf::procs::$impl_alias] ne ""} { # # We are using NSF to define procs, so the arguments need # to be looked up on the NSF alias. # append impl_alias "</b> {[info args ::nsf::procs::$impl_alias]}" } elseif {[namespace which ::$impl_alias] ne ""} { # # This proc was defined via plain Tcl proc command. # append impl_alias "</b> {[info args ::$impl_alias]}" } elseif {[llength $impl_alias] > 1 && [namespace which ::xotcl::Object] ne "" && [::xotcl::Object isobject [lindex $impl_alias 0]] && [[lindex $impl_alias 0] info methods [lindex $impl_alias 1]] ne ""} { # - it looks like a method, # - we have XOTcl installed, # - the first word is an object, # - the second word is a method for the object, # ... so provide a link to the XOTcl API browser set href "/xotcl/show-object?object=[lindex $impl_alias 0]&show_methods=2" append impl_alias "<a href='[ns_quotehtml $href]'>" \ "<img border='0' src='/resources/acs-subsite/ZoomIn16.gif'></a>" } else { append impl_alias {</b> - <b style="color: red">NOT FOUND!</b>} } set impl_alias "<b>$impl_alias" } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: