ADP include for adding new users Expects parameters:
- Location:
- /packages/acs-subsite/lib/user-new.tcl
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ad_include_contract { ADP include for adding new users Expects parameters: @param self_register_p Is the form for users who self register (1) or for administrators who create oher users (0)? @param next_url Any url to redirect to after the form has been submitted. The variables user_id, password, and account_messages will be added to the URL. Optional. @param email Prepopulate the register form with given email. Optional. @param return_url URL to redirect to after creation, will not get any query vars added @param rel_group_id The name of a group which you want to relate this user to after creating the user. Will add an element to the form where the user can pick a relation among the permissible rel-types for the group. Can be empty. } { {self_register_p:boolean 1} {next_url ""} {email ""} {return_url ""} {rel_group_id:integer ""} } ::util::block_request -condition {[ns_conn pool] eq "bots"} -target bots # # Check if user can self register auth::self_registration # Redirect to HTTPS if so configured if { [security::RestrictLoginToSSLP] } { security::require_secure_conn } # Log user out if currently logged in, if specified in the includeable chunk's parameters, # e.g. not when creating accounts for other users if { $self_register_p } { ad_user_logout } # Redirect to the registration assessment if there is one, if not, continue with the regular # registration form. set implName [parameter::get -parameter "RegistrationImplName" -package_id [subsite::main_site_id]] set callback_url [callback -catch -impl "$implName" user::registration] if { $callback_url ne "" } { ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base $callback_url { return_url }] ad_script_abort } # Pre-generate user_id for double-click protection set user_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] ns_log notice "===== 1 acs-subsite/lib/user-new user_id=$user_id" ad_form -name register -export {next_url user_id return_url} -form [auth::get_registration_form_elements] # # Standard validator # set validate { {email {[party::get_by_email -email $email] eq ""} "[_ acs-subsite.Email_already_exists]" } } ns_log notice "===== 2 acs-subsite/lib/user-new user_id=$user_id email ok $email" # # Handling of additional groups # if { $rel_group_id ne "" } { ad_form -extend -name register -form { {rel_group_id:integer(hidden),optional} } if { [permission::permission_p -object_id $rel_group_id -privilege "admin"] } { ad_form -extend -name register -form { {rel_type:text(select) {label "Role"} {options {[group::get_rel_types_options -group_id $rel_group_id]}} } } } else { ad_form -extend -name register -form { {rel_type:text(hidden) {value "membership_rel"} } } } } # # Register the validators after all form-fields were added (in case # conditional fields were added needing validators). # ad_form -extend -name register -validate $validate ad_form -extend -name register -on_request { # Populate elements from local variables } -on_submit { ns_log notice "NEW USER $email request from peer=[ns_conn peeraddr], ($first_names, $last_name, $password, $secret_question, $secret_answer, $url)\n[ns_set array [ns_conn headers]]" #### temporary spam measure set sender_addr [lindex [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] x-forwarded-for] end] set is_spam 0 set spamRE [parameter::get -parameter SpamUserNameRegexp -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -default ""] if {$spamRE ne ""} {set is_spam [regexp $spamRE "$first_names, $last_name"]} if {!$is_spam && $sender_addr ne ""} {ns_log notice "NEW USER forwarded=$sender_addr";set is_spam [string match "72.232*" $sender_addr]} if {$is_spam} { ns_log notice "NEW USER $email REJECTED" ad_return_warning "spammer alert" \ "The request looks like a spam attack. please contact" ad_script_abort } db_transaction { ns_log notice "===== 4 " ns_log notice [list auth::create_user \ -user_id $user_id \ -verify_password_confirm \ -username $username \ -email $email \ -first_names $first_names \ -last_name $last_name \ -screen_name $screen_name \ -password $password \ -password_confirm $password_confirm \ -url $url \ -secret_question $secret_question \ -secret_answer $secret_answer] array set creation_info [auth::create_user \ -user_id $user_id \ -verify_password_confirm \ -username $username \ -email $email \ -first_names $first_names \ -last_name $last_name \ -screen_name $screen_name \ -password $password \ -password_confirm $password_confirm \ -url $url \ -secret_question $secret_question \ -secret_answer $secret_answer] ns_log notice "===== 3 acs-subsite/lib/user-new creation_info [array get creation_info]" if { $creation_info(creation_status) eq "ok" && $rel_group_id ne "" } { group::add_member \ -group_id $rel_group_id \ -user_id $user_id \ -rel_type $rel_type } } # Handle registration problems switch -- $creation_info(creation_status) { ok { # Continue below } default { # Adding the error to the first element, but only if there are no element messages if { [llength $creation_info(element_messages)] == 0 } { array set reg_elms [auth::get_registration_elements] set first_elm [lindex [concat $reg_elms(required) $reg_elms(optional)] 0] form set_error register $first_elm $creation_info(creation_message) } # Element messages foreach { elm_name elm_error } $creation_info(element_messages) { form set_error register $elm_name $elm_error } break } } switch -- $creation_info(account_status) { ok { # Continue below } default { if {[parameter::get -parameter RegistrationRequiresEmailVerificationP -default 0] && $creation_info(account_status) eq "closed"} { ad_return_warning "Email Validation is required" $creation_info(account_message) ad_script_abort } if {[parameter::get -parameter RegistrationRequiresApprovalP -default 0] && $creation_info(account_status) eq "closed"} { ad_return_warning "Account approval is required" $creation_info(account_message) ad_script_abort } # Display the message on a separate page ad_returnredirect \ -message $creation_info(account_message) \ -html \ "[subsite::get_element -element url]register/account-closed" ad_script_abort } } } -after_submit { if { $next_url ne "" } { # # Add user_id and account_message to the URL, but do not pass # password via query parameter. We have to make sure that # $next_url tries to get the password from the client property # as well. # security::set_client_property_password $password if {$::acs::pass_password_as_query_variable} { ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base $next_url { user_id password {account_message $creation_info(account_message)} }] } else { ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base $next_url { user_id {account_message $creation_info(account_message)} }] } ad_script_abort } ns_log notice "===== 4 acs-subsite/lib/user-new User is registered and logged in" # User is registered and logged in if { $return_url eq "" } { # Redirect to subsite home page. set return_url [subsite::get_element -element url] } # If the user is self registering, then try to set the preferred # locale (assuming the user has set it as an anonymous visitor # before registering). if { $self_register_p } { # We need to explicitly get the cookie and not use # lang::user::locale, as we are now a registered user, # but one without a valid locale setting. set locale [ad_get_cookie "ad_locale"] if { $locale ne "" } { lang::user::set_locale $locale ad_set_cookie -replace t -max_age 0 "ad_locale" "" } } # Handle account_message if { $creation_info(account_message) ne "" && $self_register_p } { # Only do this if user is self-registering # as opposed to creating an account for someone else ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base "[subsite::get_element -element url]register/account-message" { { message $creation_info(account_message) } return_url }] ad_script_abort } else { # No messages ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } } ns_log notice "===== END acs-subsite/lib/user-new" # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: