Adds a new party
- Location:
- /packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.tcl
- Author:
- Created:
- 2000-02-07
$Id: new.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:36:15 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.xql
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.tcl
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.adp
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new-postgresql.xql
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new-oracle.xql
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Adds a new party @author @creation-date 2000-02-07 @cvs-id $Id: new.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:36:15 gustafn Exp $ } { party_type:notnull { party_type_exact_p:boolean,notnull t } { party_id:naturalnum "" } { ""} { return_url:localurl "" } {add_to_group_id:naturalnum ""} {add_with_rel_type "membership_rel"} {group_rel_type_list ""} } -properties { context:onevalue party_type_pretty_name:onevalue attributes:multirow } set context [list [list "" "Parties"] "Add a party"] if {$add_to_group_id eq ""} { set add_to_group_id [application_group::group_id_from_package_id] } set export_var_list [list \ party_id party_type add_to_group_id add_with_rel_type \ return_url party_type_exact_p group_rel_type_list] db_1row group_info { select group_name as add_to_group_name, join_policy as add_to_group_join_policy from groups where group_id = :add_to_group_id } # We assume the group is on side 1... db_1row rel_type_info {} set create_p [permission::permission_p -object_id $add_to_group_id -privilege "create"] # Membership relations have a member_state attribute that gets set # based on the group's join policy. if {$ancestor_rel_type eq "membership_rel"} { if {$add_to_group_join_policy eq "closed" && !$create_p} { ad_complain "You do not have permission to add elements to $add_to_group_name" return } set member_state [group::default_member_state -join_policy $add_to_group_join_policy -create_p $create_p] } else { set member_state "" } # Select out the party name and the party's object type. Note we can # use 1row because the validate filter above will catch missing parties db_1row select_type_info { select t.pretty_name as party_type_pretty_name, t.table_name from acs_object_types t where t.object_type = :party_type } # Check if the new party needs to first be added in other segments before # being added to $add_to_group_id using $add_with_rel_type. if {$group_rel_type_list eq ""} { set required_group_rel_type_list [relation_required_segments_multirow \ -datasource_name required_segments \ -group_id $add_to_group_id \ -rel_type $add_with_rel_type] if {[llength $required_group_rel_type_list] > 0} { # There are required segments that the soon-to-exist party must be in # before it can be added to $add_to_group_id with rel type # $add_with_rel_type. We'll return a notice to the user, and give # them a link to begin the process of adding the party in the right # segments. # set up variables for template set rel_type_pretty_name [subsite::util::object_type_pretty_name $add_with_rel_type] set group_name [acs_object_name $add_to_group_id] set object_type_pretty_name $party_type_pretty_name # We're going to have to pass the required_group_rel_type_list to the # next page. The easiest way I see to do this is just encode the list # in a variable, since the list is just a string anyways. # We don't care about the first group/rel_type combo, because we'll pass # that information explicitly in other variables. set group_rel_type_list [lrange $required_group_rel_type_list 1 end] # We also want to make sure that the user is finally returned to a page # where they can put the new party in the original group they were # attempting, and with the original relationship type they wanted. # We can't use return_url because we don't yet know the party_id. So # we'll just add to group_rel_type_list lappend group_rel_type_list [list $add_to_group_id $add_with_rel_type] lappend export_var_list group_rel_type_list set export_url_vars [export_vars -exclude {add_to_group_id add_with_rel_type} $export_var_list] ad_return_template new-list-required-segments return } } ### This page redirects to different pages for groups or rel_segments. ### We have to check whether the party_type is a type of group or rel_segment. # Get a list of types in the type hierarchy that are in the path between # 'party' and $party_type set object_type_path_list [subsite::util::object_type_path_list $party_type party] set redirects_for_type [list \ group "groups/new?group_id=$party_id&group_type_exact_p=$party_type_exact_p&group_type=$party_type&[export_vars -exclude {party_id party_type_exact_p party_type} $export_var_list]" \ rel_segment "rel-segments/new?segment_id=$party_id&group_id=$add_to_group_id" \ user "users/new?user_id=$party_id&[export_vars -exclude {party_id party_type_exact_p party_type} $export_var_list]"] foreach {type url} $redirects_for_type { if {[lsearch $object_type_path_list $type] != -1} { ad_returnredirect [ad_conn package_url]admin/$url ad_script_abort } } if { $party_type_exact_p == "f" && [subsite::util::sub_type_exists_p $party_type] } { # Sub party-types exist... select one set party_type_exact_p "t" set export_url_vars [export_vars -exclude party_type $export_var_list ] party::types_valid_for_rel_type_multirow -datasource_name object_types -start_with $party_type -rel_type $add_with_rel_type set object_type_pretty_name $party_type_pretty_name set this_url [ad_conn url] set object_type_variable party_type ad_return_template add-select-type return } template::form create add_party if { [template::form is_request add_party] } { foreach var $export_var_list { template::element create add_party $var \ -value [set $var] \ -datatype text \ -widget hidden } # Set the object id for the new party template::element set_properties add_party party_id \ -value [db_nextval "acs_object_id_seq"] } attribute::add_form_elements -form_id add_party -variable_prefix party -start_with party -object_type $party_type attribute::add_form_elements -form_id add_party -variable_prefix rel -start_with relationship -object_type $add_with_rel_type if { [template::form is_valid add_party] } { db_transaction { set party_id [party::new \ -email ${} \ -form_id add_party \ -variable_prefix party \ -party_id $party_id \ -context_id [ad_conn package_id] \ $party_type] relation_add -member_state $member_state $add_with_rel_type $add_to_group_id $party_id } # there may be more segments to put this new party in before the # user's original request is complete. So build a return_url stack foreach group_rel_type $group_rel_type_list { lassign $group_rel_type next_group_id next_rel_type lappend return_url_list \ [export_vars -base "../relations/add" { {group_id $next_group_id} {rel_type $next_rel_type} party_id {allow_out_of_scope_p t} }] } # Add the original return_url as the last one in the list lappend return_url_list $return_url set return_url_stacked [subsite::util::return_url_stack $return_url_list] ad_returnredirect $return_url_stacked ad_script_abort } ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: