- Location:
- /packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/system/db-table-data.tcl
- Author:
- Guenter Ernst guenter.ernst@wu-wien.ac.at
- Created:
- 14.09.2007
Related Files
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/system/db-table-data.tcl
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/system/db-table-data.adp
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ad_page_contract { @author Guenter Ernst guenter.ernst@wu-wien.ac.at @creation-date 14.09.2007 } { t:notnull {c:optional} {orderby:optional {}} {where:optional,allhtml {}} {offset:integer,optional {0}} {limit:optional {100}} } -validate { table_exists -requires {t:notnull} { if {![regexp {^(.*?)\.(.*)$} $t _ namespace table]} { set namespace "public" set table $table } set sql { select c.oid, c.relname, n.nspname, Case when c.relkind = 'r' then 'Table' else 'View' end as relkind_pretty from pg_class c inner join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where n.nspname=:namespace and c.relname=:table and c.relkind in ('r','v') } if {![db_0or1row check_table $sql]} { ad_complain "Table $t not found" return } } where_has_no_double_quotes -requires {where} { if {[regexp {\"} $where]} { ad_complain "No Double Quotes in WHERE-Clause" return } if {$where ne ""} { set where " where $where" } } } # source table selector set options [list] db_foreach get_tables {select n.nspname || '.' || c.relname as fq_table_name, relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace where relkind in ('r','v') order by fq_table_name} { lappend options [list ${fq_table_name}[expr {$relkind eq "v"?" (View)":""}] $fq_table_name] } # einschränken der ergebnisse ad_form \ -name restrictions \ -mode edit \ -form { {orderby:text(hidden) {value $orderby} } {t:text(select) {label "Select Table/View"} {options $options} {html {onchange "document.getElementById('restrictions_where').value='';"}} {value $t} } {where:text(text),optional {label "Where clause"} {value $where} {help_text {Without 'WHERE'}} } {limit:text(text),optional {label "Limit"} {html {size 5}} {value $limit} {help_text {Default: 100; Use 'ALL' to remove limit}} } {offset:integer(text),optional {label "Offset"} {html {size 5}} {value $offset} } } -on_submit { if {$limit eq ""} {set limit all} if {$offset eq ""} {set offset 0} if {[string trim $where] ne ""} { set where "where $where" } } # count all row set table_rows [lc_numeric num [db_string count_rows "select count(*) from $t" -default 0]] set columns [list] set cols_sql {select attname, attnum, (select count(*) > 0 from pg_constraint r where r.conrelid = :oid and r.contype='f' and attnum = any (r.conkey)) as foreign_key_p from pg_attribute where attnum > 0 and NOT attisdropped and attrelid = :oid order by attnum} set columns_list [db_list_of_lists get_columns $cols_sql] db_foreach get_columns_list $cols_sql { lappend columns $attname set attnum_attname_map($attnum) $attname set f_key_map($attnum) $foreign_key_p } # get the foreign key constraints for this table # and map them to the corresponding colums set sql "select (select n.nspname || '.' || c.relname as table_name from pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace where c.oid = con.confrelid) as fq_target_fk_table_name, (select at.attname from pg_attribute at where at.attrelid = con.confrelid and at.attnum = con.confkey\[1\]) as fk_column_name, con.conkey\[1\]::integer from pg_constraint con where con.conrelid = :oid and con.confkey is not null" db_foreach get_fk_list $sql { set fk_target_map($conkey) [list $fq_target_fk_table_name $fk_column_name] set f_key($conkey) 1 } # get all tables that have a foreign-key relation to this table set sql {SELECT r.confkey[1]::integer, (select at.attname from pg_attribute at where at.attrelid = r.conrelid and at.attnum = r.conkey[1]) as ref_fk_column_name, (select n.nspname || '.' || c.relname as table_name from pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace where c.oid = r.conrelid) as ref_fk_table_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r WHERE r.confrelid = :oid and r.contype='f' order by ref_fk_table_name, ref_fk_column_name} ::template::multirow create fk_references column ref_table ref_column db_foreach get_ref_fks $sql { ::template::multirow append fk_references $attnum_attname_map($confkey) $ref_fk_table_name $ref_fk_column_name set ref_fk_p($confkey) 1 } ######################## set filters [list] set order_by [list] foreach column $columns { lappend order_by $column [list label "$column" orderby $column] } if {([info exists orderby] && $orderby ne "") && [lsearch $columns [lindex [split $orderby ","] 0]] == -1} { set orderby [lindex $columns 0] } if {(![info exists orderby] || $orderby eq "")} {set orderby [lindex $columns 0]} ###################################################### ### Create the list template ###################################################### # create list elements set elements [list] set idx 1 foreach element $columns { lappend elements $element [list label "$element" \ sub_class "narrow" \ html {style "border-right:1px solid #A0BDEB;border-left:1px solid #A0BDEB;"} \ display_template "@table.$element@[expr {[info exists f_key($idx)] && $f_key_map($idx)==t?"<if @table.$element@ ne \"\"><sup><b>\ <a href='db-table-data?t=[lindex $fk_target_map($idx) 0]\&where=[lindex $fk_target_map($idx) 1]%3d%27@table.$element@%27' \ title='Foreign-key from [lindex $fk_target_map($idx) 0]([lindex $fk_target_map($idx) 1])'>FK</a></b></sup></if>":""}]\ [expr {[info exists ref_fk_p($idx)]==1?"<sup><span style='color:blue;cursor:pointer;' title='This value is used as a foreign-key in an other table. Click for a list of all tables using this value' id='$element@table.rownum@' onclick=\"show_${element}Menu(@table.$element@,'$element@table.rownum@');\">RFK</span></sup>":""}] " \ ] incr idx } list::create \ -name "table" \ -multirow "table" \ -no_data "Keine Daten vorhanden" \ -pass_properties {t c return_url} \ -pass_to_urls {t where offset limit} \ -page_flush_p t \ -elements $elements \ -filters $filters \ -orderby $order_by # ###################################################### # ###### Create the sql query string (for the data) # ###################################################### # set sql_str "select [join $columns ,] from ${namespace}.${table} $where [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name "table"] limit $limit offset $offset" db_multirow table get_data $sql_str ad_return_template