A tiny chat client
- Location:
- /packages/acs-subsite/www/shared/ajax/chat.tcl
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann <>
- Created:
- Jan 31, 2006
$Id: chat.tcl,v 2024/04/29 14:00:42 antoniop Exp $
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { A tiny chat client @author Gustaf Neumann ( @creation-date Jan 31, 2006 @cvs-id $Id: chat.tcl,v 2024/04/29 14:00:42 antoniop Exp $ } -query { m:oneof(add_msg|get_new|subscribe|login|get_all) id:integer s msg:optional,allhtml class:token {mode ""} } # # Ensure chat is supported on this system. This currently requires the # xowiki package. # if {[namespace which ::xo::ChatClass] eq "" || ![::xo::ChatClass is_chat_p $class]} { ns_returnnotfound ad_script_abort } # # We need an object to enforce permissions. If the chat id is not that # of an object, we will use the package id. # set object_id [db_string lookup_object { select object_id from acs_objects where object_id = :id } -default [ad_conn package_id]] if {[acs_object::is_type_p \ -object_id $object_id \ -object_types chat_room]} { # # chat package has its own permission checking # set class ::chat::Chat } else { # # On other types of objects, we at least make sure the user can # read. # ::permission::require_permission \ -object_id $object_id \ -privilege "read" } #ns_log notice "### chat.tcl mode <$mode> class <$class>" #ns_log notice "--chat m=$m session_id=$s [clock format [lindex [split $s .] 1] -format %H:%M:%S] mode=$mode" $class create c1 -destroy_on_cleanup -chat_id $id -session_id $s -mode $mode switch -- $m { add_msg { #ns_log notice "--c call c1 $m '$msg'" ns_return 200 application/json [c1 $m $msg] } get_new { ns_return 200 application/json [c1 $m] } subscribe { # # This method might take the current connection for the # subscription. If this is the case, the connection is after # this call already closed. Otherwise return a short acknowledge # (or error message) for termination. # set _ [c1 $m] if {[ns_conn isconnected]} { ns_return 200 text/html [subst {<HTML><body>$_</body></HTML>}] } } login - get_all { set _ [c1 $m] ns_return 200 text/html [subst {<HTML><body>$_</body></HTML>}] } } ad_script_abort #ns_log notice "--chat.tcl $m: returns '$_'" # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: