
DB Query file

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

<fullquery name="application_link::delete_links.linked_packages">
	    select rel_id
	    from acs_rels
	    where rel_type = 'application_link'
	    and (object_id_one = :package_id
		 or object_id_two = :package_id)

<fullquery name="application_link::get.linked_packages">
	select object_id_two
	from acs_rels
	where object_id_one = :package_id
	and rel_type = 'application_link'

<fullquery name="application_link::get_linked.linked_package">
	select p.package_id
	from acs_rels r, apm_packages p
	where r.object_id_one = :from_package_id
	and r.object_id_two = p.package_id
	and p.package_key = :to_package_key
	and r.rel_type = 'application_link'
