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- /packages/acs-templating/tcl/tag-init.tcl
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ad_library { Tag Handlers for the ArsDigita Templating System Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation Authors: Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) Stanislav Freidin (sfreidin@arsdigita.com) Christian Brechbuehler (chrisitan@arsdigita.com) $Id: tag-init.tcl,v 1.55 2024/11/13 08:40:51 gustafn Exp $ This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Putting tag handlers in namespaces does not seem to work! #----------------------------------------------------------- template::tag tcl { chunk params } { # # Add some escaped Tcl # # if the chunk begins with = then add our own append if { [string index $chunk 0] eq "=" } { template::adp_append_code "append __adp_output [string range $chunk 1 end]" } else { template::adp_append_code $chunk } } template::tag property { chunk params } { # # Set a property for the template. Properties are primarily for # the benefit of the master template to display appropriate # context, such as the title, navigation links, etc. # set name [ns_set iget $params name] set adp [ns_set iget $params adp 0] # quote dollar signs, square bracket and quotes regsub -all -- {[\]\[\"\\$]} $chunk {\\&} quoted_chunk if {$adp} { regsub -all -- {<tcl>} $quoted_chunk {<%} quoted_chunk regsub -all -- {</tcl>} $quoted_chunk {%>} quoted_chunk template::adp_append_code "set __adp_properties($name) \[ns_adp_parse -string \"$quoted_chunk\"\]" } else { template::adp_append_code "set __adp_properties($name) \"$quoted_chunk\"" } } template::tag master { params } { # # Set the master template. # set src [ns_set iget $params src] set slave_properties_p [template::get_attribute master $params slave-properties-p 0] if {[string is true -strict $slave_properties_p]} { template::adp_append_code { foreach {__key __value} $__args { if {$__key ne "__adp_slave"} { set __adp_properties($__key) $__value } } } } # default to the site-wide master if {$src eq ""} { set src {[parameter::get -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -parameter DefaultMaster -default "/www/default-master"]} } template::adp_append_code [subst -nocommands { set __adp_master [template::util::master_to_file "$src" "\$__adp_stub"] }] } template::tag slave { params } { # # Insert the slave template # #Start developer support frame around subordinate template. if { [namespace which ::ds_enabled_p] ne "" && [namespace which ::ds_adp_start_box] ne "" } { ::ds_adp_start_box } template::adp_append_code { if { [info exists __adp_slave] } { append __adp_output $__adp_slave } } #End developer support frame around subordinate template. if { [namespace which ::ds_enabled_p] ne "" && [namespace which ::ds_adp_end_box] ne "" } { ::ds_adp_end_box } } d_proc -private template::template_tag_include_helper_code { -command -src {-ds_avail_p 0} } { if {$ds_avail_p} { set __DS_CODE__ { if {[info exists ::ds_enabled_p] && [info exists ::ds_collection_enabled_p] } { set __include_errors {} ns_cache get ds_page_bits [ad_conn request]:error __include_errors ns_cache set ds_page_bits [ad_conn request]:error [lappend __include_errors [list "__SRC__" $::errorInfo]] } } } else { set __DS_CODE__ "" } # Handle errors in the included snippet the following way: # - script-aborts are passed to the upper levels via "ad_try". # - If the included snippet leads to an error, include # it in the result and log it in the error log set snippet { ad_try { append __adp_output [__COMMAND__] } on error {errorMsg} { set templateFile [template::util::url_to_file __SRC__ $__adp_stub] append __adp_output "Error in include template \"$templateFile\": [ns_quotehtml $errorMsg]" # JCD: If we have the ds_page_bits cache maybe save the error for later __DS_CODE__ ad_log Error "Error in include template \"$templateFile\": $errorMsg" } } # # In order to avoid potential problems with substitution # patterns containing ampersand or backslashes, we use here a # scripted, purely string based substitution (which applies only # at "compilation time", therefore, performance is less critical. # # We have still to protect the case, that the passed-in $src # contains "__COMMAND__" which has to be protected. The # __DS_CODE__ is under our control, the content of __COMMAND__ # will not be substituted. # set containsMagicString [regsub -all __COMMAND__ $src \u0001 __SRC__] set __COMMAND__ $command foreach v {__DS_CODE__ __SRC__ __COMMAND__} { set startPos 0 set s "" set l [string length $v] while {1} { set p [string first $v $snippet $startPos] if {$p == -1} { append s [string range $snippet $startPos end] break } append s [string range $snippet $startPos $p-1] [set $v] set startPos $p incr startPos $l } #ns_log notice "=== include SNIPPET after $v substitution\n$s" set snippet $s } if {$containsMagicString} { regsub -all \u0001 $snippet __COMMAND__ snippet } #ns_log notice "final include SNIPPET\n$snippet" return $snippet } ad_proc -private template::template_tag_include_command {src params} { # pass additional arguments as key-value pairs set command "template::adp_parse" append command " \[template::util::url_to_file \"$src\" \"\$__adp_stub\"\]" append command " \[list" foreach {key value} [ns_set array $params] { if {$key in {src ds}} { continue } append command [subst { $key "$value"}] } append command "\]" return $command } ad_proc -private template::template_tag_include_helper {params} { Include another template in the current template } { set src [ns_set iget $params src] set ds [ns_set iget $params ds 1] set ds_avail_p [expr {[namespace which ::ds_adp_start_box] ne "" }] #Start developer support frame around subordinate template. if { $ds && [namespace which ::ds_enabled_p] ne "" && $ds_avail_p } { ::ds_adp_start_box -stub "\[template::util::url_to_file \"$src\" \"\$__adp_stub\"\]" } template::adp_append_code [template::template_tag_include_helper_code \ -ds_avail_p [expr {[namespace which ::ds_adp_start_box] ne "" }] \ -src $src \ -command [template::template_tag_include_command $src $params]] # End developer support frame around subordinate template. if { $ds && [namespace which ::ds_enabled_p] ne "" && $ds_avail_p } { ::ds_adp_end_box -stub "\[template::util::url_to_file \"$src\" \"\$__adp_stub\"\]" } } template::tag include { params } { # # Check, if the src can be resolved against resources/templates in # the theme package # ns_set iupdate $params src [template::themed_template [ns_set iget $params src]] template::template_tag_include_helper $params } template::tag widget { params } { # # <widget> is very similar to <include>, but uses widget specific # name resolution based on themes. If the theme package contains # resources/widgets/$specifiedName it is used from # there. Otherwise it behaves exactly like <include> (without the # resources/templates/ theming) # set src [ns_set iget $params src] set adp_stub [template::resource_path -type widgets -style $src -relative] if {[file exists $::acs::rootdir/$adp_stub.adp]} { ns_set iupdate $params src $adp_stub } template::template_tag_include_helper $params } template::tag multiple { chunk params } { # # Repeat a template chunk for each row of a multirow data source # set name [template::get_attribute multiple $params name ] set startrow [template::get_attribute multiple $params startrow 0] set maxrows [template::get_attribute multiple $params maxrows -1]; #unlimit set delimiter [template::get_attribute multiple $params delimiter ""] set tag_id [template::current_tag] set i "__${tag_id}_i" template::adp_append_code " if {\[info exists $name\]} { upvar 0 $name __${tag_id}_swap } for { set $i [expr {1 + $startrow}] } { \$$i <= \${$name:rowcount}" if {$maxrows >= 0} { template::adp_append_code " && \$$i <= $maxrows + $startrow" \ -nobreak } template::adp_append_code " } { incr $i } { upvar 0 $name:\$$i $name " -nobreak template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk if { $delimiter ne "" } { template::adp_append_code " if { \$$i < \${$name:rowcount}" if {$maxrows >= 0} { template::adp_append_code " && \$$i < $maxrows + $startrow" \ -nobreak } template::adp_append_code " } {\n" template::adp_append_string $delimiter template::adp_append_code "\n}\n" } template::adp_append_code "} if {\[info exists __${tag_id}_swap\]} { upvar 0 __${tag_id}_swap $name }" } template::tag list { chunk params } { # # Repeat a template chunk for each item in a list # # the list tag accepts a value so that it may be used without a data # source in the Tcl script set value [ns_set iget $params value] # If the value exists, use it and create a fake name for it if { ![template::util::is_nil value] } { set name [ns_set iget $params name "__ats_list_value"] template::adp_append_code [list set $name $value] template::adp_append_code "set $name:rowcount \[llength \$$name\]\n" } else { # Expect a data source from the Tcl script set name [template::get_attribute list $params name] template::adp_append_code "\nset {$name:rowcount} \[llength \${$name}\]\n" } template::adp_append_code " for { set __ats_${name}_i 0 } { \$__ats_${name}_i < \${$name:rowcount} } { incr __ats_${name}_i } { set $name:item \[lindex \${$name} \$__ats_${name}_i\] set $name:rownum \[expr {\$__ats_${name}_i + 1}\] " template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "}" } template::tag group { chunk params } { # # Create a recursed group, generating a recursive multirow block # until the column name stays the same # set column [template::get_attribute group $params column] set delimiter [template::get_attribute group $params delimiter ""] # Scan the parameter stack backward, looking for the tag name set multiple_tag_id [template::enclosing_tag multiple] if {$multiple_tag_id eq {}} { error "No enclosing MULTIPLE tag for GROUP tag on column $column" } # Get the name of the multiple variable we're looping over set name [template::tag_attribute $multiple_tag_id name] set tag_id [template::current_tag] # If we're inside another group tag, we'll need to save and restore that tag's groupnum and groupnum_last_p values # Find enclosing group tag, if one exists set group_tag_id [template::enclosing_tag group] # Save groupnum pseudocolumns from surrounding group tag # We don't care about saving groupnum_last_p, since this doesn't work # for group tags that have other group tags inside them, since we can't know # if we're the last row until the inner group tag has eaten up all the # rows between the start of this tag and the end. if { $group_tag_id ne "" } { template::adp_append_code " if { \[info exists ${name}(groupnum)\] } { set __${tag_id}_${group_tag_id}_groupnum \$${name}(groupnum) } " } set i "__${multiple_tag_id}_i" # while the value of name(column) stays the same template::adp_append_code " set __${tag_id}_group_rowcount 1 while { 1 } { set ${name}(groupnum) \$__${tag_id}_group_rowcount if { \$$i >= \${$name:rowcount} } { set ${name}(groupnum_last_p) 1 } else { upvar 0 ${name}:\[expr {\$$i + 1}\] $name:next set ${name}(groupnum_last_p) \[expr {\${${name}:next(${column})} ne \$${name}($column)}\] } " template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk # look ahead to the next value and break if it is different # otherwise advance the cursor to the next row template::adp_append_code [subst -nocommands { if { \$$i >= \${$name:rowcount} } { break } upvar 0 ${name}:[expr {\$$i + 1}] $name:next if { \${${name}:next($column)} ne \$${name}(${column}) } { break } }] if { $delimiter ne "" } { template::adp_append_string $delimiter } template::adp_append_code " incr $i upvar 0 $name:\$$i $name incr __${tag_id}_group_rowcount } " # Restore saved groupnum pseudocolumns if { $group_tag_id ne "" } { set varName __${tag_id}_${group_tag_id}_groupnum template::adp_append_code [subst -nocommands { if { [info exists $varName] } { set ${name}(groupnum) \$$varName } }] } } template::tag grid { chunk params } { # # Repeat a template chunk consisting of a grid cell for each row # of a multirow data source # set name [template::get_attribute grid $params name] # cols must be a float for ceil to work set cols [template::get_attribute grid $params cols] # Horizontal or vertical ? set orientation [template::get_attribute grid $params orientation vertical] template::adp_append_code " set rows \[expr {ceil(\${$name:rowcount} / $cols.0)}\] for { set __r 1 } { \$__r <= \$rows } { incr __r } { for { set __c 1 } { \$__c <= $cols } { incr __c } { " if {$orientation eq "vertical"} { template::adp_append_code " set rownum \[expr {1 + int((\$__r - 1) + ((\$__c - 1) * \$rows))}\] " } else { template::adp_append_code " set rownum \[expr {1 + int((\$__c - 1) + ((\$__r - 1) * $cols))}\] " } template::adp_append_code " upvar 0 $name:\$rownum $name set ${name}(rownum) \$rownum set ${name}(row) \$__r set ${name}(col) \$__c " template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code " } }" } template::tag if { chunk params } { template::template_tag_if_condition $chunk $params if } template::tag elseif { chunk params } { template::template_tag_if_condition $chunk $params elseif } template::tag else { chunk params } { # # Append an "else" clause to the if expression # template::adp_append_code "else {" -nobreak template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "}" } template::tag noparse { chunk params } { # # Output a template chunk without parsing, for preprocessed # templates # # escape quotes regsub -all -- {[\]\[""\\$]} $chunk {\\&} quoted template::adp_append_string $quoted } template::tag formwidget { params } { # # Render the HTML for the form widget, incorporating any # additional markup attributes specified in the template. # set id [template::get_attribute formwidget $params id] # get any additional HTML attributes specified by the designer set tag_attributes [dict remove \ [ns_set array $params] \ id] template::adp_append_string \ "\[template::element render \${form:id} [list $id] { $tag_attributes } \]" } template::tag formhelp { params } { # # Display the help information for an element # set id [template::get_attribute formhelp $params id] # get any additional HTML attributes specified by the designer set tag_attributes [dict remove \ [ns_set array $params] \ id] template::adp_append_string \ "\[template::element render_help \${form:id} [list $id] { $tag_attributes } \]" } template::tag formerror { chunk params } { # # Report a form error if one is specified. # set id [template::get_attribute formerror $params id] set type [ns_set iget $params type] if {$type eq {}} { set key $id } else { set key $id:$type } template::adp_append_code " if \{ \[info exists formerror($key)\] \} \{ set formerror($id) \$formerror($key) " if {$chunk eq {}} { template::adp_append_string "\$formerror($key)" } else { template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk } template::adp_append_code "\}" } template::tag formgroup { chunk params } { # # Render a group of form widgets # set id [template::get_attribute formgroup $params id] # get any additional HTML attributes specified by the designer set tag_attributes [dict remove \ [ns_set array $params] \ id] # generate a list of options and option labels as a data source template::adp_append_code \ "template::element options \${form:id} [list $id] { $tag_attributes }" # make sure name is a parameter to pass to the rendering tag handler ns_set iupdate $params name formgroup ns_set iupdate $params id formgroup # Use the multiple or grid tag to render the form group depending on # whether the cols attribute was specified if { [ns_set ifind $params cols] == -1 } { template_tag_multiple $chunk $params } else { template_tag_grid $chunk $params } } template::tag formgroup-widget { chunk params } { # # Render one element from a formgroup # set id [template::get_attribute formgroup-widget $params id] set row [template::get_attribute formgroup-widget $params row] # get any additional HTML attributes specified by the designer set tag_attributes [dict remove \ [ns_set array $params] \ id row] # generate a list of options and option labels as a data source template::adp_append_code \ "template::element options \${form:id} [list $id] { $tag_attributes }" # make sure name is a parameter to pass to the rendering tag handler ns_set iupdate $params name formgroup ns_set iupdate $params id formgroup template::adp_append_code "append __adp_output \"\$\{formgroup:${row}(widget)\} \$\{formgroup:${row}(label)\}\"" } template::tag formtemplate { chunk params } { # # Render a form, incorporating any additional markup attributes # specified in the template. Set the magic variable "form:id" for # elements to reference # set level [template::adp_level] set id [template::get_attribute formtemplate $params id] upvar #$level $id:properties form_properties template::adp_append_code [list set form:id $id] # Set optional attributes for the grid template template::adp_append_code \ [list upvar 0 $id:properties form_properties] foreach varname {headers title cols} { set form_properties($varname) [ns_set iget $params $varname] template::adp_append_code \ [list set form_properties($varname) $form_properties($varname)] } # get any additional HTML attributes specified by the designer set tag_attributes [dict remove \ [ns_set array $params] \ id style method title cols headers] template::adp_append_string \ [subst -nocommands {[template::form render $id { $tag_attributes } ]}] if {[string trim $chunk] eq {}} { # generate the form body dynamically if none specified. set style [ns_set iget $params style] template::adp_append_string "\[template::form generate $id $style\]" } else { # compile the static form layout specified in the template template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk # Render any hidden variables that have not been rendered yet template::adp_append_string \ [subst -nocommands {[template::form check_elements $id]}] } if { [info exists form_properties(fieldset)] } { template::adp_append_string "</fieldset>" } template::adp_append_string "</form>" } template::tag child { params } { # # @private tag_child # # Implements the <tt>child</tt> tag which renders a child item. # See the Developer Guide for more information. <br> The child tag # format is <blockquote><tt> <child tag=<i>tag</i> index=<i>n # embed args</i>> </blockquote> # # @param params The ns_set id for extra HTML parameters # publish::process_tag child $params } template::tag relation { params } { # # @private tag_relation # # Implements the <tt>relation</tt> tag which renders a related # item. See the Developer Guide for more information. <br> The # relation tag format is <blockquote><tt> <relation # tag=<i>tag</i> index=<i>n embed args</i>> </tt></blockquote> # # @param params The ns_set id for extra HTML parameters # publish::process_tag relation $params } template::tag content { params } { # # @private tag_content # # Implements the <tt>content</tt> tag which renders the content of # the current item. See the Developer Guide for more # information. <br> The content tag format is simply # <tt><content></tt>. The <tt>embed</tt> and # <tt>no_merge</tt> parameters are implicit to the tag. # # @param params The ns_set id for extra HTML parameters # # Get item id/revision_id set item_id [publish::get_main_item_id] set revision_id [publish::get_main_revision_id] # Concatenate all other keys into the extra arguments list set extra_args [ns_set array $params] # Add code to flush the cache # Render the item, return the html set command "publish::get_html_body \[publish::handle_item" append command " \$::content::item_id" append command " -html \{$extra_args\} -no_merge -embed" append command " -revision_id \[publish::get_main_revision_id\]\]" template::adp_append_code "append __adp_output \[$command\]" } template::tag include-optional { chunk params } { # # Include another template in the current template, but make some # other chunk dependent on whether or not the included template # returned something. # # This is useful if, say, you want to wrap the template with some # HTML, for example, a frame in a portal, but if there's nothing # to show, you don't want to show the frame either. # # @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.net) # # # Check, if the src can be resolved against resources/templates in # the theme package # set src [template::themed_template [ns_set iget $params src]] set ds [ns_set iget $params ds 1] #Start developer support frame around subordinate template. if { $ds && [namespace which ::ds_enabled_p] ne "" && [namespace which ::ds_adp_start_box] ne ""} { ::ds_adp_start_box -stub "\[template::util::url_to_file \"$src\" \"\$__adp_stub\"\]" } set command [template::template_tag_include_command $src $params] # __adp_include_optional_output is a list that operates like a # stack, so first we execute the include template, and push the # result onto this stack, then, if the output contained anything # but whitespace, we also output the chunk inside the # include-optional tag. Finally, we pop the output off of the # __adp_include_optional_output stack. template::adp_append_code "ad_try { lappend __adp_include_optional_output \[$command\] } on error {errmsg} {" template::adp_append_code " append __adp_output \"Error in include template \\\"\[template::util::url_to_file \"$src\" \"\$__adp_stub\"\]\\\": \[ns_quotehtml \$errmsg\]\"" template::adp_append_code " ad_log Error \"Error in include template \\\"\[template::util::url_to_file \"$src\" \"\$__adp_stub\"\]\\\": \$errmsg\"" template::adp_append_code "} on ok {r} {" template::adp_append_code "if { \[string trim \[lindex \$__adp_include_optional_output end\]\] ne {} } {" template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code " } template::util::lpop __adp_include_optional_output } " #End developer support frame around subordinate template. if { $ds && [namespace which ::ds_enabled_p] ne "" && [namespace which ::ds_adp_end_box] ne "" } { ::ds_adp_end_box -stub [ subst -nocommands {[template::util::url_to_file "$src" "\$__adp_stub"]}] } } template::tag include-output { params } { # # Insert the output from the include-optional tag # # @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.net) # template::adp_append_code { if { [info exists __adp_include_optional_output] } { append __adp_output [lindex $__adp_include_optional_output end] } } } template::tag trn { chunk params } { # DRB: we have to do our own variable substitution as the template # framework doesn't handle it for us ... being able to use page # variables here is consistent with the rest of the templating # engine. # LARS: Note that this version of the <TRN> tag requires a body, # like this: <trn key="...">default</trn>. # This is the way to give a default value, and is okay, because we # now have the #...# notation for when there's no default value. # Will register the key in the message catalog if it doesn't exist. foreach {key value} [ns_set array $params] { # substitute array variables regsub {@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)@} $value {${\1(\2)}} $key # substitute regular variables regsub {@([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)@} $value {${\1}} $key } # And this needs to be executed at page execution time due to # interactions with the preferences changing code. This is # consistent with what the way #notation# is handled (the ad_conn # call is dumped into the code, not executed on the spot) if { ![info exists locale] } { # We need this to be executed at template execution time, # because the template's compiled code will be cached and # reused for many requests. set locale "\[ad_conn locale\]" } else { # Check to see if we should register this into the message # catalog if { [string length $locale] == 2 } { set locale [lang::util::default_locale_from_lang $locale] } # Check the cache if { ![lang::message::message_exists_p $locale $key] } { lang::message::register $locale $key $chunk } } # quote dollar signs, square bracket and quotes regsub -all -- {[\]\[""\\$]} $chunk {\\&} quoted_chunk template::adp_append_code \ [subst -nocommands {append __adp_output [_ $locale $key $quoted_chunk]}] } template::tag switch { chunk params } { # # DanW: implements a switch statement just like in Tcl # use as follows: # # <switch flag=regexp @some_var@> # <case in "foo" "bar" "baz"> # Foo, Bar or Baz was selected # </case> # <case value="a.+"> # A was selected # </case> # <case value="b.+"> # B was selected # </case> # <case value="c.+"> # C was selected # </case> # <default> # Not a valid selection # </default> # </switch> # # The flag switch is optional and it defaults to exact if not specified. # Valid values are exact, regexp, and glob # set sw "" set arg "" # get the switch flags and the switch var foreach {key value} [ns_set array $params] { if {$key eq $value} { set arg $key } elseif {$key eq "flag"} { append sw " -$value " } } # append the switch statement and eval tags in between template::adp_append_code "switch $sw -- $arg {" template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "}" } template::tag case { chunk params } { # # case tag, to be used inside of the switch tag # # Scan the parameter stack backward, looking for the tag name set tag_id [template::enclosing_tag switch] if {$tag_id eq {}} { error "No enclosing SWITCH tag for CASE tag on value $value" } # get the case value set value [ns_set iget $params value] # insert the case statement and eval the chunk in between if { $value ne "" } { # processing <case value= ...> form template::adp_append_code "[list $value] {" -nobreak template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "}" } else { # processing <case in ...> form set switches "" set size [ns_set size $params] set size_1 [expr {$size - 1}] for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { set key [ns_set key $params $i] set value [ns_set value $params $i] # pass over the first arg (syntax sugar), but check format if { $i == 0 } { if {$key ne "in" } { error "Format error: should be <case in \"foo\" \"bar\" ...>" } } else { if {$key eq $value} { # last item in list so process the chunk if { $i == $size_1 } { template::adp_append_code "$switches $value {" -nobreak template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "}" } else { # previous items default to pass-through append switches " $key - " } } else { error "Format error: should be <case in \"foo\" \"bar\" ...>" } } } } } template::tag default { chunk params } { # # default value for case statement which is a sub-tag in switch # tag # # Scan the parameter stack backward, looking for the tag name set tag_id [template::enclosing_tag switch] if {$tag_id eq {}} { error "No enclosing SWITCH tag for DEFAULT tag" } # insert the default value and evaluate the chunk template::adp_append_code "default {" -nobreak template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "}" } template::tag contract { chunk params } { # # contract tag for adding inline # documentation to adp files. # # @author Ben Bytheway (ben@vrusp.com) # } template::tag comment { chunk params } { # # comment tag for adding inline # documentation to adp files. # # @author Ben Bytheway (ben@vrusp.com) # } template::tag box { chunk params } { set class [ns_set iget $params class] set title [ns_set iget $params title] template::adp_append_code [subst -nocommands {append __adp_output " <div class='portlet-wrapper'> <div class='portlet-header'> <div class='portlet-title-no-controls'> <h1>$title</h1> </div> </div> <div class='portlet'>"}] template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_code "append __adp_output {</div></div>}" } template::tag adp:icon { params } { set d [::template::icon \ -alt [ns_set iget $params alt] \ -class [ns_set iget $params class] \ -iconset [ns_set iget $params iconset] \ -name [ns_set iget $params name] \ -style [ns_set iget $params style] \ -title [ns_set iget $params title] \ -invisible=[ns_set iget $params invisible f] \ ] dict with d { template::adp_append_string $HTML if {$cmd ne ""} { template::adp_append_code $cmd } } } # template::tag adp:class { params } { # # # # Not sure, we need toolkit switching, but it is useful for # # testing purposes # # # set toolkit [ns_set iget $params toolkit ""] # if {$toolkit ne ""} { # template::adp_append_string [::template::CSS class -toolkit $toolkit [ns_set iget $params name]] # } else { # template::adp_append_string [::template::CSS class [ns_set iget $params name]] # } # } template::tag adp:button { chunk params } { # # Implementation of value added <button> with specialized # attribute handling: # # <adp:button ...>...</adp:button> # # Specially handled attributes for <adp:button ...> are: # - "data-*" use potentially the bootstrap5 prefix # (we still want to be able to use other data-* attributes without the prefix) # - "class" map provided CSS class names to tooklit specific class names # set data [expr {[template::toolkit] eq "bootstrap5" ? "data-bs" : "data"}] set attributes "" foreach {key value} [ns_set array $params] { switch -glob $key { data-dismiss - data-toggle - data-target { if {$data ne "data"} { set suffix [string range $key 5 end] append attributes " $data-[string range $key 5 end]='$value'" } else { append attributes " $key='$value'" } } class { append attributes " $key='[::template::CSS classes $value]'" } default { append attributes " $key='$value'" } } } template::adp_append_string "<button $attributes>" template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_string "</button>" } template::tag adp:toggle_button { chunk params } { # # Implementation of dropdown-toggles, which have to be - depending # on the toolkit - realized sometimes as "<a ....>" and sometimes # "<button>" markups. # # <adp:toggle_button>....</adp:toggle_button> # # Potential attributes for <adp:toggle_button ...> are: # - "id" # - "tag" (default "button") # - "toggle" # - "target" # - "type" (default "button", just used for "button" tag) # - "href" (default "#", just used for "a" tag) # # Use <... tag="a"... > for use of tabs with Bootstrap 3. # # Bootstrap3 is picky and allows just "<a>" tags for the # navigation buttons, whereas Bootstrap4 and 5 would also allow # <button> with appropriate classes for nav-items and nav-links. # set data [expr {[template::toolkit] eq "bootstrap5" ? "data-bs" : "data"}] set id [ns_set iget $params id ""] set tag [ns_set iget $params tag button] set attributes [expr {$id eq "" ? "" : "id='$id'"}] switch $tag { "button" {append attributes " type='[ns_set iget $params type button]'"} "a" {append attributes " href='[ns_set iget $params href #]'"} } append attributes \ " class='[ns_set iget $params class]'" \ " $data-toggle='[ns_set iget $params toggle]'" \ " $data-target='[ns_set iget $params target]'" template::adp_append_string "<$tag $attributes>" template::adp_compile_chunk $chunk template::adp_append_string "</$tag>" } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: