This script updates the default permissions of the users root folder. If the individual permissions are to be reset we redirect to permissions-reset. Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to:
- Location:
- /packages/bookmarks/www/bookmark-permissions-2.tcl
- Authors:
- David Hill <>
- Aurelius Prochazka ( The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by
- Peter Marklund <>
- Ken Kennedy ( in December 2000.
- Created:
- December 2000
$Id: bookmark-permissions-2.tcl,v 1.6 2015/06/26 14:50:34 gustafn Exp $
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { This script updates the default permissions of the users root folder. If the individual permissions are to be reset we redirect to permissions-reset. Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to: @author David Hill ( @author Aurelius Prochazka ( The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by @author Peter Marklund ( @author Ken Kennedy ( in December 2000. @creation-date December 2000 @cvs-id $Id: bookmark-permissions-2.tcl,v 1.6 2015/06/26 14:50:34 gustafn Exp $ } { root_folder_id:naturalnum,notnull viewed_user_id:naturalnum,notnull {private_p:boolean "f"} reset_all_individual_p:boolean,optional } permission::require_permission -object_id $root_folder_id -privilege admin bm_update_bookmark_private_p $root_folder_id $private_p # set non_default_permissions_p [db_string non_default_permissions_p "select decode(count(*), 0, 'f', 't') from bm_bookmarks # where acs_permission.permission_p(bookmark_id, acs.magic_object_id('registered_users'), 'read') <> :public_p # start with parent_id = :root_folder_id # connect by prior bookmark_id = parent_id"] if { [info exists reset_all_individual_p] && $reset_all_individual_p == "t" && $non_default_permissions_p == "t" } { ad_returnredirect "permissions-reset-all?public_p=$public_p&viewed_user_id=$viewed_user_id&root_folder_id=$root_folder_id" } else { ad_returnredirect "index?viewed_user_id=$viewed_user_id" }