Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to:
- Location:
- /packages/bookmarks/www/bookmarks-import.tcl
- Authors:
- David Hill <>
- Aurelius Prochazka ( The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by
- Peter Marklund <>
- Ken Kennedy ( in December 2000.
- Created:
- December 2000
$Id: bookmarks-import.tcl,v 1.13 2015/06/27 17:39:23 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/bookmarks/www/bookmarks-import.xql
- packages/bookmarks/www/bookmarks-import.tcl
- packages/bookmarks/www/bookmarks-import.adp
- packages/bookmarks/www/bookmarks-import-postgresql.xql
- packages/bookmarks/www/bookmarks-import-oracle.xql
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to: @author David Hill ( @author Aurelius Prochazka ( The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by @author Peter Marklund ( @author Ken Kennedy ( in December 2000. @creation-date December 2000 @cvs-id $Id: bookmarks-import.tcl,v 1.13 2015/06/27 17:39:23 gustafn Exp $ } { upload_file upload_file.tmpfile:tmpfile bookmark_id:naturalnum,notnull return_url viewed_user_id:naturalnum,notnull } -validate { non_empty_file { if { [file size ${upload_file.tmpfile}] == 0 } { ad_complain "The bookmark file you specified is either empty or invalid." } } } -properties { page_title:onevalue context:onevalue import_list:onevalue return_url:onevalue } -return_errors error_list # Read the file and check its size if [catch { set contents [read [open ${upload_file.tmpfile} r] [parameter::get -parameter MaxNumberOfBytes -default 1000000]] } errmsg] { lappend error_list "We had a problem processing your request: <p>$errmsg" } # Check that the file is of right format if {![regexp {<DL>(.*)</DL>} $contents match format_p]} { lappend error_list "You file does not appear to be a valid bookmark file" } if { [info exists error_list] } { set n_errors [llength $error_list] ad_return_template "complaint" return } # Let's check for a doubleclick first if { [db_string dbclick_check " select count(bookmark_id) as n_existing from bm_bookmarks where bookmark_id = :bookmark_id"] != 0 } { # must have doubleclicked ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } set page_title "Import Statistics" set context [bm_context_bar_args [list [list [export_vars -base bookmark-add-import {viewed_user_id return_url}] "Add/Import Bookmarks"] $page_title] $viewed_user_id] # set flags to be used parsing the input file. set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr] set parent_id [bm_get_root_folder_id $package_id $viewed_user_id] lappend folder_list $parent_id # split the input file 'contents' on returns and rename it 'lines' set lines [split $contents "\n"] # connect to the default pool and start a transaction. foreach line $lines { set depth [expr {[llength $folder_list]-1}] # checks if the line represents a folder if {[regexp {<H3[^>]*>([^<]*)</H3>} $line match local_title]} { if {[string length $local_title] > 499} { set local_title "[string range $local_title 0 496]..." } # test for duplicates if { [db_string n_dp_folder " select count(*) from bm_bookmarks where owner_id = :viewed_user_id and parent_id = :parent_id and folder_p = 't' and local_title = :local_title"] != 0 } { lappend import_list "Duplicate folder \"$local_title\"" set parent_id [db_string bm_parent " select bookmark_id from bm_bookmarks where folder_p = 't' and owner_id = :user_id and local_title = :local_title"] } else { # insert folder into bm_bookmarks if {[catch {db_exec_plsql folder_insert " declare dummy_var integer; begin dummy_var := ( bookmark_id => :bookmark_id, owner_id => :viewed_user_id, local_title => :local_title, parent_id => :parent_id, folder_p => 't', creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip ); end;"} errmsg]} { set n_errors 1 set error_list [list "We were unable to create your user record in the database. Here's what the error looked like: <blockquote> <pre> $errmsg </pre> </blockquote>"] ad_return_template "error" return } else { # success in inserting folder into bm_bookmarks lappend import_list "Inserting folder \"$local_title\"" lappend folder_list $bookmark_id set parent_id $bookmark_id set bookmark_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] } } } # check if the line ends the current folder if {[regexp {</DL>} $line match]} { set folder_depth [expr {[llength $folder_list]-2}] if {$folder_depth<0} { set folder_depth 0 } set folder_list [lrange $folder_list 0 $folder_depth] set parent_id [lindex $folder_list $folder_depth] } # check if the line is a url if {[regexp {<DT><A HREF="([^"]*)"[^>]*>([^<]*)</A>} $line match complete_url local_title]} { set host_url [bm_host_url $complete_url] if { $host_url eq "" } { continue } if { [string length $complete_url] > 499 } { lappend import_list "URL is too long for our database, skipping: \"$complete_url\"" } else { # check to see if we already have the url in our database set url_id [db_string bm_dp_url " select url_id from bm_urls where complete_url = :complete_url" -default ""] set url_p 1 # if we don't have the url, then insert the url into the database if {$url_id eq ""} { set url_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] if {[catch {db_exec_plsql new_url " declare dummy_var integer; begin dummy_var := ( url_id => :url_id, url_title => :local_title, host_url => :host_url, complete_url => :complete_url, creation_user => :viewed_user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip ); end;"} errmsg]} { lappend import_list "We were unable to insert the url $complete_url into the database due to the following database error: <pre>$errmsg</pre>" set url_p 0 } } # now we have a url_id (either from query or insert), if it is not an exact duplicate # of one the user already has (including folder location), lets put it in the users bookmark list. if {$url_p == 1} { if { [db_string dp " select count(bookmark_id) from bm_bookmarks where url_id = :url_id and owner_id = :viewed_user_id and parent_id = :parent_id"] != 0 } { lappend import_list "You already added: \"$local_title\"" } else { # try to insert bookmark into user's list if {[catch {db_exec_plsql bookmark_insert " declare dummy_var integer; begin dummy_var := ( bookmark_id => :bookmark_id, owner_id => :viewed_user_id, url_id => :url_id, local_title => :local_title, parent_id => :parent_id, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip ); end;" } errmsg]} { # if it was not a double click, produce an error if { [db_string dbclick { select count(bookmark_id) from bm_bookmarks where bookmark_id = :bookmark_id} ] == 0 } { set n_errors 1 set error_list [list "We were unable to create your user record in the database. Here's what the error looked like: <blockquote> <pre> $errmsg </pre> </blockquote>"] ad_return_template "error" return } else { # assume this was a double click ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } } else { # insert into bm_bookmarks succeeded lappend import_list "Inserting url:\"$local_title\"" set bookmark_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] } } } } } } # Test for empty import_list before returning if { [info exists import_list] } { # Do's ok... } else { # For some reason, nothing got inserted lappend import_list "Hmmm...the file seemed ok, but nothing was imported. Sorry!" }