performs a bulk action on bugs
- Location:
- /packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl
- Author:
- Deds Castillo <deds@i-manila.com.ph>
- Created:
- 2007-01-16
Related Files
- packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.xql
- packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl
- packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.adp
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File Contents
# packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl ad_page_contract { performs a bulk action on bugs @author Deds Castillo (deds@i-manila.com.ph) @creation-date 2007-01-16 @cvs-id $Id$ } { workflow_id:naturalnum,notnull op:notnull bug_id:naturalnum,notnull,multiple {return_url:optional,trim,notnull "./"} } -properties { } -validate { valid_return_url -requires return_url { # actually, one should use the page filter localurl from OpenACS 5.9 if {[util::external_url_p $return_url]} { ad_complain "invalid return_url" } } } -errors { } set user_id [auth::require_login] set package_id [ad_conn package_id] if {[llength $bug_id] == 1} { set bug_id [split [lindex $bug_id 0]] } set action_id [workflow::action::get_id \ -workflow_id $workflow_id \ -short_name $op] workflow::action::get -action_id $action_id -array action set action_pretty_name [lang::util::localize $action(pretty_name)] set action_short_name $action(short_name) set bug_pretty [bug_tracker::conn Bugs] set bug_pretty_s [bug_tracker::conn Bug] set page_title "[_ bug-tracker.Bulk_update_op]" set context [list $page_title] ########## # DEDS: Generate some information on what actions will be performed # for the selected bugs. The drawback of this is that there will be a # set of steps to execute for each bug id to get the information. We # need to do it because we do not predetermine enabled actions for # each bug before the bulk action operation is submitted as that would # be costly. If this proves to be costly as well then this can just be # removed as it is still checked before the actual # bug_tracker::bug::edit operation for each bug but doing that may # need some changes to the code as well as this is the one that # determines if a user have permission on at least one of the bugs # # Is there a better way to do this? ########## set security_inform_text_list [list] set success_inform_text_list [list] set error_inform_text_list [list] set dummy_case_id "" foreach one_bug_id $bug_id { set found_p [db_string check_exists {} -default 0] if {!$found_p} { lappend error_inform_text_list "[_ bug-tracker.bulk_action_error] [_ bug-tracker.Bug_not_found_2]" } else { set case_id [workflow::case::get_id \ -object_id $one_bug_id \ -workflow_short_name [bug_tracker::bug::workflow_short_name]] bug_tracker::bug::get -bug_id $one_bug_id -array bug_info # check cached list first set action_id_list [workflow::case::get_enabled_actions -case_id $case_id] if {$action_id in $action_id_list} { set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id \ -case_id $case_id \ -action_id $action_id \ -any_parent] # Check permissions if { ![workflow::case::action::available_p -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id] } { lappend security_inform_text_list "[_ bug-tracker.bulk_actions_security_no_perms]" } else { # assign dummy case id placeholder so that we can # generate assignee widgets when the op is reassign if {$dummy_case_id eq ""} { set dummy_case_id $case_id } if {![array exists dummy_bug_info]} { bug_tracker::bug::get -bug_id $one_bug_id -array dummy_bug_info -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id } lappend success_inform_text_list "[_ bug-tracker.bulk_actions_success_inform]" } } else { lappend security_inform_text_list "[_ bug-tracker.bulk_actions_security_not_enabled]" } } } set success_inform_text_stub [join $success_inform_text_list "<br>"] set security_inform_text_stub [join $security_inform_text_list "<br>"] set errors_inform_text_stub [join $error_inform_text_list "<br>"] set resolver_role_id [db_string get_resolver_role_id {} -default {}] ad_form -name bug -cancel_url $return_url -export { return_url workflow_id op} -form { {success_inform_text_stub:text(inform) {label "[_ bug-tracker.bulk_actions_perform]"} } {errors_inform_text_stub:text(inform) {label "[_ bug-tracker.bulk_actions_errors]"} } {security_inform_text_stub:text(inform) {label "[_ bug-tracker.bulk_actions_security_violations]"} } {resolution:text(select),optional {label "[_ bug-tracker.Resolution]"} {options {[bug_tracker::resolution_get_options]}} {mode display} } {fixed_in_version:text(select),optional {label "[_ bug-tracker.Fixed_in_Version]"} {options {[bug_tracker::version_get_options -include_undecided]}} {mode display} } } if { $dummy_case_id ne "" } { workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets -case_id $dummy_case_id -form_name bug -role_ids $resolver_role_id } else { ad_form -extend -name bug -form { {role_resolver:text(hidden),optional} } } ad_form -extend -name bug -form { {description:richtext(richtext),optional {label "[_ bug-tracker.Description]"} {html {cols 60 rows 13}} } {bug_id:text(hidden) {label "[_ bug-tracker.ID]"} } } -on_request { } -on_submit { set description [element get_value bug description] foreach one_bug_id $bug_id { set found_p [db_string check_exists {} -default 0] if {$found_p} { set case_id [workflow::case::get_id \ -object_id $one_bug_id \ -workflow_short_name [bug_tracker::bug::workflow_short_name]] set action_id_list [workflow::case::get_enabled_actions -case_id $case_id] if {$action_id in $action_id_list} { set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id \ -case_id $case_id \ -action_id $action_id \ -any_parent] # last chance to check permissions if { [workflow::case::action::available_p -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id] } { array unset row foreach field [workflow::action::get_element -action_id $action_id -element edit_fields] { set row($field) [element get_value bug $field] } bug_tracker::bug::edit \ -bug_id $one_bug_id \ -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \ -description [template::util::richtext::get_property contents $description] \ -desc_format [template::util::richtext::get_property format $description] \ -array row \ -entry_id {} } } } } } -after_submit { ad_returnredirect $return_url } if { [form is_request bug] } { foreach field {success_inform_text_stub security_inform_text_stub errors_inform_text_stub} { if {[set $field] eq ""} { element set_properties bug $field -widget hidden } } } if { ![form is_valid bug] } { set present_fields [workflow::action::get_element -action_id $action_id -element edit_fields] set all_fields {resolution fixed_in_version role_resolver} if {"resolution" ni $present_fields} { element set_properties bug resolution -options [concat {{{} {}}} [element get_property bug resolution options]] } foreach field $present_fields { element set_properties bug $field -mode edit } foreach field $all_fields { if {$field ni $present_fields || $dummy_case_id eq ""} { element set_properties bug $field -widget hidden } } # Is this project using multiple versions? if {![bug_tracker::versions_p]} { element set_properties bug fixed_in_version -widget hidden } }