Display a list of available chat rooms that the user has permission to edit.
- Location:
- /packages/chat/www/index.tcl
- Author:
- David Dao <>
- Created:
- November 13, 2000
$Id: index.tcl,v 2023/05/02 08:00:33 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/chat/www/index.tcl
- packages/chat/www/index.adp
- packages/chat/www/index-postgresql.xql
- packages/chat/www/index-oracle.xql
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File Contents
#/chat/www/index.tcl ad_page_contract { Display a list of available chat rooms that the user has permission to edit. @author David Dao ( @creation-date November 13, 2000 @cvs-id $Id: index.tcl,v 2023/05/02 08:00:33 gustafn Exp $ } { } -properties { context_bar:onevalue package_id:onevalue user_id:onevalue room_create_p:onevalue rooms:multirow } set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set base_url [ad_conn package_url] set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set actions [list] set room_create_p [permission::permission_p -object_id $package_id -privilege chat_room_create] set warning "" if { $room_create_p } { lappend actions "#chat.Create_a_new_room#" room-edit "#chat.Create_a_new_room#" } db_multirow -extend { active_users last_activity room_url toggle_active_url } rooms rooms_list {} { set room [::chat::Chat create new -volatile -chat_id $room_id] set active_users [$room nr_active_users] set last_activity [$room last_activity] if {[permission::permission_p -object_id $package_id \ -party_id $user_id -privilege chat_room_edit]} { set toggle_active_url toggle-active?room_id=$room_id } if { $active_p } { set room_url [export_vars -base "chat" {room_id}] } } list::create \ -name "rooms" \ -multirow "rooms" \ -key room_id \ -pass_properties {room_create_p} \ -actions $actions \ -row_pretty_plural [_ chat.rooms] \ -no_data [_ chat.There_are_no_rooms_available] \ -elements { active { label "#chat.Active#" html { style "text-align: center" } display_template { <if @rooms.toggle_active_url@ ne ""> <a href="@rooms.toggle_active_url@"> </if> <if @rooms.active_p;literal@ true> <img src="/resources/chat/active.png" alt="#chat.Room_active#"> </if> <else> <img src="/resources/chat/inactive.png" alt="#chat.Room_no_active#"> </else> <if @rooms.toggle_active_url@ ne ""> </a> </if> } } pretty_name { label "#chat.Room_name#" display_template { <if @rooms.active_p;literal@ true> <a href="@rooms.room_url;noquote@">@rooms.pretty_name@</a> </if> <else> @rooms.pretty_name@ </else> } } description { label "[_ chat.Description]" } active_users { label "#chat.active_users#" html { style "text-align:center;" } } last_activity { label "#chat.last_activity#" html { style "text-align:center;" } } actions { label "#chat.actions#" display_template { <a href="chat-transcripts?room_id=@rooms.room_id@" class=button>#chat.Transcripts#</a> <if @room_create_p;literal@ true> <a href="${base_url}room?room_id=@rooms.room_id@" class=button>#chat.room_admin#</a> </if> } } } # set page properties set doc(title) [_ chat.Chat_main_page] ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: