- Location:
- /packages/chat/www/search-2.tcl
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ad_page_contract { } { {email ""} {last_name ""} keyword:optional target type:notnull room_id:naturalnum,notnull {passthrough ""} {limit_users_in_group_id:naturalnum ""} } -properties { group_name:onevalue search_type:onevalue keyword:onevalue email:onevalue last_name:onevalue export_authorize:onevalue passthrough_parameters:onevalue context:onevalue } # Check input. set exception_count 0 set exception_text "" set SQL_LIMIT 20 set context [list "Search"] if {[info exists keyword]} { # this is an administrator if { $keyword eq "" } { incr exception_count append exception_text "<li>You forgot to type a search string!\n" } } else { # from one of the user pages if { $email eq "" && $last_name eq "" } { incr exception_count append exception_text "<li>You must specify either an email address or last name to search for.\n" } if { $email ne "" && $last_name ne "" } { incr exception_count append exception_text "<li>You can only specify either email or last name, not both.\n" } if { ![info exists target] || $target eq "" } { incr exception_count append exception_text "<li>Target was not specified. This shouldn't have happened, please contact the <a href=\"mailto:[ad_host_administrator]\">administrator</a> and let them know what happened.\n" } } if { $exception_count != 00 } { ad_return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text return } #### # Input okay. Now start building the SQL set where_clause [list] if { [info exists keyword] } { set search_type "keyword" set sql_keyword "%[string tolower $keyword]%" lappend where_clause "(username like :sql_keyword or email like :sql_keyword or lower(first_names || ' ' || last_name) like :sql_keyword)" } elseif { [info exists email] && $email ne "" } { set search_type "email" set sql_email "%[string tolower $email]%" lappend where_clause "email like :sql_email" } else { set search_type "last" set sql_last_name "%[string tolower $last_name]%" lappend where_clause "lower(last_name) like :sql_last_name" } lappend where_clause {member_state = 'approved'} if { ![info exists passthrough] } { set passthrough_parameters "" } else { set passthrough_parameters [export_vars -formvars $passthrough] } if { [info exists limit_to_users_in_group_id] && $limit_to_users_in_group_id ne "" } { set query "select distinct first_names, last_name, email, member_state, email_verified_p, cu.user_id from cc_users cu, group_member_map gm, membership_rels mr where cu.user_id = gm.member_id and gm.rel_id = mr.rel_id and gm.group_id = :limit_to_users_in_group_id and [join $where_clause "\nand "]" } else { set query "select username, user_id, email_verified_p, first_names, last_name, email, member_state from cc_users where [join $where_clause "\nand "] limit $SQL_LIMIT" } set i 0 set user_items "" set rowcount 0 set only_authorized_p 1 db_foreach user_search_admin $query { incr rowcount set user_id_from_search $user_id set first_names_from_search $first_names set last_name_from_search $last_name set email_from_search $email set user_search:[set rowcount](user_id) $user_id set user_search:[set rowcount](first_names) $first_names set user_search:[set rowcount](last_name) $last_name set user_search:[set rowcount](email) $email set user_search:[set rowcount](export_vars) [export_vars {user_id_from_search first_names_from_search last_name_from_search email_from_search}] set user_search:[set rowcount](member_state) $member_state set user_search:[set rowcount](url) [export_vars -base "search-3" {room_id type {party_id $user_id}}] if { $member_state ne "approved" } { set user_search:[set rowcount](user_finite_state_links) [join [ad_registration_finite_state_machine_admin_links $member_state $email_verified_p $user_id_from_search [export_vars -base search {email last_name keyword target passthrough limit_users_in_group_id only_authorized_p}]] " | "] } else { set user_search:[set rowcount](user_finite_state_links) "" } } set user_search:rowcount $rowcount # We are limiting the search to one group - display that group's name if { [info exists limit_to_users_in_group_id] && $limit_to_users_in_group_id ne "" && ![regexp {[^0-9]} $limit_to_users_in_group_id] } { set group_name [db_string user_group_name_from_id "select group_name from user_groups where group_id = :limit_to_users_in_group_id"] set title "User search in $group_name" } else { set group_name "" set title "User search" } set export_authorize [export_vars -entire_form -exclude {only_authorized_p}] ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: