This page allows a file storage admin to change the upload size.
- Location:
- /packages/file-storage/www/admin/upload-size-limit.tcl
- Author:
- Tracy Adams <teadams@mit.edu>
- Created:
- 2004-07-07
$Id: upload-size-limit.tcl,v 2021/03/09 09:45:12 hectorr Exp $
Related Files
- packages/file-storage/www/admin/upload-size-limit.tcl
- packages/file-storage/www/admin/upload-size-limit.adp
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { This page allows a file storage admin to change the upload size. @author Tracy Adams (teadams@mit.edu) @creation-date 2004-07-07 @cvs-id $Id: upload-size-limit.tcl,v 2021/03/09 09:45:12 hectorr Exp $ } { {return_url:localurl ""} } set title "#file-storage.Configure_File_Upload_Limit#" set context [list $title] # Get the webserver maximum file upload value. # Set a conservative default value of 2GB if the maximum upload value is not # found in the webserver config. set driver [expr {[ns_conn isconnected] ? [ns_conn driver] : [lindex [ns_driver names] 0]}] set section [ns_driversection -driver $driver] set max_size [ns_config $section maxinput 2147483648] set upload_limit [fs::max_upload_size] ad_form -name upload_limit_size -export folder_id -form { {new_size:integer(number) {label "#file-storage.Upload_Limit# $max_size"} {value $upload_limit} {html { min 0 max $max_size }} } {return_url:text(hidden) {value $return_url} } {submit:text(submit) {label "[_ file-storage.Change_upload_limit]"} } } -validate { {new_size { $new_size <= $max_size } "#file-storage.Upload_limit_error# $max_size \ #file-storage.Upload_limit_error_2# " } } -on_submit { parameter::set_value -parameter "MaximumFileSize" -value $new_size if {$return_url ne ""} { ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: