Form to create message and insert it
- Location:
- /packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl
- Author:
- Ben Adida <>
- Created:
- 2003-12-09
$Id: post.tcl,v 2023/02/23 16:12:03 antoniop Exp $
Related Files
- packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl
- packages/forums/lib/message/post.adp
- packages/forums/lib/message/post-postgresql.xql
- packages/forums/lib/message/post-oracle.xql
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File Contents
ad_include_contract { Form to create message and insert it @author Ben Adida ( @creation-date 2003-12-09 @cvs-id $Id: post.tcl,v 2023/02/23 16:12:03 antoniop Exp $ } { message_id:object_id,optional forum_id:object_type(forums_forum),notnull {parent_id:object_type(forums_message) ""} {subject:printable,string_length(max|200) ""} {message_body:printable ""} {message_body.format:token ""} {confirm_p:boolean ""} {subscribe_p:boolean ""} {subject.spellcheck:token ""} {content.spellcheck:token ""} {anonymous_p:boolean ""} {attach_p:boolean ""} {attachments:multiple ""} {attachment_cleanup_list:tmpfile ""} {attachments_enabled_p:boolean,notnull false} {anonymous_allowed_p:boolean,notnull false} } # # 'Simple' or 'Complex' (legacy) attachment style # # - Simple (default): just allow one to attach new files to a message using the file # widget during post, and using the attachments package API to 'attach' them # to the message. # # - Complex (legacy): attach URLs, new or already existing files, browse # through folders and choose where to upload the files in the file storage, # using the attachments package 'attach' pages. # set complex_attachments_p false set attachmentStyle [parameter::get -parameter "AttachmentStyle" -default "simple"] if {$attachmentStyle eq "complex"} { set complex_attachments_p true } set peeraddr [ad_conn peeraddr] set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set screen_name [acs_user::get_user_info -user_id $user_id -element screen_name] set useScreenNameP [parameter::get -parameter "UseScreenNameP" -default 0] set pvt_home [ad_pvt_home] if {[array exists parent_message]} { set parent_id $parent_message(message_id) } else { set parent_id "" } set table_border_color [parameter::get -parameter table_border_color] set table_bgcolor [parameter::get -parameter table_bgcolor] ############################## # Form definition # set edit_buttons [list [list [_ forums.Post] post] \ [list [_ forums.Preview] preview]] # maybe we could get this value from information_schema... set max_subject_chars 200 set form_elements { {message_id:key} {subject:text(text) {html {maxlength $max_subject_chars size 60}} {label "[_ forums.Subject]"} } {message_body:richtext(richtext) {html {rows 20 cols 60}} {label "[_ forums.Body]"} } {forum_id:integer(hidden) } {parent_id:integer(hidden),optional } {subscribe_p:boolean(hidden),optional } {confirm_p:boolean(hidden),optional } } # Deal with anonymous postings if {$user_id != 0 && $anonymous_allowed_p} { append form_elements { {anonymous_p:integer(checkbox),optional {options {{"[_ forums.post_anonymously]" 1}}} {label "[_ forums.Anonymous]"} } } } else { append form_elements { {anonymous_p:integer(hidden),optional } } } # # Attachments # if {$complex_attachments_p} { # # Legacy 'complex' attachments # if {$user_id != 0 & $attachments_enabled_p} { append form_elements { {attach_p:integer(radio),optional {options {{[_ acs-kernel.common_No] 0} {[_ acs-kernel.common_Yes] 1}}} {label "[_ forums.Attach]"} } } } else { append form_elements { {attach_p:integer(hidden),optional } } } } else { # # New 'simple' attachments # if {$user_id != 0 & $attachments_enabled_p} { append form_elements { {attachments:file(file),multiple,optional {label "[_ forums.Attach]"} } {attachment_cleanup_list:text(hidden),optional } } } else { append form_elements { {attach_p:integer(hidden),optional } } } } ad_form -html {enctype multipart/form-data} \ -name message \ -edit_buttons $edit_buttons \ -form $form_elements \ -new_request { ############################## # Form initialization # if {$parent_id eq ""} { set parent_id "" } else { set forum_id $parent_message(forum_id) set subject [forum::format::reply_subject $parent_message(subject)] } set confirm_p 0 set subscribe_p 0 set anonymous_p 0 set attach_p 0 set attachments [list] set attachment_cleanup_list [list] } -on_submit { ############################## # Form processing # # UI should prevent this from triggering, but we check anyway if {[string length $subject] > $max_subject_chars} { set name [_ forums.Subject] set max_length $max_subject_chars set actual_length [string length $subject] template::form::set_error message subject [_ acs-tcl.lt_name_is_too_long__Ple] break } if { $anonymous_p eq "" } { set anonymous_p 0 } set action [template::form::get_button message] # Make post the default action if {$action eq ""} { set action preview } set displayed_user_id [expr {$anonymous_allowed_p && $anonymous_p ? 0 : $user_id}] if {$action eq "preview"} { set confirm_p 1 set subject.spellcheck ":nospell:" set content.spellcheck ":nospell:" set content [template::util::richtext::get_property content $message_body] set format [template::util::richtext::get_property format $message_body] # # Attachments during the 'preview' action: # # 1) Create a multirow to show the files during the preview. # # 2) As the temporal files are deleted on submit, we need to # preserve them. We copy and delete them after the insertion into # the content repository. # if {$attachments ne ""} { set attachment_list [list] foreach attachment_file $attachments { set attachment_data [dict create] dict set attachment_data name [lindex $attachment_file 0] dict set attachment_data file [lindex $attachment_file 1] dict set attachment_data type [lindex $attachment_file 2] lappend attachment_list $attachment_data # # Replace tmpfile with the new one # set new_file [ad_tmpnam] set old_file [dict get $attachment_data file] file copy -- $old_file $new_file set attachments [regsub " $old_file " $attachments " $new_file "] lappend attachment_cleanup_list $new_file } template::util::list_to_multirow attachment_multi $attachment_list } # # Export vars # set exported_vars [export_vars -form -sign { message_id forum_id parent_id subject {message_body $content} {message_body.format $format} confirm_p subject.spellcheck content.spellcheck anonymous_p attach_p attachments:multiple attachment_cleanup_list }] set message(format) $format set message(subject) $subject set message(content) $content set message(user_id) $displayed_user_id set message(user_name) [person::name -person_id $user_id] set message(screen_name) $screen_name set message(posting_date_ansi) [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"] set message(posting_date_pretty) [lc_time_fmt $message(posting_date_ansi) "%x %X"] # Let's check if this person is subscribed to the forum # in case we might want to subscribe them to the thread if {$parent_id eq ""} { if {[notification::request::get_request_id \ -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id \ -short_name forums_forum_notif] \ -object_id $forum_id \ -user_id $user_id] ne ""} { set forum_notification_p 1 } else { set forum_notification_p 0 } } ad_return_template "/packages/forums/lib/message/post-confirm" } if {$action eq "post"} { set content [template::util::richtext::get_property content $message_body] set format [template::util::richtext::get_property format $message_body] forum::message::new \ -forum_id $forum_id \ -message_id $message_id \ -parent_id $parent_id \ -subject $subject \ -content $content \ -format $format \ -user_id $displayed_user_id if { [forum::use_ReadingInfo_p] } { # remove reading info for this thread for all users (mark it unread) set db_antwort [db_exec_plsql forums_reading_info__remove_msg {}] } set permissions(moderate_p) [permission::permission_p -object_id $forum_id -privilege "forum_moderate"] if { $permissions(moderate_p) } { db_transaction { forum::message::set_state \ -message_id $message_id \ -state "approved" } } # VGUERRA Redirecting to the first message ALWAYS forum::message::get -message_id $message_id -array msg set redirect_url "[ad_conn package_url]message-view?message_id=$msg(root_message_id)" # Wrap the notifications URL if {$subscribe_p ne "" && $subscribe_p && $parent_id eq ""} { set notification_url [notification::display::subscribe_url \ -type forums_message_notif \ -object_id $message_id \ -url $redirect_url \ -user_id $user_id] # redirect to notification stuff set redirect_url $notification_url } if {$attachments_enabled_p} { if {$complex_attachments_p} { # # Wrap the attachments URL # if { $attach_p ne "" && $attach_p} { set redirect_url [attachments::add_attachment_url \ -object_id $message_id \ -return_url $redirect_url \ -pretty_name "[_ forums.Forum_Posting] \"$subject\""] } } else { # # Create and attach the new items (we assume we have the # right permissions, as we were able to create the message) # # Root folder # set root_folder_id [content::item::get_id \ -root_folder_id $forum_id \ -item_path "attachments"] if {$root_folder_id eq ""} { set root_folder_id [content::item::new \ -parent_id $forum_id \ -name "attachments"] } # # Create revision and attach # foreach attachment $attachments { set name $message_id-[clock clicks -microseconds] set item_id [content::item::new \ -name $name \ -parent_id $root_folder_id \ -context_id $message_id \ -creation_user $user_id \ -creation_ip $peeraddr \ -item_subtype "content_item" \ -storage_type "file" \ -package_id $package_id] # # Create a revision for the fresh content_item # set revision_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] content::revision::new \ -revision_id $revision_id \ -item_id $item_id \ -title [lindex $attachment 0] \ -is_live t \ -creation_user $user_id \ -creation_ip $peeraddr \ -content_type "content_revision" \ -package_id $package_id \ -tmp_filename [lindex $attachment 1] \ -mime_type [lindex $attachment 2] # # Attach the file to the object via the attachments API # attachments::attach \ -object_id $message_id \ -attachment_id $item_id } # # Cleanup the possible attachment temporal files that still # exist, created during the 'preview' action. # if {$attachment_cleanup_list ne ""} { file delete -- {*}$attachment_cleanup_list } } } # Do the redirection if { !$permissions(moderate_p) } { forum::get -forum_id $forum_id -array forum if { $forum(posting_policy) eq "moderated" } { # if the forum is moderated, give some feedback to the user # to inform that the message has been sent and is pending set feedback_msg [_ forums.Message_sent_to_moderator] ad_returnredirect -message $feedback_msg -- $redirect_url ad_script_abort } } ad_returnredirect $redirect_url ad_script_abort } } if {[info exists alt_template] && $alt_template ne ""} { ad_return_template $alt_template } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: