Subscribe a list of email addresses to a forum (process form)
- Location:
- /packages/forums/www/admin/subscribe-others-2.tcl
- Author:
- Jade Rubick <>
- Created:
- 2005-04-08
$Id: subscribe-others-2.tcl,v 2023/10/11 12:03:33 gustafn Exp $
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Subscribe a list of email addresses to a forum (process form) @author Jade Rubick ( @creation-date 2005-04-08 @cvs-id $Id: subscribe-others-2.tcl,v 2023/10/11 12:03:33 gustafn Exp $ } { forum_id:object_type(forums_forum),notnull type_id:object_type(notification_type),notnull {lines} {return_url:localurl "."} interval:object_type(notification_interval),notnull delivery_method:object_type(notification_delivery_method),notnull {emails ""} {subscriber_ids:object_type(user),multiple} {create_new_users_p:boolean,notnull "f"} } # Select the info set package_id [ad_conn package_id] forum::get -forum_id $forum_id -array forum # Proper scoping? if {$package_id != $forum(package_id)} { ns_log Error "Forum Administration: Bad Scoping of Forum #$forum_id in Forum Editing" ad_returnredirect -message "Forum Administration: Bad Scoping of Forum #$forum_id in Forum Editing" "./" ad_script_abort } set pretty_name $forum(name) # Check that the object can be subscribed to permission::require_permission -object_id $forum_id -privilege "read" ns_write "<html><title>Subscribing users</title><body>" set lines [join $emails "\n"] db_transaction { # Delete all old requests of this type foreach request_id [notification::request::request_ids -object_id $forum_id -type_id $type_id] { notification::request::delete -request_id $request_id } foreach subscriber_id $subscriber_ids { ns_write "subscribing [party::name -party_id $subscriber_id]<br>" notification::request::new \ -type_id $type_id \ -user_id $subscriber_id \ -object_id $forum_id \ -interval_id $interval \ -delivery_method_id $delivery_method } foreach line $lines { set rows [split $line ","] set length [llength $rows] set email [lindex $rows 0] if {$length > 1} { set fname [lindex $rows 1] } else { set fname "(no first name)" } if {$length > 2} { set lname [lindex $rows 2] } else { set lname "(no last name)" } ns_write "<p>---$email---" if {![util_email_valid_p $email]} { set user_id "" ns_write "<br>invalid email address" } else { if {[db_0or1row get_party_id { select party_id, first_names as fname, last_name as lname from cc_users where lower(email) = lower(:email) fetch first 1 rows only }]} { set user_id $party_id ns_write "<br>account exists" } else { set user_id "" } } ns_write "<br>Name:$fname $lname" # user_id is blank if the account doesn't exist or if the # email account looks invalid. if {$user_id eq ""} { # shall we create the new user? if {[string is true $create_new_users_p]} { if {[util_email_valid_p $email]} { ns_write "creating new user: $fname $lname ($email)<br>" # create new user set user_exists_p [db_string user_id { select case when exists (select 1 from parties where email = lower(:email)) then 1 else 0 end from dual }] if {!$user_exists_p} { set password [ad_generate_random_string] array set auth_status_array [auth::create_user -email $email -first_names $fname -last_name $lname -password $password] set user_id $auth_status_array(user_id) } } else { ns_write "<br>invalid email address: $email" } } else { ns_write "<br>skipping user (not creating): $fname $lname ($email)" } } if {$user_id ne ""} { # Check if subscribed set request_id [notification::request::get_request_id -type_id $type_id -object_id $forum_id -user_id $user_id] if {$request_id ne ""} { ns_write "<br>already subscribed ($fname $lname ($email)<br />" } else { ns_write "subscribing ($fname $lname ($email)<br>" notification::request::new \ -type_id $type_id \ -user_id $user_id \ -object_id $forum_id \ -interval_id $interval \ -delivery_method_id $delivery_method } } } } ns_write "<p>Complete</p>" ns_write [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml $return_url]">return</a>}] # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: