UI to create or edit a comment
- Location:
- /packages/general-comments/lib/comment-add-edit.tcl
Related Files
- packages/general-comments/lib/comment-add-edit.tcl
- packages/general-comments/lib/comment-add-edit.adp
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File Contents
ad_include_contract { UI to create or edit a comment } { comment_id:naturalnum,optional object_id:naturalnum,optional context_id:naturalnum,optional { category "" } { object_name "" } { revision_id:naturalnum {} } { return_url:localurl {} } } -properties { page_title:onevalue context:onevalue target:onevalue title:onevalue content:onevalue comment_mime_type:onevalue object_id:onevalue object_name:onevalue context_id:onevalue category:onevalue comment_id:onevalue revision_id:onevalue return_url:onevalue } -validate { comment_or_object { if {![info exists object_id] && ![info exists comment_id]} { ad_complain [_ acs-tcl.lt_You_must_supply_a_val [list formal_name object_id]] ad_complain [_ acs-tcl.lt_You_must_supply_a_val [list formal_name comment_id]] return } } } set new_p [expr {![info exists comment_id]}] if {!$new_p} { db_1row get_comment_info { select g.object_id, r.title, r.content, r.mime_type as comment_mime_type from general_comments g, cr_revisions r where g.comment_id = :comment_id and r.revision_id = coalesce(:revision_id, (select revision_id from cr_revisions lr, acs_objects o where lr.revision_id = o.object_id order by o.creation_date desc fetch first 1 rows only)) } } if {![info exists context_id]} { set context_id $object_id } if { $object_name eq "" } { set object_name [acs_object_name $object_id] } if {$new_p} { # check to see if the user can create comments on this object permission::require_permission \ -object_id $object_id \ -privilege general_comments_create set page_title "[_ general-comments.Add_a_comment_to]: $object_name" set context "\"[_ general-comments.Add_comment]\"" set target "comment-add-2" } else { # check to see if the user can edit this comment permission::require_permission \ -object_id $comment_id \ -privilege write set page_title "[_ general-comments.Edit_comment_on]: $object_name" set context "\"[_ general-comments.Edit_comment]\"" set target "comment-edit-2" } ad_form -name addedit -action $target \ -edit_buttons [list \ [list [_ general-comments.Proceed] "ok"] \ ] \ -export { comment_id object_id object_name context_id return_url } \ -form { {title:text {label "#general-comments.Title#"} {html {size 50 maxlength 200}} } {content:text(textarea) {label "#general-comments.Comment#"} {html {rows 20 cols 80}} } {comment_mime_type:text(select),optional {label ""} {options { {"[_ general-comments.Plain_text]" "text/plain"} {"[_ general-comments.HTML]" "text/html"}} } {value "text/plain"} } } -on_request {} -on_submit {} # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: