Creates a new file attachment
- Location:
- /packages/general-comments/www/file-add-2.tcl
- Authors:
- Phong Nguyen <>
- Pascal Scheffers <>
- Created:
- 2000-10-12
$Id: file-add-2.tcl,v 2021/02/24 03:37:38 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/general-comments/www/file-add-2.tcl
- packages/general-comments/www/file-add-2-postgresql.xql
- packages/general-comments/www/file-add-2-oracle.xql
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File Contents
# /packages/general-comments/www/file-add-2.tcl ad_page_contract { Creates a new file attachment @param attach_id A new id to create the file attachment with @param parent_id The id of the comment to attach file @param title The title of the file attachment @param upload_file The name of the file @author Phong Nguyen ( @author Pascal Scheffers ( @creation-date 2000-10-12 @cvs-id $Id: file-add-2.tcl,v 2021/02/24 03:37:38 gustafn Exp $ } { attach_id:naturalnum,notnull parent_id:naturalnum,notnull title:notnull upload_file:notnull upload_file.tmpfile:tmpfile { return_url:localurl {} } } -validate { allow_file_attachments { set allow_files_p [parameter::get -parameter AllowFileAttachmentsP -default {t}] if { $allow_files_p != "t" } { ad_complain "[_ general-comments.lt_Attaching_files_to_co]" } } check_file_size { set tmp_size [file size ${upload_file.tmpfile}] set max_file_size [parameter::get -parameter MaxFileSize -default {0}] if { $tmp_size > $max_file_size && $max_file_size > 0 } { ad_complain "[_ general-comments.lt_Your_file_is_too_larg] [_ general-comments.The_publisher_of] [ad_system_name] [_ general-comments.lt_has_chosen_to_limit_a] [lc_content_size_pretty -size $max_file_size].\n" } if { $tmp_size == 0 } { ad_complain "[_ general-comments.lt_Your_file_is_zero-len]\n" } } } # authenticate the user set user_id [ad_conn user_id] # check to see if the user can create comments permission::require_permission -object_id $parent_id -privilege write # get the file extension set tmp_filename ${upload_file.tmpfile} set file_extension [string tolower [file extension $upload_file]] # remove the first . from the file extension regsub {\.} $file_extension "" file_extension set guessed_file_type [cr_filename_to_mime_type -create $upload_file] # strip off the C:\directories... crud and just get the filename if {![regexp {([^/\\]+)$} $upload_file match client_filename]} { # couldn't find a match set client_filename $upload_file } set what_aolserver_told_us "" if { $file_extension eq "jpeg" || $file_extension eq "jpg" } { catch { set what_aolserver_told_us [ns_jpegsize $tmp_filename] } } elseif { $file_extension eq "gif" } { catch { set what_aolserver_told_us [ns_gifsize $tmp_filename] } } # the AOLserver jpegsize command has some bugs where the height comes # through as 1 or 2 if { $what_aolserver_told_us ne "" && [lindex $what_aolserver_told_us 0] > 10 && [lindex $what_aolserver_told_us 1] > 10 } { lassign $what_aolserver_told_us original_width original_height } else { set original_width "" set original_height "" } # insert the file comment into the database set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr] set is_live "t" db_transaction { if { $file_extension eq "jpeg" || $file_extension eq "jpg" || $file_extension eq "gif" } { db_exec_plsql insert_image { begin :1 := acs_message.new_image ( message_id => :parent_id, image_id => :attach_id, file_name => :client_filename, title => :title, mime_type => :guessed_file_type, content => empty_blob(), width => :original_width, height => :original_height, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip, is_live => :is_live ); end; } } else { db_exec_plsql insert_file { begin :1 := acs_message.new_file ( message_id => :parent_id, file_id => :attach_id, file_name => :client_filename, title => :title, mime_type => :guessed_file_type, content => empty_blob(), creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip, is_live => :is_live ); end; } } db_1row get_revision { select content_item.get_latest_revision(:attach_id) as revision_id from dual } # db_dml set_content { # update cr_revisions # set content = empty_blob() # where revision_id = :revision_id # returning content into :1 # } -blob_files [list $tmp_filename] # DRB: Since we're using acs_message to store the file, it is automatically # stuffed into the filesystem rather than database whether we need it or # not. This needs to be *changed* ... the whole way we read and write CR content # based on storage type needs cleaning up. set tmp_filename [cr_create_content_file $attach_id $revision_id ${upload_file.tmpfile}] db_dml set_content_size "" } ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base view-comment {{comment_id $parent_id} return_url}] # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: