Request a new notification - Ask for more stuff
- Location:
- /packages/notifications/www/request-change-frequency.tcl
- Author:
- Tracy Adams <>
- Created:
- 2002-09-03
$Id: request-change-frequency.tcl,v 2021/04/19 13:19:08 antoniop Exp $
Related Files
- packages/notifications/www/request-change-frequency.tcl
- packages/notifications/www/request-change-frequency.adp
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Request a new notification - Ask for more stuff @author Tracy Adams ( @creation-date 2002-09-03 @cvs-id $Id: request-change-frequency.tcl,v 2021/04/19 13:19:08 antoniop Exp $ } { request_id:naturalnum,notnull return_url:localurl } auth::require_login set user_id [ad_conn user_id] # Get the notification information. Make also sure only the requesting # user can modify the frequency. if {![db_0or1row select_notification_request { select type_id, interval_id, object_id from notification_requests where request_id = :request_id and user_id = :user_id }]} { # Don't be very vocal about why we have failed. ns_returnnotfound ad_script_abort } acs_object::get -object_id $object_id -array obj set object_name $obj(object_name) set creation_date $obj(creation_date_ansi) set doc(title) [_ notifications.Change_frequency_of_object_name] set context [list [_ notifications.Change_frequency]] set intervals [notification::get_intervals -localized -type_id $type_id] set object_name [lang::util::localize $object_name] set creation_date [lc_time_fmt $creation_date "%d.%m.%Y %T"] ad_form -name change_frequency -export {request_id return_url} -form { {object_name:text(text) {label "#notifications.Item#"} {mode "display"} {value $object_name} } {creation_date:text(text) {label "#acs-admin.Creation_date#"} {mode "display"} {value $creation_date} } {interval_id:integer(select) {label "#notifications.Frequency#"} {options $intervals} {value $interval_id} } } -on_submit { db_dml update_notification_frequency { update notification_requests set interval_id = :interval_id where request_id = :request_id } ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: