- Location:
- /packages/oct-election/www/vote-process.tcl
$Id: vote-process.tcl,v 1.4 2018/07/23 13:23:01 hectorr Exp $
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ad_page_contract { @cvs-id $Id: vote-process.tcl,v 1.4 2018/07/23 13:23:01 hectorr Exp $ } { election_id:naturalnum,notnull q:integer,array,optional } set user_id [auth::require_login] set valid_voter [oct-election::valid_voter_p -election_id $election_id -user_id $user_id] set valid_voter_p [lindex $valid_voter 0] set valid_voter_text [lindex $valid_voter 1] if {!$valid_voter_p} { ad_return_complaint 1 "$valid_voter_text" ad_script_abort } set votes 0 set max_votes [db_string get_max_votes { select number_of_candidates from oct_election where election_id = :election_id}] # TODO: this should all be in a transaction, and would if I knew/trusted how to do that # process the ballot one candidate at a time, keeping an eye on the total vote limit set searchId [array startsearch q] while {[array anymore q $searchId]} { if {$votes > $max_votes} { #don't process this vote or any others # this may be early by 1 - should it go after set candidate? break } set candidate_id [array nextelement q $searchId] incr votes # TODO: verify that the candidate is actually in the election db_dml tally_vote { insert into oct_vote values (:candidate_id); } } db_dml mark_user_ballot { insert into oct_ballot values (:user_id, :election_id); }