DB Query file
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- packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.xql
- packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.tcl
- packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs-postgresql.xql
- packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs-oracle.xql
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<?xml version="1.0"?> <queryset> <rdbms><type>postgresql</type><version>7.1</version></rdbms> <fullquery name="pa_get_root_folder_internal.pa_root_folder"> <querytext> select photo_album__get_root_folder(:package_id) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_new_root_folder.make_new_root"> <querytext> select photo_album__new_root_folder(:package_id) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_new_root_folder.get_grantee_id"> <querytext> select acs__magic_object_id('$party') </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_new_root_folder.grant_default"> <querytext> select acs_permission__grant_permission ( :new_folder_id, -- object_id :grantee_id, -- grantee_id :privilege -- privilege ) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_get_folder_name.folder_name"> <querytext> select content_folder__get_label(:folder_id) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_context_bar_list.get_start_and_final"> <querytext> select parent_id as start_id, content_item__get_title(item_id,'t') as final from cr_items where item_id = :item_id </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_context_bar_list.context_bar"> <querytext> select case when content_item__get_content_type(i.item_id) = 'content_folder' then 'index?folder_id=' when content_item__get_content_type(i.item_id) = 'pa_album' then 'album?album_id=' else 'photo?photo_id=' end || i.item_id, content_item__get_title(i.item_id,'t') from cr_items i, (select tree_ancestor_keys(cr_items_get_tree_sortkey(:start_id)) as tree_sortkey) parents, (select tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = :root_folder_id) as root where i.tree_sortkey = parents.tree_sortkey and i.tree_sortkey > root.tree_sortkey order by i.tree_sortkey asc </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_is_type_in_package.check_is_type_in_package"> <querytext> select exists (select 1 from cr_items i, cr_items i2 where i.item_id = :item_id and i.tree_sortkey between i2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(i2.tree_sortkey) and i2.item_id = :root_folder ) and content_item__get_content_type(:item_id) = :content_type </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_grant_privilege_to_creator.grant_privilege"> <querytext> select acs_permission__grant_permission ( :object_id, -- object_id :user_id, -- grantee_id :privilege -- privilege ) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_load_images.new_photo"> <querytext> select pa_photo__new ( :image_name, -- name :album_id, -- parent_id :photo_id, -- item_id :photo_rev_id, -- revision_id current_timestamp, -- creation_date :user_id, -- creation_user :peeraddr, -- creation_ip null, -- locale :album_id, -- context_id :client_filename, -- title :description, -- description 't', -- is_live current_timestamp, -- publish_date null, -- nls_lang :caption, -- caption :story -- story ) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_insert_image.pa_insert_image"> <querytext> select image__new ( :name, -- name :photo_id, -- parent_id :item_id, -- item_id :rev_id, -- revision_id :mime_type, -- mime_type :user_id, -- creation_user :peeraddr, -- creation_ip :relation, -- relation_tag :title, -- title :description, -- description :is_live, -- is_live current_timestamp, -- publish_date :path, -- path :size, -- file_size :height, -- height :width, -- width :package_id ) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="photo_album::photo::get.basic"> <querytext> SELECT ci.item_id as photo_id, u.user_id, u.first_names || ' ' || u.last_name as username, pp.caption, pp.story, cr.title, cr.description, ci.parent_id as album_id, to_char(o.creation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as created_ansi, case when acs_permission__permission_p(ci.item_id, :user_id, 'admin') ='t' then 1 else 0 end as admin_p, case when acs_permission__permission_p(ci.item_id, :user_id, 'write') = 't' then 1 else 0 end as write_p, case when acs_permission__permission_p(ci.parent_id, :user_id, 'write') = 't' then 1 else 0 end as album_write_p, case when acs_permission__permission_p(ci.item_id, :user_id, 'delete') = 't' then 1 else 0 end as photo_delete_p FROM cr_items ci, cr_revisions cr, pa_photos pp, acs_objects o, acs_users_all u WHERE cr.revision_id = pp.pa_photo_id and ci.live_revision = cr.revision_id and o.object_id = ci.item_id and u.user_id = o.creation_user and ci.item_id = :photo_id </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="photo_album::photo::package_url.package_url"> <querytext> SELECT n.node_id, i1.item_id FROM cr_items i1, cr_items i2, pa_package_root_folder_map m, site_nodes n WHERE m.folder_id = i2.item_id and i1.item_id = coalesce((select item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = :photo_id),:photo_id) and n.object_id = m.package_id and i1.tree_sortkey between i2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(i2.tree_sortkey) limit 1 </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="photo_album::list_albums_in_root_folder.list_albums"> <querytext> select cr.title, ci1.item_id as album_id, ci1.tree_sortkey from cr_revisions cr, (select ci.item_id, ci.live_revision, ci.tree_sortkey from cr_items ci, cr_items ci2 where ci.content_type = 'pa_album' and ci.tree_sortkey between ci2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(ci2.tree_sortkey) and ci2.item_id = :root_folder_id) ci1 where ci1.live_revision = cr.revision_id and acs_permission__permission_p(cr.revision_id, :user_id, 'read') order by cr.title </querytext> </fullquery> </queryset>