Add a album to an existing folder
- Location:
- /packages/photo-album/www/album-add.tcl
- Author:
- Tom Baginski <>
- Created:
- 12/8/2000
$Id: album-add.tcl,v 1.9 2018/03/29 08:19:43 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/photo-album/www/album-add.xql
- packages/photo-album/www/album-add.tcl
- packages/photo-album/www/album-add.adp
- packages/photo-album/www/album-add-postgresql.xql
- packages/photo-album/www/album-add-oracle.xql
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File Contents
# /packages/photo-album/www/album-add.tcl ad_page_contract { Add a album to an existing folder @author Tom Baginski ( @creation-date 12/8/2000 @cvs-id $Id: album-add.tcl,v 1.9 2018/03/29 08:19:43 gustafn Exp $ } { parent_id:naturalnum,notnull } -validate { valid_parent_folder -requires {parent_id:integer} { if [string equal [pa_is_folder_p $parent_id] "f"] { ad_complain "[_ photo-album._The]" } } } -properties { context_list:onevalue } permission::require_permission -object_id $parent_id -privilege "pa_create_album" set context_list [pa_context_bar_list -final "[_ photo-album._Create]" $parent_id] template::form create album_add template::element create album_add album_id -label "album ID" \ -datatype integer -widget hidden template::element create album_add parent_id -label "Parent ID" \ -datatype integer -widget hidden template::element create album_add title -html { size 30 } \ -label "[_ photo-album.Album_Name]" -datatype text template::element create album_add photographer -html { size 50} \ -label "[_ photo-album.Photographer_]" -datatype text -optional template::element create album_add description -html { size 50 } \ -label "[_ photo-album._Album]" -datatype text -optional template::element create album_add story -html {cols 50 rows 4} \ -label "[_ photo-album._Album_1]" -datatype text -widget textarea -optional if { [template::form is_request album_add] } { set album_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] template::element set_properties album_add album_id -value $album_id template::element set_properties album_add parent_id -value $parent_id } if { [template::form is_valid album_add] } { # valid new album submission so create new album set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set peeraddr [ad_conn peeraddr] set album_id [template::element::get_value album_add album_id] set parent_id [template::element::get_value album_add parent_id] set title [template::element::get_value album_add title] set description [template::element::get_value album_add description] set story [template::element::get_value album_add story] set photographer [template::element::get_value album_add photographer] # file safe title into name regsub -all { +} [string tolower $title] {_} name regsub -all {/+} $name {-} name db_transaction { # add the album db_exec_plsql new_album {} pa_grant_privilege_to_creator $album_id $user_id } on_error { # most likely a duplicate name or a double click if {[db_string duplicate_check " select count(*) from cr_items where (item_id = :album_id or name = :name) and parent_id = :parent_id"]} { ad_return_complaint 1 "[_ photo-album._Either]" } else { ad_return_complaint 1 "[_ photo-album._We]" } ad_script_abort } #redirect back to index page with parent_id ad_returnredirect "?folder_id=$parent_id" ad_script_abort } ad_return_template