Add a photo to one of your clipboards (or create a new one if either asked for or none exist). Requires registration.
- Location:
- /packages/photo-album/www/clipboard-attach.tcl
- Author:
- Jeff Davis
- Created:
- 10/30/2002
$Id: clipboard-attach.tcl,v 1.4 2014/08/07 07:59:50 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/photo-album/www/clipboard-attach.tcl
- packages/photo-album/www/clipboard-attach-postgresql.xql
- packages/photo-album/www/clipboard-attach-oracle.xql
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File Contents
# /packages/photo-album/www/clipboard-attach.tcl ad_page_contract { Add a photo to one of your clipboards (or create a new one if either asked for or none exist). Requires registration. @author Jeff Davis @creation-date 10/30/2002 @cvs-id $Id: clipboard-attach.tcl,v 1.4 2014/08/07 07:59:50 gustafn Exp $ } { photo_id:naturalnum,notnull collection_id:naturalnum,notnull } auth::require_login set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set peeraddr [ad_conn peeraddr] set context [ad_conn package_id] if {$collection_id < 0} { ad_returnredirect "clipboard-ae?photo_id=$photo_id" ad_script_abort } # If we got collection_id 0 then we need to create a "General" clipboard if {$collection_id == 0} { set title "General" set collection_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] if {[catch {db_exec_plsql new_collection {}} errMsg]} { ad_return_error "Clipboard Insert error" "Error putting photo into clipboard (query name new_collection)<pre>$errMsg</pre>" } } if {$collection_id > 0} { if {[catch {db_dml map_photo {}} errMsg]} { # Check if it was a pk violation (i.e. already inserted) if {![string match "*pa_collection_photo_map_pk*" $errMsg]} { ad_return_error "Clipboard Insert error" "Error putting photo into clipboard (query name map_photo)<pre>$errMsg</pre>" ad_script_abort } } } ad_returnredirect "photo?photo_id=$photo_id&collection_id=$collection_id"