adds a photo to an album
- Location:
- /packages/photo-album/www/photo-add-2.tcl
- Authors:
- Created:
- 12/10/2000
$Id: photo-add-2.tcl,v 1.13 2019/02/12 17:28:59 hectorr Exp $
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File Contents
# /packages/photo-album/www/photo-add-2.tcl ad_page_contract { adds a photo to an album @author @author @creation-date 12/10/2000 @cvs-id $Id: photo-add-2.tcl,v 1.13 2019/02/12 17:28:59 hectorr Exp $ } { upload_file:notnull,trim upload_file.tmpfile:tmpfile album_id:naturalnum,notnull photo_id:naturalnum,notnull {description ""} {caption ""} {story ""} } -validate { valid_album -requires {album_id:integer} { if [string equal [pa_is_album_p $album_id] "f"] { ad_complain "The specified album is not valid." } } valid_mime_type { if { ![parameter::get -parameter ConverttoJpgorPng -package_id [ad_conn package_id] -default 1] } { if { [catch {set photo_info [pa_file_info ${upload_file.tmpfile}]} errMsg] } { ns_log Warning "Error parsing file data Error: $errMsg" ad_complain "error" } lassign $photo_info base_bytes base_width base_height base_type base_mime base_colors base_quantum base_sha256 if {$base_mime eq ""} { set base_mime invalid } if ![regexp $base_mime [parameter::get -parameter AcceptableUploadMIMETypes -package_id [ad_conn package_id]]] { ad_complain "[_ photo-album._The_5]" ad_complain "[_ photo-album._The_6]" } } } valid_photo_id -requires {photo_id:integer} { # supplied photo_id must not already exist if {[db_string check_photo_id {}]} { ad_complain "The photo already exists. Check if it is already in the <a href=\"album?album_id=$album_id\">album</a>." } } } ns_log Debug "photo-add-2: Done uploading user file, $upload_file" set user_id [ad_conn user_id] #check permission permission::require_permission -object_id $album_id -privilege "pa_create_photo" set new_photo_ids [pa_load_images \ -remove 1 \ -client_name $upload_file \ -description $description \ -story $story \ -caption $caption \ ${upload_file.tmpfile} $album_id $user_id] pa_flush_photo_in_album_cache $album_id # page used as part of redirect so user returns to the album page containing the newly uploaded photo set page [pa_page_of_photo_in_album [lindex $new_photo_ids 0] $album_id] ad_returnredirect "album?album_id=$album_id&page=$page" # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: