Upload a collection of photos from a tar or zip file. Process and insert photos.
- Location:
- /packages/photo-album/www/photos-add-2.tcl
- Author:
- Jeff Davis <>
- Created:
- 6/28/2002
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File Contents
# /packages/photo-album/www/photos-add-2.tcl ad_page_contract { Upload a collection of photos from a tar or zip file. Process and insert photos. @author Jeff Davis ( @creation-date 6/28/2002 @cvs_id $Id: photos-add-2.tcl,v 1.11 2014/08/07 07:59:51 gustafn Exp $ } { {upload_file:optional,trim ""} upload_file.tmpfile:optional,tmpfile album_id:naturalnum,notnull } -validate { valid_album -requires {album_id:integer} { if [string equal [pa_is_album_p $album_id] "f"] { ad_complain "The specified album is not valid." } } non_empty -requires {upload_file.tmpfile:notnull} { if {$upload_file ne "" && (![file exists ${upload_file.tmpfile}] || [file size ${upload_file.tmpfile}] < 4)} { ad_complain "The upload failed or the file was empty" } } directory_exists { if {([info exists upload_file] && $upload_file ne "") && ![file isdirectory [parameter::get -parameter FullTempPhotoDir -package_id [ad_conn package_id]]]} { ad_complain "The directory file does not exist" } } } #check permission set user_id [ad_conn user_id] permission::require_permission -object_id $album_id -privilege "pa_create_photo" if { $upload_file ne "" && [ catch {set tmp_dir [pa_expand_archive $upload_file ${upload_file.tmpfile} pa-$album_id] } errMsg] } { ad_return_complaint 1 "Unable to expand your archive file" ad_script_abort } ReturnHeaders text/html ns_write "<html><head><title>Upload Log</title></head><body><h1>Upload Log</h1><hr>\n" if {$upload_file ne ""} { ns_write "starting to load images from file $upload_file<br>\n" ns_log Debug "made directory $tmp_dir to extract from ${upload_file.tmpfile} ($upload_file)\n" set allfiles [pa_walk $tmp_dir] set remove 1 } else { ns_write "starting to load images from directory [parameter::get -parameter FullTempPhotoDir -package_id [ad_conn package_id]]<br>\n" set allfiles [pa_walk [parameter::get -parameter FullTempPhotoDir -package_id [ad_conn package_id]]] set remove 0 } set new_photo_ids [pa_load_images -feedback_mode 1 -remove $remove $allfiles $album_id $user_id] pa_flush_photo_in_album_cache $album_id set page [pa_page_of_photo_in_album [lindex $new_photo_ids 0] $album_id] ns_write "<a href=\"album?album_id=$album_id&page=$page\">View the images</a>" ns_write "</body></html>" # Now that we are done working on the upload we delete the tmp file if {[info exists tmp_dir]} { file delete -force $tmp_dir }