Bulk edit a set of images.
- Location:
- /packages/photo-album/www/photos-edit-2.tcl
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Bulk edit a set of images. } { album_id:naturalnum,notnull {page:integer,notnull "1"} d:array,integer,optional hide:array,optional caption:array photo_story:array photo_description:array photo_title:array sequence:array,integer } -validate { valid_album -requires {album_id:integer} { if [string equal [pa_is_album_p $album_id] "f"] { ad_complain "The specified album is not valid." } } } # These lines are to uncache the image in Netscape, Mozilla. # IE6 & Safari (mac) have a bug with the images cache ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Expires" "-" ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Last-Modified" "-" ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Cache-Control" "no-cache" set context_list [pa_context_bar_list -final "Edit page $page" $album_id] set hides [list] set shows [list] foreach id [array names caption] { # create a list of hide and show images. if {[info exists hide($id)]} { lappend hides $id } else { lappend shows $id } set acaption $caption($id) set aphoto_story $photo_story($id) set aphoto_description $photo_description($id) set aphoto_title $photo_title($id) set asequence $sequence($id) set aphoto_id $id set arevision_id [db_string get_rev_id "select coalesce(live_revision,latest_revision) from cr_items where item_id = :id"] set auser_id [ad_conn user_id] set apeeraddr [ad_conn peeraddr] db_dml update_photo_attributes { update cr_revisions set description = :aphoto_description, title = :aphoto_title where revision_id = :arevision_id } db_dml update_photo { update pa_photos set caption = :acaption, story = :aphoto_story where pa_photo_id = (select latest_revision from cr_items where item_id = :id) } db_dml update_sequence { update cr_child_rels set order_n = :asequence where child_id = :id and parent_id = :album_id } if {[llength $hides]} { db_dml update_hides "update cr_items set live_revision = null where item_id in ([join $hides ,])" } if {[llength $shows]} { db_dml update_shows "update cr_items set live_revision = latest_revision where item_id in ([join $shows ,])" } } foreach id [array names d] { if { $d($id) > 0 } { pa_rotate $id $d($id) } } pa_flush_photo_in_album_cache $album_id ad_returnredirect "album?album_id=$album_id&page=$page&msg=1" ad_script_abort