Actio nAdd/Edit
- Location:
- /packages/workflow/www/admin/action-ae.tcl
- Author:
- Jeff Wang <>
- Created:
- 3/17/2005
$Id: action-ae.tcl,v 1.8 2017/05/26 17:41:51 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/workflow/www/admin/action-ae.xql
- packages/workflow/www/admin/action-ae.tcl
- packages/workflow/www/admin/action-ae.adp
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Actio nAdd/Edit @author Jeff Wang ( @creation-date 3/17/2005 @cvs-id $Id: action-ae.tcl,v 1.8 2017/05/26 17:41:51 gustafn Exp $ } { {return_url [get_referrer]} {action_id:naturalnum,optional} {workflow_id:naturalnum,notnull} } set title "Action Add or Edit" set context [list [list $return_url "Workflow Edit"] "Action AE"] set yes_no_options [list [list "Yes" t] [list "No" f]] set state_options [db_list_of_lists get_states {}] set trigger_options [list \ [list "user" "user"] \ [list "auto" "auto"] \ [list "init" "init"] \ [list "time" "time"] \ [list "message" "message"] \ [list "workflow" "workflow"] \ [list "dynamic" "dynamic"] \ [list "parallel" "parallel"] \ ] set role_options_no_blank [workflow::role::get_options -workflow_id $workflow_id] set role_options [linsert $role_options_no_blank 0 [list "" ""]] set privilege_options {{read read} {write write} {admin admin}} ad_form -name "add_edit" -form { action_id:key {short_name:text(text) {label {Short Name:}}} {pretty_name:text(text) {label {Pretty Name:}}} {pretty_past_tense:text(text),optional {label {Pretty Past Tense:}}} {new_state_id:text(select),optional {options $state_options}} {description:text(text),optional {label {Description:}}} {trigger_type:text(select),optional {options $trigger_options }} {timeout_seconds:text(text),optional } {callbacks:text(textarea),optional,nospell {label {Insert or remove callbacks. Put a new callback on a separate line:}} {html {rows 6 cols 35}}} {always_enabled_p:text(radio) {label {Always Enabled?}} {options $yes_no_options}} {enabled_states:text(checkbox),multiple,optional {label {Enabled States:}} {options $state_options}} {assigned_states:text(checkbox),multiple,optional {label {Assigned States:}} {options $state_options}} {assigned_role:text(select),optional {label {Assigned Role:}} {options $role_options}} {allowed_roles:text(multiselect),multiple,optional {label {Allowed Roles:}} {options $role_options_no_blank}} {privileges:text(multiselect),multiple,optional {label {Privileges:}} {options $privilege_options}} {sub:text(submit) {label {Submit}}} } -new_data { set update_array(short_name) $short_name set update_array(pretty_name) $pretty_name set update_array(pretty_past_tense) $pretty_past_tense set update_array(description) $description set update_array(always_enabled_p) $always_enabled_p set update_array(trigger_type) $trigger_type set update_array(timeout_seconds) $timeout_seconds set update_array(enabled_state_ids) $enabled_states set update_array(assigned_state_ids) $assigned_states set update_array(new_state_id) $new_state_id set update_array(assigned_role) $assigned_role set update_array(allowed_roles) $allowed_roles set update_array(privileges) $privileges #callbacks set callback_list [list] foreach callback_name [split $callbacks "\n"] { set callback_name [string trim $callback_name] if {$callback_name ne ""} { lappend callback_list $callback_name } } set update_array(callbacks) $callback_list set error_p 0 db_transaction { workflow::action::fsm::edit \ -operation "insert" \ -action_id $action_id \ -workflow_id $workflow_id \ -array "update_array" } on_error { set error_p 1 } if {$error_p} { ad_return_complaint 1 "There was an error creating the action: <br><br><br> $errmsg" ad_script_abort } } -edit_data { set update_array(short_name) $short_name set update_array(pretty_name) $pretty_name set update_array(pretty_past_tense) $pretty_past_tense set update_array(description) $description set update_array(always_enabled_p) $always_enabled_p set update_array(trigger_type) $trigger_type set update_array(timeout_seconds) $timeout_seconds set update_array(enabled_state_ids) $enabled_states set update_array(assigned_state_ids) $assigned_states set update_array(new_state_id) $new_state_id set update_array(assigned_role) $assigned_role set update_array(allowed_roles) $allowed_roles set update_array(privileges) $privileges #callbacks set callback_list [list] foreach callback_name [split $callbacks "\n"] { set callback_name [string trim $callback_name] if {$callback_name ne ""} { lappend callback_list $callback_name } } set update_array(callbacks) $callback_list set error_p 0 db_transaction { workflow::action::fsm::edit \ -action_id $action_id \ -array "update_array" } on_error { set error_p 1 } if {$error_p} { ad_return_complaint 1 "There was an error updating the action: <br><br><br> $errmsg" ad_script_abort } } -edit_request { workflow::action::get \ -action_id $action_id \ -array "action_info" set short_name $action_info(short_name) set pretty_name $action_info(pretty_name) set pretty_past_tense $action_info(pretty_past_tense) set description $action_info(description) set always_enabled_p $action_info(always_enabled_p) set trigger_type $action_info(trigger_type) set timeout_seconds $action_info(timeout_seconds) set enabled_states $action_info(enabled_state_ids) set assigned_states $action_info(assigned_state_ids) set new_state $action_info(new_state) set new_state_id $action_info(new_state_id) set callbacks [join $action_info(callbacks) "\n"] set assigned_role $action_info(assigned_role) set allowed_roles $action_info(allowed_roles) set privileges $action_info(privileges) } -after_submit { ad_returnredirect -allow_complete_url $return_url ad_script_abort } -export {return_url workflow_id}