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# -*- Tcl -*- ######################################################################## # Workflow for editing grading scheme instances # ============================================= # # This workflow manages definition of grading schemes. It implements a # trivial state management and creates instances of the GradingScheme # class when instantiated. To create new grading schemes, e.g. add the # following line to the menu entries. # # {entry -name New.Grading.Scheme -form en:edit-grading-scheme.wf} # set :policy ::xowf::test_item::test-item-policy-edit set :autoname 1 Action initialize -proc activate {obj} { set name [$obj name] if {[$obj is_new_entry $name]} { #set container [[$obj wf_context] wf_container] #set item_type [$container item_type $obj] $obj title "New Grading Scheme ($name)" } else { $obj title $name } } Action save \ -next_state created \ -label #xowiki.Form-submit_button# \ -proc activate {obj} { ::xowf::test_item::grading::flush_grading_schemes \ -package_id [$obj package_id] \ -parent_id [$obj parent_id] } Action view -label #xowiki.view# -proc activate {obj} { set url [export_vars -base [$obj pretty_link] { {m view} {p.return_url "[::xo::cc url]"} }] ad_returnredirect $url ad_script_abort } State parameter { {extra_css {/resources/xowf/test-item.css}} } State initial \ -actions {save} \ -form_loader load_form -form foo State created \ -actions {save view} \ -form_loader load_form -form foo # # Form loader for grading scheme # :proc load_form {ctx args} { #ns_log notice "============ grading scheme load_form <$args>" dict set roundingDict _type radio dict set roundingDict label #xowf.Rounding_scheme# dict set roundingDict value None dict set roundingDict horizontal true dict set roundingDict options { {\#xowf.Rounding_scheme-GradingRoundNone# None} {\#xowf.Rounding_scheme-GradingRoundPoints# Points} {\#xowf.Rounding_scheme-GradingRoundPercentage# Percentage} } set precisionDict { _type number label #xowf.Rounding_precision# min 0 max 4 value 2 js_validate true } set gradeDict { _type grade_boundary js_validate true inline true CSSclass "form-control inline" value 80 min 0 max 100 step .1 } set form_obj [::xowiki::Form new \ -destroy_on_cleanup \ -set name en:grading_form \ -form {{<form><br> @rounding@ @precision@ <div class="form-label"><label>#xowf.Grade_boundaries#</label></div> #xowf.Grade# 1: @grade1@%<br> #xowf.Grade# 2: @grade2@%<br> #xowf.Grade# 3: @grade3@%<br> #xowf.Grade# 4: @grade4@%<br><br> </form>} text/html } \ -form_constraints [subst { {[::xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec -name rounding $roundingDict]} {[::xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec -name precision $precisionDict]} {[::xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec -name grade1 $gradeDict]} {[::xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec -name grade2 $gradeDict]} {[::xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec -name grade3 $gradeDict]} {[::xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec -name grade4 $gradeDict]} _description:omit _page_order:omit _creator:omit _title:omit _nls_language:hidden }] \ -text {} \ -anon_instances t \ ] #ns_log notice "============ grading scheme load_form <$args> return $form_obj\n[$form_obj form_constraints]" return $form_obj } :object-specific { set ctx [:wf_context] set container [$ctx wf_container] if {$ctx ne $container} { $ctx forward load_form $container %proc $ctx } :proc render_icon {} { return {text "Grading Scheme" is_richtext false} } # # Build instance attributes of grading scheme from properties # "grade1..4", "precision" and "rounding". # set percentage_boundaries [lmap p {grade4 grade3 grade2 grade1} { if {[:property $p] eq ""} {continue} :property $p }] set precision [:property precision] set rounding [:property rounding] if {[llength $percentage_boundaries] == 4 && $precision ne "" && $rounding ne ""} { set roundingClass ::xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRound$rounding if {[nsf::is class $roundingClass]} { set gradingSchemeName [dict get [::${:package_id} split_name ${:name}] suffix] $roundingClass create ::xowf::test_item::grading::$gradingSchemeName \ -percentage_boundaries $percentage_boundaries \ -precision $precision ::xowf::test_item::grading::$gradingSchemeName destroy_on_cleanup #ns_log notice "### loaded grading scheme '$gradingSchemeName'" } else { ns_log warning "invalid grading scheme ${:name}: unknown rounding '$rounding';" \ "defined: [lmap c [lsort [::xowf::test_item::grading::Grading info subclasses] {namespace tail $c}]]" } } else { ns_log warning "invalid grading scheme ${:name}: missing values in ${:instance_attributes}" } unset -nocomplain percentage_boundaries precision rounding roundingClass # ::xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundNone # ::xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundNone #ns_log notice "edit-grading-scheme state ${:state} name ${:name} IA ${:instance_attributes}" } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: