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File Contents

  <property name="doc(title)">@title;literal@</property>
  <property name="context">@context;literal@</property>
  <property name="head">
  <style type="text/css">
  div.api-doc {background: #e4e4e4;}
  dd {margin-left: 2em;}


  <br style="clear:both">

  <h3>Procedures in this file</h3>

    <multiple name="proc_list">

  <h3>Detailed information</h3>

  <multiple name="proc_doc_list">
    <div class="api-doc">

  <if @source_p;literal@ false>
    [ <a href="procs-file-view?@url_vars@&amp;source_p=1">show source</a> ]
    [ <a href="procs-file-view?@url_vars@&amp;source_p=0">hide source</a> ]

  <if @source_p@ ne @default_source_p@> 
    | [ <a href="set-default?source_p=@source_p@&amp;return_url=@return_url@">make this
    the default</a> ]

  <if @source_p;literal@ true>
    <h4>Content File Source</h4>

    <!-- directly display file contents var to avoid translating i18n strings etc -->
    <blockquote><pre class='code'>@file_contents;literal@</pre></blockquote>