-- Data model to support content repository of the ArsDigita Community
-- System.  This file contains DDL patches to the basic data model
-- that were incorporated after the code freeze.  It makes it easier for
-- existing users to update their data models.

-- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation
-- Authors:      Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com)

-- $Id: content-update.sql,v 1.11 2018/11/01 08:43:43 gustafn Exp $

-- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
-- License.  Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project:
-- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html

  -- altering the constraint on cr_type_template_map
  raise NOTICE 'Altering constraint on cr_type_template_map...';
  execute 'alter table cr_type_template_map drop constraint cr_type_template_map_pk';
  execute 'alter table cr_type_template_map add constraint cr_type_template_map_pk primary key (content_type, template_id, use_context)';
  execute 'VACUUM ANALYZE cr_type_template_map';

  return 0;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- select inline_0 ();

drop function inline_0 ();


  -- Set the workflow permission as child of admin
  update acs_privilege_hierarchy
    set privilege = 'cm_admin'
    privilege = 'cm_write'
    child_privilege = 'cm_item_workflow';

  if not table_exists('cr_doc_filter') then

    raise NOTICE 'Creating CR_DOC_FILTER table for converting
                          documents to HTML';

    execute 'create table cr_doc_filter (
      revision_id        integer primary key,
      content            integer

   -- execute 'create index cr_doc_filter_index 
   --   on cr_doc_filter ( content ) indextype is ctxsys.context
   --   parameters (''FILTER content_filter_pref'' )';

  end if;

  if not table_exists('cr_content_text') then

    raise NOTICE 'Creating CR_CONTENT_TEXT table';

    execute 'create table cr_content_text (
      revision_id        integer primary key,
      content            text

  end if;

  if not column_exists('cr_folders', 'has_child_folders') then

    raise NOTICE 'Adding HAS_CHILD_FOLDERS column to CR_FOLDERS and updating the column based on selection criteria.';

    execute 'create view cr_resolved_items as
         i.parent_id, i.item_id, i.name, 
         case s.target_id is NULL then ''''f'''' else ''''t''''  end as is_symlink,
         coalesce(s.target_id, i.item_id) resolved_id, s.label
         cr_items i left outer join cr_symlinks s
       on i.item_id = s.symlink_id';

    execute 'alter table cr_folders add
      has_child_folders boolean
			default ''''f''''';

    execute 'update cr_folders f set has_child_folders =
      coalesce((select ''''t'''' from dual where exists
	    (select 1 from cr_folders f_child, cr_resolved_items r_child
	       where r_child.parent_id = f.folder_id
		 and f_child.folder_id = r_child.resolved_id)), ''''f'''')';
  end if;

  if not column_exists('cr_keywords', 'parent_id') then

    raise NOTICE 'Adding PARENT_ID column to CR_KEYWORDS and updating the parent id from the context id';

    execute 'alter table cr_keywords add 
       parent_id      integer 
                      constraint cr_keywords_hier
                      references cr_keywords';

    execute 'update cr_keywords set parent_id = (
                         select context_id from acs_objects 
                         where object_id = keyword_id)';

  end if;

  if not table_exists('cr_text') then

    raise NOTICE 'Creating CR_TEXT table for incoming text submissions...';

    execute 'create table cr_text ( text text default '''' not null )';

    -- For some reason a simple insert statement throws an error but this works
    execute 'insert into cr_text values (NULL)';

  end if;

  if not column_exists('cr_items', 'publish_status') then

    raise NOTICE 'Adding PUBLISH_STATUS column to CR_ITEMS for tracking deployment status...';

    execute 'alter table cr_items add 
      publish_status varchar(40) 
                     constraint cr_items_pub_status_chk
                     check (publish_status in 
                       (''''production'''', ''''ready'''', ''''live'''', ''''expired''''))';

    execute 'update cr_items set publish_status = ''''live''''
                         where live_revision is not null';

    execute 'alter table cr_item_publish_audit add column 
      old_status varchar(40)';
    execute 'alter table cr_item_publish_audit add column
      new_status varchar(40)';

  end if;

  if not column_exists('cr_items', 'latest_revision') then

    raise NOTICE 'Adding LATEST_REVISION column to CR_ITEMS for tracking revision status...';

    execute 'alter table cr_items add 
      latest_revision integer
                      constraint cr_items_latest_revision_fk
                      references cr_revisions';

    execute 'update cr_items 
                       set latest_revision = 

  end if;

  if not table_exists('cr_release_periods') then

    raise NOTICE 'Creating CR_RELEASE_PERIODS table for scheduled publishing...';

    execute '
      create table cr_release_periods (
	item_id          integer
			 constraint cr_release_periods_fk
			 references cr_items
			 constraint cr_release_periods_pk
			 primary key,
	start_when	 timestamptz default current_timestamp,
	end_when	 timestamptz default current_timestamp + interval ''20 years''

  end if;

  if not table_exists('cr_scheduled_release_log') then

    raise NOTICE 'Creating CR_SCHEDULED_RELEASE_LOG table for auditing of scheduled publishing...';

    execute '
      create table cr_scheduled_release_log (
	exec_date        timestamptz default current_timestamp not null,
	items_released   integer not null,
	items_expired    integer not null,
	err_num          integer,
	err_msg          varchar(500) default '''' not null

  end if;

  if not table_exists('cr_scheduled_release_job') then

    raise NOTICE 'Creating CR_SCHEDULED_RELEASE_JOB table for tracking database job for scheduled publishing...';

    execute '
      create table cr_scheduled_release_job (
        job_id     integer,
        last_exec  timestamptz

    execute '
      insert into cr_scheduled_release_job values (NULL, now())';

  end if;

  return null;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- select inline_1 ();

drop function inline_1 ();

-- show errors

\i content-schedule.sql