
update cr_items i set
 parent_id = u.user_id
from users u,
     acs_rels a
where a.object_id_two = i.item_id
  and a.object_id_one = u.user_id
  and i.parent_id <> u.user_id
  and a.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel'
  and not exists (select 1 from cr_items ei, acs_rels er
                   where er.object_id_two = ei.item_id
                     and er.object_id_one = u.user_id
                     and er.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel'
                     and parent_id = u.user_id);

-- -- Delete the old broken portraits (optional)
-- select content_item__del(i.item_id)
--   from cr_items i,
--        users u,
--        acs_rels a
--  where a.object_id_two = i.item_id
--   and a.object_id_one = u.user_id
--   and i.parent_id <> u.user_id
--   and a.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel';
