-- packages/language/sql/language-drop.sql
-- @author davis@xarg.net
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id: message-catalog-drop.sql,v 1.5 2004/02/24 12:03:09 jeffd Exp $

-- drop the timezone stuff
--drop index tz_data_idx2;
--drop index tz_data_idx1;
--drop table tz_data;
--drop function lc_time_utc_to_local;
--drop function lc_time_local_to_utc;

-- drop the lang stuff
drop table lang_translation_registry;
drop table lang_translate_columns;
drop table lang_messages_audit;
drop table lang_messages;
drop table lang_message_keys;
drop table lang_user_timezone;

-- This might fail if the data model includes other multilingual tables
-- that reference ad_locales. Really need to cascade here to ensure
-- it goes away, but that is dangerous.

-- drop table ad_locales;