-- packages/acs-lang/sql/postgresql/message-catalog.sql
-- @author Jeff Davis (davis@xarg.net)
-- @author Christian Hvid
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id: message-catalog.sql,v 2020/08/25 13:38:12 antoniop Exp $


create table lang_user_timezone (
    user_id            integer
                       constraint lang_user_timezone_user_id_fk
                       references users (user_id) on delete cascade,
    timezone           varchar(30)

create table lang_message_keys ( 
    message_key        varchar(200)
                       constraint lang_message_keys_message_key_nn
                       not null,
    package_key        varchar(100)
                       constraint lang_message_keys_pkg_key_fk
                       references apm_package_types(package_key)
                       on delete cascade
                       constraint lang_message_keys_package_key_nn
                       not null,

    -- This optional column allows to bind the message key to the
    -- lifetime of an acs_object: upon object's deletion, the message
    -- key will be automatically deleted from the system.
    object_id          integer constraint lang_message_keys_object_id_fk
                       references acs_objects(object_id)
                       on delete cascade,

    description        text,
    constraint lang_message_keys_pk
    primary key (message_key, package_key)

create table lang_messages (    
    message_key        varchar(200)
                       constraint lang_messages_message_key_nn
                       not null,
    package_key        varchar(100)
                       constraint lang_messages_package_key_nn
                       not null,
    locale             varchar(30) 
                       constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
                       references ad_locales(locale)
                       constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
                       not null,
    message            text,
    deleted_p          boolean default 'f',
    sync_time          timestamptz,
    conflict_p         boolean default 'f',
    upgrade_status     varchar(30)
                       constraint lang_messages_us_ck
                       check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated')),
    creation_date      timestamptz 
                       default now() 
                       not null,
    creation_user      integer
                       constraint lang_messages_creation_user_fk
                       references users (user_id),
    constraint lang_messages_fk
    foreign key (message_key, package_key) 
    references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
    on delete cascade,
    constraint lang_messages_pk 
    primary key (message_key, package_key, locale)

create table lang_messages_audit (    
    audit_id           integer
                       constraint lang_messages_audit_pk
                       primary key,    
    message_key        varchar(200)
                       constraint lang_messages_audit_key_nn
                       not null,
    package_key        varchar(100)
                       constraint lang_messages_audit_p_key_nn
                       not null,
    locale             varchar(30) 
                       constraint lang_messages_audit_locale_fk
                       references ad_locales(locale)
                       constraint lang_messages_audit_l_nn
                       not null,
    -- The old, overwritten message, not the new message being
    -- entered on this date by this user.
    old_message        text,
    deleted_p          boolean default 'f',
    sync_time          timestamptz,
    conflict_p         boolean default 'f',
    upgrade_status     varchar(30)
                       constraint lang_messages_us_ck
                       check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated')),
    comment_text       text,
    overwrite_date     timestamptz 
                       default now() 
                       not null,
    overwrite_user     integer
                       constraint lang_messages_audit_ou_fk
                       references users (user_id),
    constraint lang_messages_audit_fk
    foreign key (message_key, package_key) 
    references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
    on delete cascade

create sequence lang_messages_audit_id_seq;

-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_translate_columns table holds the columns that require translation.
-- * It is needed to generate the user interface for translating the web site.
-- * Note that we register on_what_column itself for translation.
-- ****************************************************************************

create table lang_translate_columns (   
        column_id               integer 
                                constraint ltc_column_id_pk 
                		primary key,
        -- can't do references on user_tables cause oracle sucks
        on_which_table          varchar(50),
        on_what_column          varchar(50),
        -- whether all entries in a column must be translated for the 
        -- site to function.
        -- probably ultimately need something more sophisticated than 
        -- simply required_p
        required_p              boolean,
        -- flag for whether to use the lang_translations table for content
        -- or add a row in the on_which_table table with the translated content.
        short_p                 boolean,
        constraint  ltc_un unique (on_which_table, on_what_column)

-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_translation_registry table identifies a row as requiring translation
-- * to a given language. This should identify the parent table not the broken-apart
-- * child table.
-- ****************************************************************************

create table lang_translation_registry (
	on_which_table		varchar(50),
	on_what_id		integer not null,
        locale                  varchar(30) constraint ltr_locale_fk
                                references ad_locales(locale),
        -- should have dependency info here
        constraint lang_translation_registry_pk primary key(on_what_id, on_which_table, locale)
