-- Creates support tables and useful views for the calendar system
-- @author Gary Jin (gjin@arsdigita.com)
-- @creation-date Nov 30, 2000
-- @cvs-id $Id: cal-table-create.sql,v 1.7 2018/03/25 22:13:40 hectorr Exp $
-- @ported by Charles Mok (mok_cl@eelab.usyd.edu.au)

-- Calendar Support Tables

  -- Table cal_party_prefs stores customization information
  -- for each calendar. These data are unique to each party. 
  -- This means that each party using the same calendar can 
  -- have a different look to it. 
create table cal_party_prefs (
          -- refers to a particular calendar Id
        calendar_id             integer
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_cal_id_fk
                                references calendars
                                on delete cascade,       
           -- Party Id
        party_id                integer
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_party_id_fk  
                                references parties
                                on delete cascade,
          -- default_view stores whether the user wants 
          -- list, month, day, week, or year as his/her default view.
        default_view            varchar(10)
                                default 'day'
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_default_view_ck
                                check (default_view in (
          -- the default number of minutes for each appointment
        default_duration        integer
                                default 60
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_default_duration
                                check (default_duration > 0),
          -- the default starting time in daily view in military time 00 - 23
        daily_start             --number(2)
                                default 07
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_daily_start
                                check (daily_start < 24 and daily_start > -1),
          -- the default ending time in daily view in military time 00 -23
        daily_end               --number(2)
                                default 18
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_daily_end 
                                check (daily_end < 24 and daily_end > 0),
          -- which time zone does the user belong to
        time_zone               integer 
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_time_zone_fk
                                references timezones
                                on delete cascade
				check (time_zone > 0),
          -- which day to start the week, monday or sunday
        first_day_of_week       varchar(9)
                                default 'Sunday'
                                constraint cal_pty_prefs_1st_day_ck
                                check (first_day_of_week in (
          -- unique constraint between calendar_id and party_id
          -- this ensures that each party has only one set of 
          -- preferences per calendar
        constraint cal_party_prefs_un unique(calendar_id, party_id)

comment on table cal_party_prefs is '
        Table cal_user_prefs would stores custom information
        about each individual user. This would include time zone
        which is the first day of the week, monday or sunday, 
        and the likes. 

comment on column cal_party_prefs.party_id is '
        Maps to a party

comment on column cal_party_prefs.default_view is '
        default_view stores whether the user wants
        list, month, day, week, or year as his/her default view. 

comment on column cal_party_prefs.default_duration is '
        the default number of minutes for each appointment

comment on column cal_party_prefs.daily_start is '
        the default start time in daily view in military time 00 - 23
        default to 07 or 7 am

comment on column cal_party_prefs.daily_end is '
        the default end time in daily view in military time 00 - 23
        default to 18 or 6 pm

--comment on column cal_party_prefs.time_zone is '
--        The time zone that the user is in. This is useful in sending out 
--        reminders and other applications

comment on column cal_party_prefs.first_day_of_week is '
        Which day of the week will be displayed first in month and week view    