acs::test::auth::install       Register the service contract implementations for the acs_testing authority and update the authority accordingly. 
acs::test::auth::registration::Register       Implements the "Register" operation of the auth_registration service contract for the acs testing authority. 
acs::test::auth::registration::register_impl       Register the 'acs_testing' implementation of the 'auth_registration' service contract. 
auth::UseEmailForLoginP       Do we use email address for login? 
auth::after_upgrade       After upgrade callback. 
auth::authenticate       Try to authenticate and login the user forever by validating the username/password combination, and return authentication and account status codes. 
auth::authentication::authenticate       Invoke the Authenticate service contract operation for the given authority. 
auth::authentication::create_contract       Create service contract for authentication. 
auth::authentication::delete_contract       Delete service contract for authentication. 
auth::authority::batch_sync       Execute batch synchronization for this authority now. 
auth::authority::create       Create a new authentication authority. 
auth::authority::delete       Delete an authority. 
auth::authority::edit       Edit info about an authority. 
auth::authority::get       Get info about an authority and return the authority_id. 
auth::authority::get_authority_options       Returns options (value label pairs) for building the authority HTML select box. 
auth::authority::get_column_defaults       Get an array list with column names as keys and their default value as values. 
auth::authority::get_columns       Get a list of the columns in the auth_authorities table. 
auth::authority::get_element       Return a specific element of the auth_authority data table. 
auth::authority::get_flush       Flush the cache for auth::authority::get. 
auth::authority::get_id       Get authority_id by short_name. 
auth::authority::get_id_flush       Flush the cache for auth::authority::get_id by short_name. 
auth::authority::get_id_not_cached       Get authority_id by short_name. 
auth::authority::get_not_cached       Get info about an authority, either by authority_id, user_id, or authority short_name. 
auth::authority::get_required_columns       Get a list of the required columns in the auth_authorities table. 
auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns       Get a list of column names for storing service contract implementation ids of the authority. 
auth::authority::get_select_columns       Get a list of the columns which can be selected from auth_authorities table. 
auth::authority::get_short_names       Return a list of authority short names. 
auth::authority::local       Returns the authority_id of the local authority. 
auth::can_admin_system_without_authority_p       Before disabling or deleting an authority we need to check that there is at least one site-wide admin in a different authority that can administer the system. 
auth::check_local_account_status       Check the account status of a user with the given parameters. 
auth::create_local_account       Create the local account for a user. 
auth::create_local_account_helper       Creates a new user in the system. 
auth::create_user       Create a user, and return creation status and account status. 
auth::delete_local_account       Delete the local account for a user. 
auth::driver::GetParameters       Returns a list of names of parameters for the driver This proc duplicates auth::driver::get_parameters 
auth::driver::get_parameter_values       Gets a list of parameter values ready to be passed to a service contract implementation. 
auth::driver::get_parameters       Returns a list of names of parameters for the driver 
auth::driver::set_parameter_value       Updates the parameter value in the database. 
auth::get_all_registration_elements       Get the list of possible registration elements. 
auth::get_doc::create_contract       Create service contract for account registration. 
auth::get_doc::delete_contract       Delete service contract for account registration. 
auth::get_local_account       Get the user_id of the local account for the given username and domain combination. 
auth::get_local_account_status       Return 'ok', 'closed', or 'no_account' 
auth::get_register_authority       Get the ID of the authority in which accounts get created. 
auth::get_registration_elements       Get the list of required/optional elements for user registration. 
auth::get_registration_form_elements       Returns a list of elements to be included in the -form chunk of an ad_form form. 
auth::get_user_id       Get the current user_id with at least the level of security specified. 
auth::get_user_secret_token       Get a secret token for the user. 
auth::issue_login       Issue the login cookie. 
auth::local::authentication::Authenticate       Implements the Authenticate operation of the auth_authentication service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::authentication::GetParameters       Implements the GetParameters operation of the auth_authentication service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::authentication::MergeUser       Merge Implementation of local authentication. 
auth::local::authentication::register_impl       Register the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_authentication' service contract. 
auth::local::authentication::unregister_impl       Unregister the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_authentication' service contract. 
auth::local::install       Register local service contract implementations, and update the local authority with live information. 
auth::local::password::CanChangePassword       Implements the CanChangePassword operation of the auth_password service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::password::CanResetPassword       Implements the CanResetPassword operation of the auth_password service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::password::CanRetrievePassword       Implements the CanRetrievePassword operation of the auth_password service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::password::ChangePassword       Implements the ChangePassword operation of the auth_password service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::password::GetParameters       Implements the GetParameters operation of the auth_password service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::password::ResetPassword       Implements the ResetPassword operation of the auth_password service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::password::RetrievePassword       Implements the RetrievePassword operation of the auth_password service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::password::register_impl       Register the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_password' service contract. 
auth::local::password::unregister_impl       Unregister the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_password' service contract. 
auth::local::registration::GetElements       Implements the GetElements operation of the auth_registration service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::registration::GetParameters       Implements the GetParameters operation of the auth_registration service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::registration::Register       Implements the Register operation of the auth_registration service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::registration::register_impl       Register the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_registration' service contract. 
auth::local::registration::unregister_impl       Unregister the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_register' service contract. 
auth::local::search::GetParameters       Implements the GetParameters operation of the auth_search service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::search::Search       Implements the Search operation of the auth_search service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::uninstall       Unregister the local service contract implementation, and update the local authority to reflect that. 
auth::local::user_info::GetParameters       Implements the GetParameters operation of the auth_user_info service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::user_info::GetUserInfo       Implements the GetUserInfo operation of the auth_user_info service contract for the local account implementation. 
auth::local::user_info::register_impl       Register the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_user_info' service contract. 
auth::local::user_info::unregister_impl       Unregister the 'local' implementation of the 'auth_user_info' service contract. 
auth::login_attempts::all_entries       Get all login attempts 
auth::login_attempts::flush_all       Flush all login attempt counters. 
auth::login_attempts::get       Get the current number of login attempts of a user. 
auth::login_attempts::get_all       Get all failed login attempts 
auth::login_attempts::login_attempt_flush       Flush the login attempts of a user. 
auth::login_attempts::login_attempt_incr       Increment the login attempts of a user. 
auth::login_attempts::record       Record a failed login attempt 
auth::login_attempts::reset       Flush the recorded failed login attempt for the provided login_attempt_key 
auth::login_attempts::reset_all       Flush all recorded failed login attempts 
auth::login_attempts::threshold_reached_p       Check if the maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts has been reached 
auth::password::CanChangePassword       Invoke the CanChangePassword operation on the given authority. 
auth::password::CanResetPassword       Invoke the CanResetPassword operation on the given authority. 
auth::password::CanRetrievePassword       Invoke the CanRetrievePassword operation on the given authority. 
auth::password::ChangePassword       Invoke the ChangePassword operation on the given authority. 
auth::password::ResetPassword       Invoke the ResetPassword operation on the given authority. 
auth::password::RetrievePassword       Invoke the RetrievePassword operation on the given authority. 
auth::password::can_change_p       Returns whether we can change the password for the given user. 
auth::password::can_reset_p       Returns whether the given authority can reset forgotten passwords. 
auth::password::can_retrieve_p       Returns whether the given authority can retrieve forgotten passwords. 
auth::password::change       Change the user's password. 
auth::password::create_contract       Create service contract for password management. 
auth::password::delete_contract       Delete service contract for password management. 
auth::password::email_password       Send an email to the user with given username and authority with the new password. 
auth::password::get_change_url       Returns the URL to redirect to for changing passwords. 
auth::password::get_forgotten_url       Returns the URL to redirect to for forgotten passwords. 
auth::password::recover_password       Handles forgotten passwords. 
auth::password::reset       Reset the user's password, which means setting it to a new randomly generated password and inform the user of that new password. 
auth::password::retrieve       Retrieve the user's password. 
auth::process_doc::create_contract       Create service contract for account registration. 
auth::process_doc::delete_contract       Delete service contract for account registration. 
auth::refresh_login       If there currently is a user associated with this session, but the user's authentication is expired, redirect the user to refresh his/her login. 
auth::registration::Register       Invoke the Register service contract operation for the given authority. 
auth::registration::create_contract       Create service contract for account registration. 
auth::registration::delete_contract       Delete service contract for account registration. 
auth::require_login       If the current session is not authenticated, redirect to the login page, and aborts the current page script. 
auth::search::create_contract       Create service contract for authority searches. 
auth::search::delete_contract       Delete service contract for authority search. 
auth::self_registration       Check AllowSelfRegister parameter and set user message if self registration not allowed. 
auth::send_email_verification_email       Sends out an email to the user that lets them verify their email. 
auth::set_email_verified       Update an OpenACS record with the fact that the email address on record was verified. 
auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument       Wrapper for the GetAckDocument operation of the auth_sync_process service contract. 
auth::sync::GetDocument       Wrapper for the GetDocument operation of the auth_sync_retrieve service contract. 
auth::sync::GetElements       Wrapper for the GetElements operation of the auth_sync_process service contract. 
auth::sync::ProcessDocument       Wrapper for the ProcessDocument operation of the auth_sync_process service contract. 
auth::sync::get_doc::file::GetDocument       Retrieve the document from local filesystem 
auth::sync::get_doc::file::GetParameters       Parameters for FILE GetDocument implementation. 
auth::sync::get_doc::file::register_impl       Register this implementation 
auth::sync::get_doc::file::unregister_impl       Unregister this implementation 
auth::sync::get_doc::http::GetDocument       Retrieve the document by HTTP 
auth::sync::get_doc::http::GetParameters       Parameters for HTTP GetDocument implementation. 
auth::sync::get_doc::http::register_impl       Register this implementation 
auth::sync::get_doc::http::unregister_impl       Unregister this implementation 
auth::sync::get_sync_elements       Get a Tcl list of the user profile elements controlled by the batch synchronization. 
auth::sync::job::action       Inserts/updates/deletes a user, depending on the operation. 
auth::sync::job::create_entry       Record a batch job entry. 
auth::sync::job::end       Record the end of a batch job. 
auth::sync::job::end_get_document       Record the time that we've finished getting the document, and record the status. 
auth::sync::job::get       Get information about a batch job in an array. 
auth::sync::job::get_authority_id       Get the authority_id from a job_id. 
auth::sync::job::get_authority_id_flush       Flush cache 
auth::sync::job::get_authority_id_not_cached       Get the authority_id from a job_id. 
auth::sync::job::get_authority_id_seed       Flush cache 
auth::sync::job::get_entries       Get a list of entry_ids of the job log entries, ordered by entry_time. 
auth::sync::job::get_entry       Get information about a log entry 
auth::sync::job::snapshot_delete_remaining       Deletes the users that weren't included in the snapshot. 
auth::sync::job::start       Record the beginning of a job. 
auth::sync::job::start_get_document       Record the time that we're starting to get the document. 
auth::sync::process_doc::ims::GetAcknowledgementDocument       Generates an record-wise acknowledgement document in home-brewed adaptation of the IMS Enterprise v 1.1 spec. 
auth::sync::process_doc::ims::GetElements       Elements controlled by IMS Enterprise 1.1 auth_sync_process implementation. 
auth::sync::process_doc::ims::GetParameters       Parameters for IMS Enterprise 1.1 auth_sync_process implementation. 
auth::sync::process_doc::ims::ProcessDocument       Process IMS Enterprise 1.1 document. 
auth::sync::process_doc::ims::register_impl       Register this implementation 
auth::sync::process_doc::ims::unregister_impl       Unregister this implementation 
auth::sync::purge_jobs       Purge jobs that are older than KeepBatchLogDays days. 
auth::update_local_account       Update the local account for a user. 
auth::user_info::GetUserInfo       Invoke the Register service contract operation for the given authority. 
auth::user_info::create_contract       Create service contract for account registration. 
auth::user_info::delete_contract       Delete service contract for account registration. 
auth::validate_account_info       Validates user info and returns errors, if any. 
auth::verify_account_status       Verify the account status of the current user, and set [ad_conn account_status] appropriately. 

Package Documentation