notification::delete       delete a notification 
notification::delivery::delete       Unregister a delivery method with the notification service. 
notification::delivery::get_id       Return the delivery_method_id from the short_name. 
notification::delivery::new       Register a new delivery method with the notification service. 
notification::delivery::scan_replies       scan for replies. 
notification::delivery::send       do the delivery of certain content to a particular user using a particular delivery method. 
notification::display::get_urls       Get both subscribe_url and unsubscribe_url as a list. 
notification::display::request_widget       Produce a widget for requesting notifications of a given type. 
notification::display::subscribe_url       Returns the URL that allows one to subscribe to a notification type on a particular object. 
notification::display::unsubscribe_url       Returns the URL that allows one to unsubscribe from a particular request. 
notification::email::address_domain       Get the domain name to use for e-mail. 
notification::email::bounce_mail_message       This sends a bounce message indicating a failuring in sending a message to the system. 
notification::email::get_package_id       Get the package id for notifications (depends on this being a singular package) 
notification::email::get_parameter       Shorthand proc to return a given notifications package parameter. 
notification::email::manage_notifications_url       Build a URL to the "manage notifications" script. 
notification::email::reply_address_prefix       Shorthand proc to return the email reply address prefix parameter value. 
notification::email::send       Send the actual email. 
notification::get_all_intervals       return a list of all available intervals in a list of lists format, with the following fields: name, interval_id, n_seconds. 
notification::get_delivery_method_id       obtain the delivery method ID with the given name. 
notification::get_delivery_methods       return a list of delivery methods associated with a given notification type (not all delivery methods are available to all notification types). 
notification::get_interval_id       obtain the interval ID for an interval with the given name. 
notification::get_intervals       return a list of intervals that are associated with a given notification type (not all intervals are available to all notification types). 
notification::interval::get_id_from_name       Returns the interval_id for a given interval_name 
notification::mark_sent       mark that a user has been sent a notification 
notification::new       Create a new notification if any notification requests exist for the object and type. 
notification::package_key       The package key 
notification::reply::delete       delete a reply, usually after it's been processed. 
notification::reply::get       Get the information for the reply in a Tcl array 
notification::reply::new       store a new reply 
notification::request::delete       delete a request for notifications by request ID. 
notification::request::delete_all       remove all requests for a particular object ID usually because the object is getting deleted. 
notification::request::delete_all_for_user       delete all the requests for a given user 
notification::request::get_request_id       Checks if a particular notification request exists, and if so return the request ID. 
notification::request::new       create a new request for a given user, notification type, object, interval and delivery method. 
notification::request::request_count       returns number of notification requests for this type and object 
notification::request::request_exists       returns true if at least one request exists for this object and type 
notification::request::request_ids       returns a list of request_ids for the object_id of the given type 
notification::request::subscribers       returns a list of subscribers for notifications on that object of this type 
notification::security::can_admin_request_p       Checks if a user can manage a given notification request. 
notification::security::can_notify_object_p       This checks if a user can request notification on a given object. 
notification::security::can_notify_user       Can a user be notified for a given delivery method. 
notification::security::require_admin_request       Require the ability to admin a request. 
notification::security::require_notify_object       Require the ability to notify on an object. 
notification::type::delete       Remove a notification type. 
notification::type::delivery_method_disable       Delivery methods must be enabled on a per notification type basis. 
notification::type::delivery_method_enable       Delivery methods must be enabled on a per notification type basis. 
notification::type::get       select information about the notification type into the given Tcl Array 
notification::type::get_impl_key       return the service contract implementation key for a given notification type. 
notification::type::get_type_id       return the notification type ID given a short name. 
notification::type::interval_disable       Intervals must be enabled on a per notification type basis. 
notification::type::interval_enable       Intervals must be enabled on a per notification type basis. 
notification::type::new       create a new notification type. 
notification::type::process_reply       The wrapper procedure for processing a given reply. 

Package Documentation