Class ::acs::DocHelper       Helper class to determine the sourcefile, where some "public", "private", or plain "methods" is defined. 
acs::DocHelper instproc method       Intercept "method" definitions to record the current filename for the API browser. 
acs::DocHelper instproc protected       Intercept "protected method" definitions to record the current filename for the API browser. 
acs::DocHelper instproc public       Intercept "public method" definitions to record the current filename for the API browser. 
acs::DocHelper instproc register_filename        
acs_package_root_dir       Returns the path root for a particular package within the OpenACS installation. 
acs_root_dir       Returns the path root for the OpenACS installation. 
ad_after_server_initialization       Registers code to run after server initialization is complete. 
ad_arg_parser       Parses an argument list for a database call (switches at the end). 
ad_assert_arg_value_in_list       For use at the beginning of the body of a procedure to check that an argument has one of a number of allowed values. 
ad_call_method       Calls method_name for the type of object_id with object_id as the first arg, and the remaining args are the remainder of the args to method_name. 
ad_dispatch       Calls method_name with the type as the first arg, and the remaining args are the remainder of the args to method_name. 
ad_file       Tcl supports csh-style tilde substitution. 
ad_find_all_files       Returns a list of full paths to all files under $path in the directory tree (descending the tree to a depth of up to $max_depth). 
ad_library       Provides documentation for a library (<code>-procs.tcl</code> file). 
ad_log_deprecated       Provide a standardized interface for reporting deprecated ad_procs or other artifacts. 
ad_make_relative_path       Returns the relative path corresponding to absolute path $path. 
ad_method       Defines a method for type based dispatch. 
ad_proc       <p> Declare a procedure with the following enhancements over regular Tcl "<code>proc</code>": </p> <p> <ul> <li> A procedure can be declared as public, private, deprecated, and warn.</li> <li> Procedures can be declared with regular <i>positional</i> parameters (where you pass parameters in the order they were declared), or with <i>named</i> parameters, where the order doesn't matter because parameter names are specified explicitly when calling the parameter. 
ad_proc_valid_switch_p       Check if the provided argument looks like a switch (i.e. 
ad_with_deprecated_code_p       Check, if we should load deprecated code. 
apm_backup_file_p       Returns 1 if $path is a backup file, or 0 if not. 
apm_bootstrap_load_file       Source a single file during initial bootstrapping and set APM data. 
apm_bootstrap_load_libraries       Scan all the files in the "tcl" dir of the package and load those asked for by the init and procs flags. 
apm_bootstrap_upgrade       Copy the files from acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/tcl to the Tcl files in the acs root directory. 
apm_first_time_loading_p       Returns 1 if this is a -procs.tcl file's first time loading, or 0 otherwise. 
apm_get_package_files       <p> Returns all files, or files of a certain types, belonging to an APM package. 
apm_guess_db_type       Guesses and returns the database type key corresponding to a particular path (or an empty string if none is known). 
apm_guess_file_type       Guesses and returns the file type key corresponding to a particular path (or an empty string if none is known). 
apm_ignore_file_p       Return 1 if $path should, in general, be ignored for package operations. 
apm_include_data_model_file_p       Check if the APM should consider a file found by ad_find_all_files. 
apm_include_file_p       Check if the APM should consider a file found by ad_find_all_files. 
apm_install_xml_file_path       Get the path of the install.xml file. 
apm_is_catalog_file       Given a file path return 1 if the path represents a message catalog file and 0 otherwise. 
apm_load_install_xml_file       Loads any install.xml file and returns the root node. 
apm_package_supports_rdbms_p       Returns 1 if the given package supports the rdbms of the system and 0 otherwise. 
apm_parse_catalog_path       Given the path of a file attempt to extract package_key, prefix, charset and locale information from the path assuming the path is on valid format for a message catalog file. 
apm_source       Sources $__file in a clean environment, returning 1 if successful or 0 if not. 
callback       Invoke the registered callback implementations for the given callback. 
db_available_pools       Returns a list of the available pools for the given database name. 
db_fullquery_compatible_p       Check compatibility of a FullQuery against an RDBMS This procedure returns true or false. 
db_fullquery_create       FullQuery Data Abstraction Constructor 
db_fullquery_get_bind_vars       Accessor for fullquery data abstraction 
db_fullquery_get_load_location       Accessor for fullquery data abstraction 
db_fullquery_get_name       Accessor for fullquery data abstraction 
db_fullquery_get_query_type       Accessor for fullquery data abstraction 
db_fullquery_get_querytext       Accessor for fullquery data abstraction 
db_fullquery_get_rdbms       Accessor for fullquery data abstraction 
db_map       fetch a query snippet. 
db_pool_to_dbn_init       Simply initializes the <code>db_pool_to_dbn</code> nsv, which is used by "<code>db_driverkey -handle</code>". 
db_qd_fetch       Fetch a query with a given name This procedure returns the latest FullQuery data structure given proper scoping rules for a complete/global query name. 
db_qd_get_fullname       Find the fully qualified name of the query 
db_qd_internal_get_cache       Load from Cache 
db_qd_internal_load_cache       Flush queries for a particular file path, and reload them 
db_qd_internal_load_queries       Load up a bunch of queries from a file pointer The file_tag parameter is for later flushing of a series of queries when a particular query file has been changed. 
db_qd_internal_parse_init       Initialize the parsing state 
db_qd_internal_parse_one_query       Parse one query using the query state 
db_qd_internal_parse_one_query_from_xml_node       Parse one query from an XML node 
db_qd_internal_store_cache       Store in Cache. 
db_qd_load_query_file       A procedure that is called from the outside world (APM) to load a particular file 
db_qd_log       Centralized DB QD logging If you want to debug the QD, change QDDebug below to Debug 
db_qd_make_absolute_path       Make a path absolute 
db_qd_null_path       The null path 
db_qd_pick_most_specific_query       For now, we're going to say that versions are numbers and that there is always backwards compatibility. 
db_qd_prepare_queryfile_content       Prepare raw .xql-file content form xml-parsing via quoting. 
db_qd_relative_path_p       Check if the path is relative 
db_qd_root_path       The token that indicates the root of all queries 
db_rdbms_create       The function is not needed, since all it returns is a plain Tcl dict with obvious keys (type and version) 
db_rdbms_get_type       Convenience function, could be replaced there with standard Tcl dict operations. 
db_rdbms_get_version       Convenience function, could be replaced there with standard Tcl dict operations. 
db_rdbms_parse_from_xml_node       Parse an RDBMS struct from an XML fragment node 
empty_string_p       returns 1 if a string is empty; this is better than using == because it won't fail on long strings of numbers.