Class ::xo::Attribute       OpenACS specific attribute slot class, which can be further refined. 
Class ::xo::MessageRelay       Generic Message Relay class 
Class ::xo::db::CrAttribute       ORM class representing an acs_attribute for a content_type in the Content Repository. 
Class ::xo::ical::VCALITEM       VCALITEM is the superclass of a VTODO and a VEVENT, intended as an abstract class. 
Class ::xo::ical::VEVENT       VEVENT optional fields, must not occur more than once class / *created / *description / *dtstart / *geo / *last-mod / *location / organizer / *priority / *dtstamp / seq / *status / *summary / transp / *uid / *url / recurid / dtend or duration may appear, but dtend and duration are mutual exclusive *dtend / duration / optional fields, may occur more than once attach / attendee / categories / comment / contact / exdate / exrule / rstatus / related / resources / rdate / rrule / x-prop 
Object ::boomerang::handler       Don't quote the following boomerang attributes when output format is JSON. 
Object ::ns_cache        
Object ::template::CSS       CSS property manager. 
Object ::xo::api       General interface to obtain information from XOTcl/NX objects and classes for the API browser. 
Object ::xo::ical       The Object ::calendar::ical provides the methods for importing and exporting single or multiple calendar items in the ical format (see rfc 2445). 
Object ::xo::mr::bgdelivery       Message relay based on bgdelivery 
Object ::xo::mr::connchan       Message relay based on ns_connchan 
Object ::xo::mr::none       Dummy message relay, doing nothing. 
ad_returnfile_background       Deliver the given file to the requester in the background. 
boomerang::handler proc record        
ns_cache proc create       expire in NS means timeout in AOLserver 
ns_cache proc eval        
ns_cache proc get        
ns_cache proc names        
ns_cache proc set        
require_html_procs       Deprecated: polluting the root namespace. 
template::CSS proc class       In case, a mapping for CSS classes is defined, return the mapping for the provided class name. 
template::CSS proc classes       Map a list of CSS class names 
template::CSS proc clear       Clear the cached toolkit name, such that it is reloads the settings on the next initialize call. 
template::CSS proc icon_name       Return an icon name for the proved filename Default icon name 
template::CSS proc initialize       Initialize tailorization for CSS toolkits. 
template::CSS proc registerCSSclasses       Register CSS class mapping for the provided framework 
template::CSS proc require_toolkit       Make sure that the preferred toolkit is loaded. 
template::CSS proc toolkit       Return the preferred CSS toolkit 
template::CSS proc toolkits       Return the list of known toolkits 
xo::Attribute instproc init       Constructor of the OpenACS specific attribute slot class 
xo::Cluster       Create a cluster node. 
xo::MessageRelay instproc can_be_used       Check, if a message relay can be used in the current configuration. 
xo::MessageRelay instproc encode_message       Provide different "encoding" depending on the mode. 
xo::MessageRelay instproc send_to_subscriber       Send a message to a service identified by the key (communication hub). 
xo::MessageRelay instproc subscribe       Subscribe to a service identified by a key. 
xo::MessageRelay instproc sweep       Check existing subscriptions and clean stale ones. 
xo::api proc debug_widget       Return HTML code for a debug switch that lets an admin turn debugging of functions and methods on and off. 
xo::api proc get_doc_block       Get the (first) documentation block of the provided text (which might be e.g. 
xo::api proc get_init_block       Get the init block of an object/class or return empty 
xo::api proc get_method_body       Return the method body on object (when "prefix" is empty) or class (when "prefix" is "inst"). 
xo::api proc get_method_source       Return the full method definition. 
xo::api proc get_object_source       Return the full object definition 
xo::api proc get_proc_definition_flags       Helper for version compatibility 
xo::api proc get_returns_spec       Helper for version compatibility 
xo::api proc isclass       Check, whether the passed in obj is a class 
xo::api proc isobject       Check, whether the passed in obj is an object 
xo::api proc method_label       Return a user-friendly label for methods and objects. 
xo::api proc method_link       Return a link for the method if possible. 
xo::api proc object_from_proc_index       Parse the proc_index and return the scope from it. 
xo::api proc object_index       Return a canonical index string for the object 
xo::api proc object_link       Return a link for the object. 
xo::api proc object_url       Return a link for the object in the object browser (show-object) 
xo::api proc proc_index       Return a canonical index string for the specified method 
xo::api proc scope       Return the scope of the object. 
xo::api proc scope_eval       When the scope is not empty, evaluate the command in the specified scope (thread) 
xo::api proc scope_from_object_reference       Parse the object reference and return the scope from it. 
xo::api proc scope_from_proc_index       Parse the proc_index and return the scope from it. 
xo::api proc script_name       Determine name of the current "script" as displayed by "Defined in" in the API browser. 
xo::api proc source_to_html       Helper proc to preserve indentation in source-code to HTML conversion. 
xo::api proc update_method_doc       Obtain a doc-string for a method, convert it and add it to the proc-doc. 
xo::api proc update_nx_docs       Update for the provided (or all) nx::Object instances the internal documentation structures. 
xo::api proc update_object_doc       Update the API browser nsvs with information about the provided object. 
xo::at_cleanup       # # Per-request cleanup handler. 
xo::cache_flush_all       Provide means to perform a wildcard-based cache flushing on (cluster) machines. 
xo::clusterwide       Execute a command on every machine in a cluster. 
xo::db::Attribute instproc attribute_reference        
xo::db::Attribute instproc column_spec        
xo::db::Attribute instproc create_attribute       Create an OpenACS attribute, if not already defined (or attribute creation is turned off for this xo::db::Attribute) 
xo::db::Attribute instproc db_attribute_defined       One could try caching this, but be aware that this also requires proper flushing, this value cannot be considered immutable, not even per request. 
xo::db::Attribute instproc init       Constructor of ::xo::db::Attribute. 
xo::db::CrAttribute instproc create_attribute       Create an OpenACS content repository attribute, if not already defined (or attribute creation is turned off for this xo::db::CrAttribute) 
xo::db::has_hstore       Check, whether hstore is available (postgres only) 
xo::db::has_ltree       Check, whether ltree is available (postgres only) 
xo::db::list_to_values       Convert a Tcl list into a quoted SQL VALUES expression Example: <pre>% list_to_values {1 2 3 4 5} (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5))</pre> 
xo::db::tcl_date       Convert the timestamp (coming from the database) into a format, which can be passed to Tcl's "clock scan". 
xo::ical proc clock_to_iso       Convert clock epoch (result from [clock seconds]) into ISO format 
xo::ical proc clock_to_local_day       Convert clock epoch (result from [clock seconds]) to local day (YearMonthDay) 
xo::ical proc clock_to_oacstime       Convert clock epoch (result from [clock seconds]) into time format usually used in OpenACS. 
xo::ical proc clock_to_utc       Convert clock epoch (result from [clock seconds]) into UTC time. 
xo::ical proc date_time_to_clock       Convert separate fields date and time with boolean utc flags into clock value in seconds. 
xo::ical proc dates_valid_p       A sanity check that the start time is before the end time. 
xo::ical proc ical_to_text       Transform the escaped ical text format to plain text 
xo::ical proc reflow_content_line       Perform line folding: According to RFC 5545 section 3.1, SHOULD NOT be longer than 75 octets, excluding the line break. 
xo::ical proc tcl_time_to_local_day       Convert Tcl time stamp into local day format 
xo::ical proc tcl_time_to_utc       Convert Tcl time stamp to UTC. 
xo::ical proc text_to_ical       Transform arbitrary text to the escaped ical text format (see rfc 2445) 
xo::ical proc utc_to_clock       Convert UTC time to clock seconds. 
xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc add_recurrence       Call calendar::item::add_recurrence with the options calculated by "parse RRULE" 
xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc as_ical       Output a VCALITEM (VTODO or VEVENT) "object" in ical notation. 
xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc edit_recurrence       We might or might not have a recurrence on the old entry. 
xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc get       Return a certain property of an ical items. 
xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc ical_body       The method ical_body returns the ical-formatted content of the variables. 
xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc {parse RRULE}       parse recurrence rule provided in cal syntax. 
xo::ical::VEVENT instproc finish       In case, there was no :dtend given, set it either to the value of :dtstart, or :dtstart + :duration 
xo::mr::bgdelivery proc can_be_used       To use the bgdelivery serive, we require support from the web server, an installed bgdelivery. 
xo::mr::bgdelivery proc send_to_subscriber       Send a message to the subscriber via bgdelivery 
xo::mr::bgdelivery proc subscribe       Subscribe to a messaging service using bgdelivery as the low level transport. 
xo::mr::bgdelivery proc sweep       Clean up messages for this key. 
xo::mr::connchan proc can_be_used       ns_connchan can be used on every recent NaviServer. 
xo::mr::connchan proc send_to_subscriber       Write directly to the subscribers from the connection thread via ns_connchan. 
xo::mr::connchan proc subscribe       ns_log notice "#### [self] subscribe $key mode $mode" Unplug the connection channel from the current connection thread. 
xo::mr::connchan proc sweep       For the time being, do nothing. 
xo::require_html_procs       Declare Tcl commands for building HTML elements 
xo::validate_parameter_constraints       Validate the provided value against the constraints.