Class ::acs::Cache |
Base class for cache management |
Class ::acs::Cluster |
Class for managing a cluster of OpenACS nodes |
Class ::acs::Container |
This class captures the information whether or not OpenACS
is running inside a container. |
Class ::acs::HashKeyPartitionedCache |
Partitioned cache, where the partition numbers are computed
via a hash function. |
Class ::acs::KeyPartitionedCache |
Partitioned cache, where the partition numbers are computed
via a modulo function from the numeric keys. |
Class ::acs::LockfreeCache |
Lockfree caches are provided either as per-thread caches or
per-request caches, sharing the property that accessing these
values does not require locks. |
Class ::acs::PartitionedCache |
Partitioned cache infrastructure. |
Class ::acs::SiteNode |
This class capsulates access to site-nodes stored in the
database. |
Class ::acs::SiteNodeUrlspaceCache |
Cache site-node information via ns_urlspace. |
Class ::acs::SiteNodesCache |
acs::SiteNodesCache is a mixin class implementing caching
of SiteNode objects. |
Class ::acs::db::Driver |
Abstract class of the database interface |
Class ::acs::db::SQL |
Generic superclass for all SQL dialects. |
Class ::acs::db::nsdb |
Database interface based on the nsdb driver of NaviServer |
Class ::acs::db::nsdb-oracle |
Oracle backend for nsdb driver |
Class ::acs::db::nsdbi |
Database interface based on the nsdbi driver of NaviServer |
Class ::acs::db::nsdbi-postgresql |
PostgreSQL backend for nsdbi driver |
Class ::acs::db::oracle |
Support class for backend based on Oracle, i.e., the Oracle
dialect of SQL).. |
Class ::acs::db::postgresql |
Support class for backend based on PostgreSQL, i.e., the
PostgreSQL dialect of SQL). |
Object ::acs::cluster |
Configured cluster object, keeping the state of the cluster
configuration. |
Object ::acs::misc_cache |
Generic cache. |
Object ::acs::per_request_cache |
Lockfree cache with per-request live time of the
entries. |
Object ::acs::per_thread_cache |
Lockfree cache with per-thread live time of the entries. |
Object ::acs::permission_cache |
Permission cache. |
Object ::acs::site_node |
Object to interact with the ::acs::SiteNode class. |
Object ::acs::site_nodes_cache |
Partitioned Cache for handling generic site node
information. |
Object ::acs::site_nodes_children_cache |
Partitioned Cache for handling site node children. |
Object ::acs::site_nodes_id_cache |
Partitioned Cache for handling site node IDs. |
Object ::xo::xotcl_object_cache |
XOTcl Object cache. |
Object ::xo::xotcl_object_type_cache |
XOTcl Object type cache. |
Object ::xo::xotcl_package_cache |
XOTcl Object package cache. |
Object ::xowiki::cache |
Xowiki cache. |
acs::Cache instproc flush |
Flush a single entry in the cache |
acs::Cache instproc flush_all |
Flush all contents of all (partitioned) caches. |
acs::Cache instproc flush_cache |
Flush all entries in a cache. |
acs::Cache instproc flush_pattern |
Flush in the cache a value based on a pattern
operation. |
acs::Cache instproc get |
The "get" method retrieves data from the cache. |
acs::Cache instproc init |
If the name was not provided, use the object name as
default. |
acs::Cache instproc set |
Set a single value in the cache. |
acs::Cache instproc show_all |
Log all cache keys to the system log. |
acs::Cluster instproc broadcast |
Send requests to all cluster peers. |
acs::Cluster instproc check_state |
Check the livelyness of the dynamic cluster nodes. |
acs::Cluster instproc current_server_is_canonical_server |
Check, if the current server is the canonical_server. |
acs::Cluster instproc current_server_is_dynamic_cluster_peer |
We are a dynamic cluster peer, when we are not the
canonical server neither isted in the static server
locations. |
acs::Cluster instproc disconnect_request |
Server received a request to disconnect $peerLocation from dynamic cluster nodes. |
acs::Cluster instproc dynamic_cluster_nodes |
Convenience function returning the list of dynamic
cluster nodes. |
acs::Cluster instproc dynamic_cluster_reconfigure |
Reconfigure the cluster via "join" or "disconnect" operation,
when running on the canonical server. |
acs::Cluster instproc incoming_request |
We received an incoming request from a cluster peer. |
acs::Cluster instproc is_canonical_server |
Check, if provided location belongs to the canonical
server specs. |
acs::Cluster instproc join_request |
Server received a request to join dynamic cluster nodes from $peerLocation. |
acs::Cluster instproc last_contact |
Return the milliseconds since the last contact
with the denoted server. |
acs::Cluster instproc last_request |
Return the milliseconds since the last request from the
denoted server. |
acs::Cluster instproc preauth |
Process no more pre-authorization filters for this
connection (avoid running of expensive filters). |
acs::Cluster instproc qualified_location |
Return a canonical representation of the provided
location, where the DNS name is resolved and the
protocol and port is always included. |
acs::Cluster instproc register_nodes |
Register the defined cluster nodes by
creating/recreating cluster node objects. |
acs::Cluster instproc secret_configured |
Check, whether the secret for signing messages in the
intra-cluster talk is configured. |
acs::Cluster instproc send |
Send a command by different means to the cluster node
for intra-server talk. |
acs::Cluster instproc send_disconnect_request_to_canonical_server |
Send a disconnect request to the canonical server. |
acs::Cluster instproc send_join_request_to_canonical_server |
Send a join request to the canonical server. |
acs::Cluster instproc setup |
Setup object specific variables. |
acs::Cluster instproc update_node_info |
Update cluster configuration when the when the
configuration variables changed, or when nodes become
available/unavailable after some time. |
acs::Container instproc active_p |
Check, if we are running inside a Docker container |
acs::Container instproc mapping |
Return the container mapping |
acs::HashKeyPartitionedCache instproc flush_pattern |
flush just in all partitions |
acs::HashKeyPartitionedCache instproc set |
Set a single value in the cache. |
acs::KeyPartitionedCache instproc flush_pattern |
Flush just in the determined partition |
acs::KeyPartitionedCache instproc set |
Set a single value in the cache. |
acs::LockfreeCache instproc eval |
Use the "prefix" to determine whether the cache is
per-thread or per-request. |
acs::LockfreeCache instproc flush |
Flush a cache entry based on the pattern (which might be
wild-card-free). |
acs::LockfreeCache instproc get |
Get entry with the provided key from this cache if it
exists. |
acs::PartitionedCache instproc flush_all |
Flush all entries in all partitions of a cache. |
acs::PartitionedCache instproc init |
If the name was not provided, use the object name as
default for the cache name. |
acs::PartitionedCache instproc show_all |
Log all cache keys of all partitions to the system
log. |
acs::SiteNode instproc flush_cache |
This is a stub method to be overloaded by some
cache managers. |
acs::SiteNode instproc get |
acs::SiteNode instproc get_children |
Filtering happens here exactly like in the nsv-based
version. |
acs::SiteNode instproc get_package_url |
Legacy interface: previous implementations of the
site-nodes assumed, that there is just one site-node
entry available for a package-key. |
acs::SiteNode instproc get_urls_from_object_id |
Return a list of URLs for site_nodes that have the given
object mounted or the empty list if there are none. |
acs::SiteNode instproc get_urls_from_package_key |
Return potentially multiple URLs based on a package key. |
acs::SiteNodeUrlspaceCache instproc flush_cache |
Cleanup in the urlspace tree: Clear always the
full subtree via "-recurse" (maybe not always
necessary). |
acs::SiteNodeUrlspaceCache instproc get_node_id |
Get node_id for the provided URL. |
acs::SiteNodesCache instproc flush_cache |
Flush entries from site-node tree, including the current node,
the root of flushed (sub)tree. |
acs::SiteNodesCache instproc flush_pattern |
Flush from the site-nodes caches certain
information. |
acs::SiteNodesCache instproc get_children |
Cache get_children operations, except, when "-all"
was specified. |
acs::SiteNodesCache instproc get_node_id |
Cache the result of the upstream implementation of
get_node_id in the acs::site_nodes_id_cache cache. |
acs::SiteNodesCache instproc get_package_url |
Cache the result of the upstream implementation of
get_package_url in the acs::site_nodes_cache. |
acs::SiteNodesCache instproc get_url |
It's a pain, but OpenACS and its regression test
call "get_url" a few times with an empty node_id. |
acs::SiteNodesCache instproc get_urls_from_object_id |
Cache the result of the upstream implementation of
get_urls_from_object_id in the acs::site_nodes_cache. |
acs::db::Driver instproc qn |
Return fully qualified query name as used in OpenACS. |
acs::db::SQL instproc create_db_function_interface |
Obtain all function definitions from the DB and turn these into
callable Tcl methods like the following examples:
::acs::dc call content_type drop_type -content_type ::xowiki::FormInstance
::acs::dc call content_folder delete -folder_id $root_folder_id -cascade_p 1
In the Oracle-biased terminology such calls are defined in
terms of a "package_name" and an "object_name":
::acs::dc call /package_name/ /object_name/ ?/args/? |
acs::db::nsdb instproc list |
Return a Tcl list, where each element contains just the first
the column values of the tuples returned by the provided SQL query. |
acs::db::nsdb instproc list_of_lists |
Return a Tcl list, where each element consists of a list of
the column values corresponding to the values of the tuples
returned by the provided SQL query. |
acs::db::nsdbi instproc list |
Return a Tcl list, where each element contains just the first
the column values of the tuples returned by the provided SQL query. |
acs::db::nsdbi instproc list_of_lists |
Return a Tcl list, where each element consists of a list of
the column values corresponding to the values of the tuples
returned by the provided SQL query. |
acs::db::oracle instproc get_all_package_functions |
Get all package functions (package name, object name) from Oracle
system catalogs. |
acs::db::oracle instproc map_function_name |
Replace calls to function names in provided SQL
(replace "package__object" by "package.object"). |
acs::db::postgresql instproc get_all_package_functions |
PostgreSQL version of obtaining information about the
procedures and functions stored in the DB. |
acs::db::postgresql instproc map_function_name |
Replace calls to function names in provided SQL
(dummy function for PostgreSQL) |
acs::disk_cache_eval |
Evaluate an expression. |
acs::disk_cache_flush |
Flushes the filesystem cache. |
acs::icanuse |
Check, if a (previously registered) feature can be used in an
installation. |
acs::register_icanuse |
Registry function for acs::caniuse. |
acs::root_of_host |
Maps a hostname to the corresponding subdirectory. |
acs_community_member_admin_link |
acs_community_member_admin_url |
acs_community_member_link |
acs_community_member_page |
acs_community_member_url |
acs_magic_object |
Returns the object ID of a magic object. |
acs_object::get |
Gets information about an acs_object. |
acs_object::get_element |
Gets a specific element from the info returned by acs_object::get. |
acs_object::object_p |
acs_object::package_id |
Gets the package_id of the object |
acs_object::set_context_id |
Sets the context_id of the specified object. |
acs_object_name |
Returns the name of an object. |
acs_object_type |
Returns the type of an object. |
acs_object_type::get |
Get info about an object type. |
acs_object_type::get_table_name |
Return the table name associated with an object_type. |
acs_object_type_hierarchy |
Returns an HTML snippet representing a hierarchy of ACS Object Types |
acs_privacy::privacy_control_enabled_p |
Returns whether privacy control is turned on or not. |
acs_privacy::privacy_control_set |
set the privacy control
DEPRECATED: this privacy feature was only used in the context
of dotlrn, which also has an own set of apis for a similar
purpose. |
acs_privacy::set_user_read_private_data |
grant permission to access private data
DEPRECATED: this privacy feature was only used in the context
of dotlrn, which also has an own set of apis for a similar
purpose. |
acs_privacy::user_can_read_private_data_p |
check if a user can access an object's private data
DEPRECATED: this privacy feature was only used in the context
of dotlrn, which also has an own set of apis for a similar
purpose. |
acs_user::ScreenName |
Get the value of the ScreenName parameter. |
acs_user::approve |
Approve a user |
acs_user::ban |
Ban a user |
acs_user::change_state |
Change the membership state of a user. |
acs_user::create_portrait |
Sets (or resets) the portraif for current user to the one
specified. |
acs_user::delete |
Delete a user |
acs_user::demote_user |
Demotes an ACS user to a person/party. |
acs_user::erase_portrait |
Erases portrait of a user |
acs_user::flush_cache |
Flush all caches for specified user. |
acs_user::flush_user_info |
Flush only info coming from acs_user::get_user_info proc. |
acs_user::get |
Get all information about a user, together with related person,
party and object information. |
acs_user::get_by_username |
Returns user_id from authority and username. |
acs_user::get_element |
Get a particular element from the basic information about a user returned by acs_user::get. |
acs_user::get_portrait_id |
Return the image_id of the portrait of a user, if it does not exist, return 0 |
acs_user::get_user_id_by_screen_name |
Returns the user_id from a screen_name, or empty string if no user found. |
acs_user::get_user_info |
Extracts user information. |
acs_user::promote_person_to_user |
Promotes a person/party to an ACS user. |
acs_user::registered_user_p |
Return 1 if the specified user (defaults to logged-in user)
is a registered user and 0 otherwise. |
acs_user::reject |
Reject a user |
acs_user::site_wide_admin_p |
Return 1 if the specified user (defaults to logged-in user)
is site-wide administrator and 0 otherwise. |
acs_user::unapprove |
Unapprove a user |
acs_user::update |
Update information about a user. |
acs_user_extension::list_extensions |
List the extensions (User Data contract) |
acs_user_extension::user_approve |
Notifies packages when a user is approved. |
acs_user_extension::user_deapprove |
Notifies packages when a user is deapproved. |
acs_user_extension::user_delete |
Notifies packages when a user is deleted. |
acs_user_extension::user_modify |
Notifies packages when a user is modified. |
acs_user_extension::user_new |
Notifies packages when a new user is added to the system. |
ad_acs_admin_node |
ad_acs_kernel_id |
Returns the package_id of the kernel. |
ad_acs_release_date |
The OpenACS release date of this instance. |
ad_acs_version |
The OpenACS version of this instance. |
ad_admin_home |
Returns the directory for the admin home. |
ad_apply |
Evaluates the first argument with ARGLIST as its arguments, in the
environment of its caller. |
ad_build_mime_message |
Composes multipart/alternative email containing plain text
and html versions of the message, parses out the headers we need,
constructs an array and returns it to the caller. |
ad_cache_returnredirect |
An addition to ad_returnredirect. |
ad_change_password |
Change the user's password |
ad_check_password |
Check if the provided password is correct. |
ad_choice_bar |
Displays a list of choices (Yahoo style), with the currently selected one highlighted. |
ad_color_to_hex |
Converts a string of the form 0,192,255 to a string of the form #00C0FF. |
ad_color_widget |
Returns a color selection widget, optionally using JavaScript. |
ad_color_widget_js |
Returns JavaScript code necessary to use color widgets. |
ad_column_type |
ad_complain |
Used to report a problem while validating user input. |
ad_complaints_get_list |
Returns the list of complaints encountered so far. |
ad_conn |
Returns a property about the connection. |
ad_context_bar |
Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. |
ad_context_bar_html |
Generate the an HTML fragment for a context bar. |
ad_context_bar_multirow |
Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. |
ad_context_node_list |
Starting with the given node_id, return a list of
[list url instance_name] items for parent nodes. |
ad_convert_to_html |
Convenient interface to convert text or html into html. |
ad_convert_to_text |
Convenient interface to convert text or html into plaintext. |
ad_dateentrywidget |
Returns form pieces for a date entry widget. |
ad_db_select_widget |
given a SQL query this generates a select group. |
ad_decode |
This procedure is analogous to sql decode procedure. |
ad_decorate_top |
Use this for pages that might or might not have an image
defined in ad.ini; if the second argument isn't the empty
string, ad_decorate_top will make a one-row table for the
top of the page
DEPRECATED: use the template system, e.g. |
ad_dom_sanitize_html |
Sanitizes HTML by specified criteria, basically removing unallowed
tags and attributes, JavaScript or outer references into page
URLs. |
ad_enhanced_text_to_html |
Converts enhanced text format to normal HTML. |
ad_enhanced_text_to_plain_text |
Converts enhanced text format to normal plaintext format. |
ad_exception |
ad_form |
This procedure implements a high-level, declarative syntax for the generation and
handling of HTML forms. |
ad_form_new_p |
This is for pages built with ad_form that handle edit and add requests in one file. |
ad_future_years_list |
Returns a list containing the next num_year years in the future. |
ad_generate_random_string |
Generates a random string made of numbers and letters |
ad_generic_optionlist |
Use this to build select form fragments. |
ad_get_client_property |
Looks up a property for a session. |
ad_get_cookie |
Returns the value of a cookie, or $default if none exists. |
ad_get_external_registries |
Return for the specified subsite (or the current registry subsite)
the external authority interface objs. |
ad_get_login_url |
Returns a URL to the login page of the closest subsite, or the
main site, if there's no current connection. |
ad_get_logout_url |
Returns a URL to the logout page of the closest subsite, or the
main site, if there's no current connection. |
ad_get_signed_cookie |
Retrieves a signed cookie. |
ad_get_signed_cookie_with_expr |
Retrieves a signed cookie. |
ad_get_tcl_call_stack |
Returns a stack trace from where the caller was called. |
ad_host |
Returns the hostname as it was typed in the browser,
provided forcehostp is set to 0. |
ad_host_administrator |
As defined in the HostAdministrator kernel parameter. |
ad_html_colors |
Returns an array of HTML colors and names. |
ad_html_qualify_links |
Convert in the HTML text relative URLs into fully qualified URLs
including the hostname. |
ad_html_security_check |
Returns a human-readable explanation if the user has used any
HTML tag other than the allowed ones. |
ad_html_text_convert |
Converts a chunk of text from a variety of formats to either
text/html or text/plain. |
ad_html_text_convertable_p |
The name of this proc has an spelling error. |
ad_html_text_convertible_p |
Returns true of ad_html_text_convert can handle the given from and to mime types. |
ad_html_to_text |
Returns a best-guess plain text version of an HTML fragment. |
ad_include_contract |
Define an interface between a page and an ADP <include>
similar to the page_contract. |
ad_integer_optionlist |
Produces an optionlist for a range of integers from start_value to end_value. |
ad_job |
Convenience wrapper for simple usages of ns_job provided by
NaviServer. |
ad_js_escape |
Return supplied string with invalid javascript characters
property escaped. |
ad_log |
Output ns_log message with detailed context. |
ad_log_stack_trace |
A wrapper for ad_print_stack_trace which does the logging for you. |
ad_looks_like_html_p |
Tries to guess whether the text supplied is text or html. |
ad_mktmpdir |
Create a temporary directory. |
ad_mutex_eval |
Compatibility proc for handling differences between NaviServer
and AOLserver since AOLserver does not support "ns_mutex
eval". |
ad_navbar |
Produces a navigation bar. |
ad_ns_set_to_tcl_vars |
Takes an ns_set and sets variables in the caller's environment
correspondingly, i.e. |
ad_opentmpfile |
Wrapper for Tcl's "file tempfile ...", but respects the server's
tmpdir settings, e.g. |
ad_outgoing_sender |
ad_package_admin_home |
ad_pad |
Tcl implementation of the pad string function found in many DBMSs. |
ad_page_contract |
Specifies the contract between programmer and graphic designer for a page. |
ad_page_contract_eval |
This just uplevels its args. |
ad_page_contract_filter |
Declare a filter to be available for use in ad_page_contract. |
ad_page_contract_filter_invoke |
Invokes a filter on the argument and returns the result (1 or 0). |
ad_page_contract_filter_priority |
Returns the type of proc that executes the given ad_page_contract filter,
or the empty string if the filter is not defined. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc |
Returns the proc that executes the given ad_page_contract filter. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_allhtml |
Allows any html tags (a no-op filter) |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_boolean |
Checks whether the value is boolean (1 or 0) or predicate (t or f)
or otherwise
a 2 state value (true or false, y or n, yes or no) |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_clock |
Ensures the supplied date string is in one of the specified clock
formats. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_date |
Validates date type variables |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_dbtext |
Ensure that the value can be used in an SQL query. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_email |
Checks whether the value is a valid email address (stolen from
philg_email_valid_p) |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_float |
Checks to make sure that the value in question is a valid number,
possibly with a decimal point
- randyb took this from the ACS dev bboard |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_html |
Checks whether the value contains naughty HTML |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_integer |
Checks whether the value is a valid integer, and removes any leading zeros so as
not to confuse Tcl into thinking it's octal. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_localurl |
Checks whether the value is an acceptable
(non-external) url, which can be used
in ad_returnredirect without throwing an error. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_naturalnum |
Checks whether the value is a valid integer >= 0,
and removes any leading zeros so as
not to confuse Tcl into thinking it's octal. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_negative_float |
Same as float but allows negative numbers too
GN: this is deprecated, since "float" allows as well negative numbers |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_nohtml |
Doesn't allow any HTML to pass through. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_object_id |
Checks whether the value is a valid object_id, i.e. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_object_type |
Checks whether the supplied object_id is an acs_object of one of
the types specified in the flag parameters. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_oneof |
Checks whether the value is contained in the set of provided values. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_path |
Checks whether the value is a Tcl word, or contains a few
rather safe other characters ("-", "/", ".") used
in (file-system) paths |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_phone |
Checks whether the value is more or less a valid phone number with
the area code. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_printable |
Checks whether the value contains only characters with a printable
representation. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_range |
Checks whether the value falls between the specified range. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_safetclchars |
Checks whether the value contains just characters, which can be
used safely in a Tcl eval or subst command. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_sql_identifier |
Checks whether the value is a valid SQL identifier |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_string_length |
Checks whether the string is less or greater than the minimum or
maximum length specified, inclusive
e.g.address_1:notnull,string_length(max|100) will test address_1 for
maximum length of 100. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_string_length_range |
Checks whether the string is within the specified range, inclusive |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_time |
Validates time type variables of the regular variety (that is 8:12:21 PM) |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_time24 |
Validates time type variables of the 24HR variety (that is 20:12:21) |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_tmpfile |
Validate a tmpfile path. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_token |
Checks whether the value is a Tcl word, or contains a few
rather safe other characters (".", ",", "-") used e.g. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_usphone |
Checks whether the value is more or less a valid US phone number with
the area code. |
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_word |
Checks whether the value is a Tcl word, i.e. |
ad_page_contract_filter_rule |
A filter rule determines what filters are applied to a given value. |
ad_page_contract_filter_rule_proc |
Returns the proc that executes the given ad_page_contract default-filter. |
ad_page_contract_filter_rule_proc_html |
Makes sure the filter nohtml gets applied, unless some other html filter (html or allhtml)
is already specified. |
ad_page_contract_filter_rule_proc_tmpfile |
Makes sure the tmpfile filter gets applied for all vars named *.tmpfile. |
ad_page_contract_filter_rule_script |
Returns the proc that executes the given ad_page_contract default-filter. |
ad_page_contract_filter_script |
Returns the type of proc that executes the given ad_page_contract filter,
or the empty string if the filter is not defined. |
ad_page_contract_filter_type |
Returns the type of proc that executes the given ad_page_contract filter,
or the empty string if the filter is not defined. |
ad_page_contract_get_variables |
Returns a list of all the formal variables specified in
ad_page_contract. |
ad_page_contract_handle_datasource_error |
Output a diagnostic page. |
ad_page_contract_verify_datasources |
Check if all the datasources (properties) promised in the page contract have
actually been set. |
ad_parameter_all_values_as_list |
Returns multiple values for a parameter as a list. |
ad_parameter_cache |
Manages the cache for ad_parameter. |
ad_parameter_from_configuration_file |
Return the value of a parameter that has been set in the
configuration file. |
ad_parameter_from_file |
Old version of ad_parameter_from_configuration_file |
ad_parse_html_attributes |
This is a wrapper proc for <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=ad_parse_html_attributes_upvar">
<code>ad_parse_html_attributes_upvar</code></a>, so you can parse
attributes from a string without upvar'ing. |
ad_parse_incoming_email |
Takes an incoming message and splits it into parts. |
ad_print_stack_trace |
Formerly known as PrintStackTrace. |
ad_process_color_widgets |
Sets variables corresponding to the color widgets named in $args. |
ad_progress_bar_begin |
Return a progress bar. |
ad_progress_bar_end |
Ends the progress bar by causing the browser to redirect to a new URL. |
ad_publisher_name |
A human-readable name of the publisher, suitable for
legal blather. |
ad_pvt_home |
This is the URL of a user's private workspace on the system, usually
[subsite]/pvt/home.tcl |
ad_pvt_home_link |
ad_pvt_home_name |
This is the name that will be used for the user's workspace (usually "Your Workspace"). |
ad_quotehtml |
Quotes ampersands, double-quotes, and angle brackets in $arg. |
ad_raise |
Raise an exception. |
ad_redirect_for_registration |
Redirects user to [subsite]/register/index to require the user to
register. |
ad_register_filter |
Registers a filter that gets called during page serving. |
ad_register_proc |
Registers a procedure (see ns_register_proc for syntax). |
ad_registration_finite_state_machine_admin_links |
Returns the administration links to change the user's state
in the user_state finite state machine. |
ad_restrict_entire_server_to_registered_users |
A preauth filter that will halt service of any page if the user is
unregistered, except the site index page and stuff underneath
[subsite]/register. |
ad_restrict_to_https |
Redirects user to HTTPS. |
ad_return_complaint |
Return a page complaining about the user's input
(as opposed to an error in our software, for which ad_return_error
is more appropriate) |
ad_return_error |
Returns a page with the HTTP 500 (Error) code,
along with the given title and explanation. |
ad_return_exception_page |
Returns an exception page. |
ad_return_forbidden |
Returns a page with the HTTP 403 (Forbidden) code, along with
the given title and explanation. |
ad_return_if_another_copy_is_running |
Returns a page to the user about how this server is busy if
another copy of the same script is running. |
ad_return_string_as_file |
Return a string as the content of a file |
ad_return_top_of_page |
Returns HTTP headers plus the top of the user-visible page. |
ad_return_url |
Build a return url suitable for passing to a page you expect to return back
to the current page. |
ad_return_warning |
Returns a page with the HTTP 200 (Success) code, along with
the given title and explanation. |
ad_returnredirect |
Write the HTTP response required to get the browser to redirect to
a different page, to the current connection. |
ad_safe_eval |
Version of "eval" that checks its arguments for brackets that may be
used to execute unsafe code. |
ad_sanitize_filename |
Sanitize the provided filename for modern Windows, OS X, and Unix
filesystems (NTFS, ext, etc.). |
ad_schedule_proc |
Replacement for ns_schedule_proc and friends, allowing us to track what's going
on. |
ad_script_abort |
Aborts the current running Tcl script, returning to the request processor. |
ad_set_client_property |
Sets a client (session-level) property. |
ad_set_cookie |
Sets a cookie. |
ad_set_form_values |
Set multiple values in the current form. |
ad_set_signed_cookie |
Sets a signed cookie. |
ad_sign |
Returns a digital signature of the value. |
ad_site_home_link |
ad_string_truncate |
Truncates a string to len characters adding the string provided in
the ellipsis parameter if the string was truncated. |
ad_string_truncate_middle |
Cut middle part of a string in case it is too long. |
ad_system_name |
This is the main name of the Web service that you're offering
on top of the OpenACS Web Publishing System. |
ad_system_owner |
Person who owns the service
this person would be interested in user feedback, etc. |
ad_tcl_list_list_to_ns_set |
Takes a list of lists of key/value pairs and <code>ns_set update</code>s
values in an ns_set. |
ad_tcl_vars_list_to_ns_set |
Takes a Tcl list of variable names and <code>ns_set update</code>s values in an ns_set
correspondingly: key is the name of the var, value is the value of
the var. |
ad_tcl_vars_to_ns_set |
Takes a list of variable names and <code>ns_set update</code>s values in an ns_set
correspondingly: key is the name of the var, value is the value of
the var. |
ad_text_to_html |
Converts plaintext to html. |
ad_tmpdir |
Convenience function to return the tmp directory |
ad_tmpnam |
A stub function to replace the deprecated "ns_tmpnam", which uses
the deprecated C-library function "tmpnam()". |
ad_try |
Generic code for OpenACS to handle exceptions and traps based on
Tcl's primitives. |
ad_unless_script_abort |
Execute the provided body in the callers' environment. |
ad_unquotehtml |
reverses ns_quotehtml |
ad_unset_cookie |
Un-sets a cookie. |
ad_url |
This will be called by email alerts. |
ad_urldecode_path |
Decode provided string with url-encoding for paths segments
(instead of query segments) as defined in RFC 3986 |
ad_urldecode_query |
Decode provided string with url-encoding for query segments
(instead of path segments) as defined in RFC 3986 |
ad_urlencode |
same as ns_urlencode except that dash and underscore are left unencoded. |
ad_urlencode_folder_path |
Perform an urlencode operation on the segments of the provided
folder path, i.e. |
ad_urlencode_path |
Encode provided string with url-encoding for paths segments
(instead of query segments) as defined in RFC 3986 |
ad_urlencode_query |
Encode provided string with url-encoding for query segments
(instead of paths) as defined in RFC 3986 |
ad_urlencode_url |
Perform an urlencode operation on a potentially full url
(containing a location, but without query part). |
ad_user_class_description |
Takes an ns_set of key/value pairs and produces a human-readable
description of the class of users specified. |
ad_user_login |
Logs the user in, forever (via the user_login cookie) if -forever
is true. |
ad_user_logout |
Logs the user out. |
ad_verify_install |
Returns 1 if the acs is properly installed, 0 otherwise. |
ad_verify_signature |
Verifies a digital signature. |
ad_verify_signature_with_expr |
Verifies a digital signature. |
api_page_documentation_mode_p |
Determines whether the thread is in "gathering documentation" or "executing the page" mode. |
apm::convert_type |
Convert a package instance to a new type, doing the proper instantiate and mount callbacks and
parameter creation. |
apm::get_package_descendent_options |
Get a list of pretty name, package key pairs for all packages which are descendents
of the given package key. |
apm::metrics |
Return some code metrics about the files in package $package_key. |
apm::package_version::attributes::default_value |
Return the default value for the given attribute name. |
apm::package_version::attributes::get |
Set an array with the attribute values of a certain package version. |
apm::package_version::attributes::get_pretty_name |
Return the pretty name of attribute with given short name. |
apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec |
Return dynamic attributes of package versions in
an array list. |
apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text |
Get the internationalized maturity description
corresponding to the given integer package maturity level. |
apm::process_install_xml |
process an XML install definition file which is expected to contain
directives to install, mount and configure a series of packages. |
apm_application_new_checkbox |
Return an HTML checkbox of package_key and package names
for applications that can be mounted in the site-map. |
apm_arg_names_for_callback_type |
Return the list of required argument names for the given callback type. |
apm_assert_callback_type_supported |
Throw an error if the given callback type is not supported. |
apm_attribute_value |
Parses the XML element to return the value for the specified attribute. |
apm_body_callback |
This callback uses the document API to append more text to the stream. |
apm_build_one_package_relationships |
Builds the nsv dependency structures for a single package. |
apm_build_package_relationships |
Builds the nsv dependency and ancestor structures. |
apm_build_subsite_packages_list |
Build the nsv_set cache of all packages which claim to implement subsite
semantics. |
apm_callback_and_log |
Executes the $callback callback routine with $message as an argument,
and calls ns_log with the given $severity. |
apm_callback_format_args |
Return a string on format -arg_name1 arg_value1 -arg_name2 arg_value2 ... |
apm_callback_has_valid_args |
Returns 1 if the specified callback proc of a certain
type has a valid argument list in its definition and 0
otherwise. |
apm_callback_type_supported_p |
Return 1 if the given type of callback is supported and 0
otherwise. |
apm_cancel_all_watches |
Cancel all watches in the given package. |
apm_copy_inherited_params |
Copy parameters from a packages ancestors. |
apm_copy_param_to_descendents |
Copy a new parameter in a package to its descendents. |
apm_data_model_scripts_find |
apm_dependency_add |
Add a dependency to a version. |
apm_dependency_check_new |
Checks dependencies and finds out which packages are required to install the requested packages. |
apm_dependency_provided_p |
Returns 1 if the current system provides the dependency inquired about. |
apm_dependency_remove |
Removes a dependency from the system. |
apm_dummy_callback |
A dummy callback routine which does nothing. |
apm_enabled_packages |
Returns a list of package_key's for all enabled packages. |
apm_extract_tarball |
Extracts a distribution tarball into a particular directory,
overwriting any existing files. |
apm_file_type_keys |
Returns a list of valid file type keys. |
apm_file_type_names |
Returns an array list with filetypes as keys and
filetype pretty names as values. |
apm_file_watch |
Marks the file of the indicated path to be watched. |
apm_file_watch_cancel |
Stop watching a certain file, or all watched files if path
is not specified. |
apm_file_watchable_p |
Given the path of a file determine if it is
appropriate to be watched for reload. |
apm_flush_package_id_cache |
Flush the package id cache for this package at least in the
current thread. |
apm_generate_package_spec |
Generates an XML-formatted specification for a version of a package. |
apm_generate_tarball |
Generates a tarball for a version, placing it in the content repository. |
apm_get_callback_proc |
Return Tcl procedure name for the callback of a certain
type for the given package. |
apm_get_installed_provides |
Sets the dependencies provided by the packages installed on this system
in an array keyed by dependency service-uri. |
apm_get_installed_versions |
Sets the current installed version of packages installed on this system
in an array keyed by package_key. |
apm_get_package_repository |
Gets a list of packages available for install from either a remote package repository
or the local filesystem. |
apm_get_repository_channel |
Returns the channel to use when installing software from the repository. |
apm_get_repository_channels |
Returns the channels and URLs from a repository |
apm_gzip_cmd |
apm_highest_version |
Return the highest version of the indicated package. |
apm_highest_version_name |
Return the highest version of the indicated package. |
apm_instance_name_from_id |
apm_interface_add |
Add a interface to a version. |
apm_interface_remove |
Removes a interface from the system. |
apm_invoke_callback_proc |
Invoke the Tcl callback proc of a given type
for a given package version. |
apm_invoke_install_proc |
read an XML install element and invoke the appropriate processing
procedure. |
apm_load_any_changed_libraries |
In the running interpreter, reloads files marked for reload by
apm_mark_version_for_reload. |
apm_load_apm_file |
Uncompresses and loads an APM file into the filesystem. |
apm_load_packages |
Load Tcl libraries and queries for the packages with given
keys into the current interpreter. |
apm_load_tests_p |
Determine whether to load acs-automated-testing tests
for packages. |
apm_log |
Centralized APM logging. |
apm_mark_files_for_reload |
Mark the given list of Tcl and query files for reload in all
interpreters. |
apm_mark_version_for_reload |
Examines all tcl_procs files in package version $version_id; if any have
changed since they were loaded, marks (in the apm_reload array) that
they must be reloaded by each Tcl interpreter (using the
apm_load_any_changed_libraries procedure). |
apm_ns_write_callback |
A simple callback which prints out the log message to the server stream. |
apm_num_instances |
apm_one_package_inherit_order |
Returns a list of package keys in package inheritance order. |
apm_package_deinstall |
Deinstalls a package from the filesystem. |
apm_package_delete |
De-install a package from the system. |
apm_package_descendents |
Wrapper that returns the cached package descendents list. |
apm_package_enabled_p |
Returns 1 if there is an enabled package version corresponding to the package_key
and 0 otherwise. |
apm_package_id_from_key |
apm_package_ids_from_key |
apm_package_info_file_path |
Returns the path to a .info file in a package directory, or throws an
error if none exists. |
apm_package_inherit_order |
Wrapper that returns the cached package inheritance order list. |
apm_package_install |
Registers a new package and/or version in the database, returning the version_id. |
apm_package_install_owners |
Install all of the owners of the package version. |
apm_package_install_owners_prepare |
Prepare the owners data structure for installation. |
apm_package_install_spec |
Writes the XML-formatted specification for a package to disk,
marking it in the database as the only installed version of the package. |
apm_package_install_version |
Installs a version of a package. |
apm_package_installed_p |
Returns 1 if there is an installed package version corresponding to the package_key,
0 otherwise. |
apm_package_instance_delete |
Deletes an instance of a package |
apm_package_instance_new |
Creates a new instance of a package and calls the post instantiation proc, if any. |
apm_package_key_from_id |
apm_package_key_from_version_id |
Returns the package_key for the given APM package version id. |
apm_package_list_url_resolution |
Use a left-right, breadth-first traverse of the inheritance DAG to build a
structure to be used by the request processor to resolve URLs based on a
package's "extends" and "embeds" dependencies. |
apm_package_load_libraries_order |
Wrapper that returns the cached package library load order list. |
apm_package_parameters |
apm_package_register |
Register the package in the system. |
apm_package_registered_p |
Returns 1 if there is a registered package with the indicated package_key. |
apm_package_rename |
Renames a package instance |
apm_package_supported_databases |
Return a list of db types (i.e. |
apm_package_upgrade_p |
apm_package_url_from_id |
Will return the first url found for a given package_id |
apm_package_url_from_key |
apm_package_url_resolution |
Wrapper that returns the cached package search order list. |
apm_package_version_enabled_p |
apm_package_version_installed_p |
apm_parameter_register |
Register a parameter in the system. |
apm_parameter_sync |
Syncs the parameters in the database with the memory cache. |
apm_parameter_unregister |
Unregisters a parameter from the system. |
apm_parameter_update |
apm_pretty_name_for_file_type |
Returns the pretty name corresponding to a particular file type key |
apm_read_package_info_file |
Reads a .info file, returning an array containing the following items:
<li><code>path</code>: a path to the file read
<li><code>mtime</code>: the mtime of the file read
<li><code>provides</code>, <code>embeds</code>, <code>extends</code>,
and <code>requires</code>: <p>
lists of dependency information, containing elements of the form
<code>[list $url $version]</code>
<li><code>owners</code>: a list of owners containing elements of the form
<code>[list $url $name]</code>
<li><code>files</code>: a list of files in the package,
containing elements of the form <code>[list $path
$type]</code> NOTE: Files are no longer stored in info files but are always retrieved
directly from the filesystem. |
apm_remove_callback_proc |
Remove the callback of a certain type for the given package. |
apm_required_attribute_value |
Returns an attribute of an XML element, throwing an error if the attribute
is not set. |
apm_scan_packages |
Scans a directory for unregistered package specification files. |
apm_set_callback_proc |
Set the name of an APM Tcl procedure callback for a certain package version. |
apm_simple_package_install |
Simple basic package install function. |
apm_supported_callback_types |
Gets the list of package callback types
that are supported by the system. |
apm_tar_cmd |
apm_unregister_disinherited_params |
Remove parameters for package_key that have been disinherited (i.e., the
dependency that caused them to be inherited have been removed). |
apm_unused_callback_types |
Get a list enumerating the supported callback types
that are not used by the given package version. |
apm_upgrade_logic |
Logic to help upgrade a package. |
apm_version_disable |
Disables a version of a package. |
apm_version_enable |
Enables a version of a package (disabling any other version of the package). |
apm_version_get |
Gets information about a package version. |
apm_version_id_from_package_key |
Return the id of the (per default enabled) version of the given package_key. |
apm_version_info |
Sets a set of common package information in the caller's environment. |
apm_version_installed_p |
apm_version_load_status |
If a version needs to be reloaded (i.e., a <code>-procs.tcl</code> has changed
or been added since the version was loaded), returns "needs_reload". |
apm_version_loaded_p |
Returns 1 if a version of a package has been loaded and initialized, or 0 otherwise. |
apm_version_names_compare |
Compare two version names for which is earlier than the other. |
apm_version_sortable |
Return a sortable version of the version name. |
apm_version_update |
Update a version in the system to new information. |
apm_version_upgrade |
Upgrade a package to a locally maintained later version. |
apm_watch_all_files |
Watch all Tcl procs and xql query files in the given
package |
apm_workspace_dir |
Return the path to the apm-workspace, creating the directory if necessary. |
apm_workspace_install_dir |
Return the path to the installation directory of the apm-workspace, creating
the directory if necessary. |
application_data_link::delete_from_list |
Delete references |
application_data_link::delete_links |
Delete application data links for all objects linking to the given
object_id. |
application_data_link::exist_link |
Check for the existence of a link from an object_id to a target_object_id,
with optional relation_tag. |
application_data_link::get |
Retrieves a list of object_ids for all objects linked to the
given object_id, tagged with the optional relation_tag. |
application_data_link::get_linked |
Gets the ID for the object linked to from_object_id and matches the
to_object_type. |
application_data_link::get_linked_content |
Gets the content of the linked object. |
application_data_link::get_links_from |
Get a list of objects that are linked from an object,
possible using the relation_tag. |
application_data_link::get_links_to |
Get a list of objects that are linked to an object,
possible using the relation_tag. |
application_data_link::link_exists |
Check if a link exists, only checks in the direction requested. |
application_data_link::new |
Create a new data link between this_object_id and target_object_id. |
application_data_link::new_from |
Create a new data link between this_object_id and target_object_id. |
application_data_link::new_to |
Create a new data link between this_object_id and target_object_id. |
application_data_link::relation_tag_where_clause |
Utility proc to return relation tag where clause fragment. |
application_data_link::scan_for_links |
Search for object references within text
Supports /o/ /file/ /image/ object URL formats |
application_data_link::update_links_from |
Update the references to this object in the database,
optionally update links using the given relation_tag. |
application_link::delete_links |
Delete application links for all packages linking to the given
package_id. |
application_link::get |
Retrieves a list of package_ids for all applications linked to the
given package_id. |
application_link::get_linked |
Gets the ID for the application linked to from_package_id and matches the
to_package_key. |
application_link::new |
Create a new link between this_package_id and target_package_id. |
build_mime_message |
Composes multipart/alternative email containing plain text
and html versions of the message, parses out the headers we need,
constructs an array and returns it to the caller. |
callback::get_object_type_impl |
Finds the most type specific implementation of <code>callback</code>. |
callback::impl_exists |
Returns whether the specified implementation exists. |
country_widget |
Returns a country selection box. |
day_list |
DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
convention and does not provide much value. |
db_0or1row |
Performs the specified SQL query. |
db_1row |
A wrapper for db_0or1row, which produces an error if no rows are returned. |
db_abort_transaction |
Aborts all levels of a transaction. |
db_bind_var_substitution |
This proc emulates the bind variable substitution in the PostgreSQL driver. |
db_blob_get |
PostgreSQL only. |
db_blob_get_file |
db_boolean |
Converts a Tcl boolean (1/0) into a SQL boolean (t/f) |
db_bounce_pools |
db_column_exists |
db_column_type |
db_columns |
db_compatible_rdbms_p |
db_dml |
Do a DML statement. |
db_driverkey |
Normally, a dbn is passed to this proc. |
db_exec |
A helper procedure to execute a SQL statement, potentially binding
depending on the value of the $bind variable in the calling environment
(if set). |
db_exec_plsql |
Executes a PL/SQL statement, and returns the variable of bind
variable <code>:1</code>. |
db_flush_cache |
Flush the given cache of entries with keys that match the given pattern. |
db_foreach |
db_foreach <em><i>statement-name sql</i></em> [ -bind <em><i>bind_set_id</i></em> | -bind <em><i>bind_value_list</i></em> ] [ -column_array <em><i>array_name</i></em> | -column_set <em><i>set_name</i></em> ] <em><i>code_block</i></em> [ if_no_rows <em><i>if_no_rows_block</i> ]</em>
<p>Performs the SQL query <em><i><tt>sql</tt></i></em>, executing
<em><i><tt>code_block</tt></i></em> once for each row with variables set to
column values (or a set or array populated if <tt>-column_array</tt> or
<tt>column_set</tt> is specified). |
db_get_database |
<strong>PostgreSQL and NSDB only.</strong>
Return the database name from the first database pool. |
db_get_dbhost |
<strong>PostgreSQL only.</strong>
<p> |
db_get_password |
db_get_pgbin |
<strong>PostgreSQL only.</strong>
<p> |
db_get_port |
<strong>PostgreSQL only.</strong>
<p> |
db_get_sql_user |
<strong>Oracle only.</strong>
<p> |
db_get_username |
db_html_select_options |
Generate html option tags for an HTML selection widget. |
db_html_select_value_options |
Generate html option tags with values for an HTML selection widget. |
db_known_database_types |
db_list |
db_list_of_lists |
db_list_of_ns_sets |
db_load_sql_data |
Loads a CSV formatted file into a table using PostgreSQL's COPY command or
Oracle's SQL*Loader utility. |
db_multirow |
<p>Performs the SQL query <code>sql</code>, saving results in variables
of the form
<code><i>var_name</i>:1</code>, <code><i>var_name</i>:2</code>, etc,
setting <code><i>var_name</i>:rowcount</code> to the total number
of rows, and setting <code><i>var_name</i>:columns</code> to a
list of column names. |
db_multirow_group_last_row_p |
Used inside the code_block to db_multirow to ask whether this row is the last row
before the value of 'column' changes, or the last row of the result set. |
db_name |
db_nextval |
set new_object_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq]
</pre> |
db_nth_pool_name |
db_null |
db_nullify_empty_string |
A convenience function that returns [db_null] if $string is the empty string. |
db_quote |
Quotes a string value to be placed in a SQL statement. |
db_release_unused_handles |
Releases any database handles that are presently unused. |
db_resultrows |
db_source_sql_file |
Sources a SQL file into Oracle (SQL*Plus format file) or
PostgreSQL (psql format file). |
db_source_sqlj_file |
<strong>Oracle only.</strong>
Sources a SQLJ file using loadjava. |
db_string |
db_table_exists |
db_tables |
db_transaction |
Usage: <b><i>db_transaction</i></b> <i>transaction_code</i> [ on_error { <i>error_code_block</i> } ]
Executes transaction_code with transactional semantics. |
db_type |
db_version |
db_with_handle |
Place a usable database handle in <i>db</i> and executes
<i>code_block</i>. |
db_write_blob |
db_write_clob |
doc_adp_abort |
Aborts evaluation of an ADP block. |
doc_adp_compile |
Compiles a block of ADP code. |
doc_adp_execute |
Evaluates an ADP block returned by <code>doc_adp_compile</code>. |
doc_adp_execute_file |
Compiles and executes an ADP file. |
doc_adp_puts |
Puts a string in the current ADP context. |
doc_register_adptag |
Registers a handler for an ADP tag. |
doc_return |
A wrapper to be used instead of ns_return. |
doc_set_page_documentation_mode |
Set a flag in the environment determining whether the thread is in
"gathering documentation" or "executing the page" mode. |
exec |
This is the wrapped version of exec |
export_entire_form |
Exports everything in ns_getform to the ns_set. |
export_entire_form_as_url_vars |
export_vars is now the preferred interface. |
export_ns_set_vars |
Returns all the params in an ns_set with the exception of those in
exclusion_list. |
export_vars |
Exports variables either as a URL or in the form of hidden form
variables. |
f::abs |
f::all |
Takes a predicate pred and a list xs and returns 1 if all elements
of xs fulfill pred. |
f::and |
Reduces a list of boolean values using &&
f::and {1 1 0 1} = 0
f::and {1 1 1 1} = 1 |
f::any |
Takes a predicate pred and a list xs and returns 1 if there exists
an element of xs that fulfills pred. |
f::bind |
Binds args to the first k arguments of the n-ary function f and
returns the resulting (n-k)-ary function. |
f::bind2nd |
Binds arg to the 2nd argument of f. |
f::choose |
Here's how to compute 'n choose k' like a real nerd. |
f::compose |
function composition: evaluates f (g x)
f::map [f::bind compose sqr [f::bind + 7]] {1 2 3 4 5} = {64 81 100 121 144}
Algebraic Property:
f::map [f::bind f::compose f g] $xs = f::map f [f::map g $xs] |
f::cons |
Inserts x at the front of the list xs. |
f::const |
Returns a unary function that ignores its argument and constantly
returns k. |
f::copy |
f::copy 10 7 = {7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7} |
f::curry |
Converts a function that takes one tuple as an argument
into a function that takes a series of single arguments. |
f::cycle |
f::cycle 4 {1 2 3} = {1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3} |
f::drop |
f::drop_while |
f::elem_p |
Checks if x is contained in s. |
f::enum_from_to |
Generates {lo lo+1 ... |
f::even_p |
f::factorial |
Compute n! |
f::filter |
f::filter f::even_p {3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6} = {4 2 6}
f::filter [f::lambda {x} {expr $x>500}] {317 826 912 318} = {826 912} |
f::flip |
Takes a binary function 'f' and two arguments 'a' and 'b' and
returns f b a (arguments are flipped). |
f::fold |
Takes a binary function f, a start element e and a list {x1 x2
...} and returns f (...(f (f (f e x1) x2) x3)...). |
f::fold1 |
Takes a binary function f and a list {x1 x2 x3 ...} and returns
(...(f (f (f x1 x2) x3) x4)...). |
f::gcd |
f::head |
f::id |
Identity function: just returns its argument. |
f::init |
f::iterate |
f::iterate 10 [f::lambda {x} {expr $x+1}] 5 = {5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14}
f::iterate 10 [f::lambda {x} {expr $x*2}] 1 = {1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512}
f::iterate 4 f::tail {1 2 3 4 5} = {{1 2 3 4 5} {2 3 4 5} {3 4 5} {4 5}} |
f::lambda |
The lambda function - one of the foundations of functional
programming - defines an anonymous proc and returns it. |
f::last |
f::lcm |
f::lmax |
f::lmin |
f::map |
Takes a function f and a list { x1 x2 x3 ...}, applies the
function on each element of the list and returns the result,
i.e. |
f::max |
f::min |
f::mul |
Multiplies n with a fraction (given as a tuple) |
f::not_elem_p |
Checks if x is not contained in s. |
f::nub |
Removes duplicates from xs. |
f::null_p |
Checks if xs is the empty list. |
f::odd_p |
f::or |
Reduces a list of boolean values using ||
f::or {1 1 0 1} = 1
f::or {0 0 0 0} = 0 |
f::pascal |
Prints Pascal's triangle |
f::prime_p |
f::filter f::prime_p [f::enum_from_to 1 100] = {2 3 5 7 11 13 17
19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97} |
f::product |
f::products |
f::qsort |
Sorts a sequence with the quicksort algorithm. |
f::reverse |
Reverses the list xs. |
f::scanl |
Takes a binary function f, a start element e and a list {x1 x2
...} and returns {e (f e x1) (f (f e x1) x2) ...}. |
f::scanl1 |
Takes a binary function f and a list {x1 x2 x3 ...} and returns
{x1 (f x1 x2) (f (f x1 x2) x3) ...}. |
f::span |
Splits a list using take_while and drop_while. |
f::split_at |
Splits a list using take and drop. |
f::sum |
f::sums |
f::tail |
f::take |
f::take_until |
f::take_while |
f::transpose |
Transposes a matrix (a list of lists) |
f::uncurry |
Converts a function that takes a series of single arguments into a
function that takes one tuple as an argument. |
f::unzip |
Unzip takes a list of tuples {x1 y1} {x2 y2} {x3 y3} ... |
f::zip |
Takes two lists {x1 x2 x3 ...} and {y1 y2 y3 ...} and returns a
list of tuples {x1 y1} {x2 y2} {x3 y3} ... |
f::zip_with |
Takes two lists {x1 x2 x3 ...} and {y1 y2 y3 ...} and returns the
list {(f x1 y1) (f x2 y2) (f x3 y3) ...}
% set first_names {Sandra Catherine Nicole}
% set last_names {Bullock Zeta-Jones Kidman}
f::zip_with [f::lambda {f l} {return "$f $l"}] $first_names
$last_names = {{Sandra Bullock} {Catherine Zeta-Jones} {Nicole Kidman}} |
future_years_list |
Returns a list containing the next num_year years in the future. |
http_auth::authorize |
Check HTTP authentication for an OpenACS user account and
call the registered procedure to handle the URL to check
permissions |
http_auth::basic_authentication_decode |
Implements decoding of authorization header as defined in RFC 7617
"username" containing a colon character is invalid (see RFC 7617,
Section 2). |
http_auth::register_filter |
Setup HTTP authentication for a URL pattern |
http_auth::set_user_id |
Get the user_id from HTTP authentication headers. |
http_auth::site_node_authorize |
Procedure to take HTTP authenticated user_id and check site_node
permissions. |
install::xml::action::add-subsite-admin |
Add a member to a subsite's admins group. |
install::xml::action::add-subsite-member |
Add a member to a subsites application group. |
install::xml::action::ats-page |
Creates an ATS Page. |
install::xml::action::create-package |
Create a relation type. |
install::xml::action::create-user |
Create a new user. |
install::xml::action::install |
Installs a package including dependencies. |
install::xml::action::location |
Creates a URL location object. |
install::xml::action::mount |
Mounts a package on a specified node. |
install::xml::action::mount-existing |
Mounts an existing package on a specified node. |
install::xml::action::register-parameter |
Registers a package parameter. |
install::xml::action::relation-add |
Create a relation. |
install::xml::action::relation-type |
Create a relation type. |
install::xml::action::rename-instance |
Change the instance name of an existing package (such as the main subsite). |
install::xml::action::set-id |
set a name/id pair for use in other install xml things |
install::xml::action::set-join-policy |
Set the join policy of a group. |
install::xml::action::set-parameter |
Sets a package parameter. |
install::xml::action::set-parameter-default |
Sets a package parameter default value
<code><set-parameter-default name="<em>parameter</em>" package-key="<em>package-key</em>" value="val"></code> |
install::xml::action::set-permission |
Sets permissions on an object. |
install::xml::action::set-theme |
Sets a theme for a subsite. |
install::xml::action::text |
A documentation element which ignores its contents and does no processing. |
install::xml::action::unset-permission |
Revokes a permissions on an object - has no effect if the permission is not granted directly
(i.e. |
install::xml::action::wizard |
Creates a wizard using the subtags for each step. |
install::xml::object_id::admin-group |
install::xml::object_id::application-group |
Returns an object_id for an application group or relational segment of
a given package. |
install::xml::object_id::group |
Returns an object_id for a group or relational segment. |
install::xml::object_id::member-group |
install::xml::object_id::object |
Returns a literal object_id for an object. |
install::xml::object_id::package |
Returns an object_id for a package specified in node. |
install::xml::util::get_id |
Returns an id from the global ids variable if it exists and attempts to
find an acs_magic_object if not. |
long_month_list |
Returns list of months
DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
convention and is not localized. |
membership_rel::approve |
Approve a membership relation |
membership_rel::ban |
Ban a membership relation |
membership_rel::change_state |
Change the state of a membership relation |
membership_rel::delete |
Delete a membership relation |
membership_rel::expire |
Expire a membership relation |
membership_rel::get |
Return the user_id of a rel_id |
membership_rel::get_group_id |
Return the group_id of a rel_id |
membership_rel::get_user_id |
Return the user_id of a rel_id |
membership_rel::reject |
Reject a membership relation |
membership_rel::unapprove |
Unapprove a membership relation |
month_list |
Returns list of month abbreviations
DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
convention and is not localized. |
month_value_list |
DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
convention and does not provide much value. |
oacs_util::csv_foreach |
Reads a CSV string and executes code block for each row in the CSV. |
oacs_util::process_objects_csv |
This processes a comma separated set of objects, taking the CSV
and calling package_instantiate_object for each one. |
oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set |
Does an ns_set put on each variable named in var_list
DEPRECATED 5.10.1: modern ns_set idioms make this proc obsolete |
parameter::get |
Get the value of a package instance parameter. |
parameter::get_from_package_key |
Gets an instance parameter for the package corresponding to package_key. |
parameter::get_global_value |
Get the value of a global package parameter. |
parameter::set_default |
Set the default for the package parameter to the provided value. |
parameter::set_from_package_key |
sets an instance parameter for the package corresponding to package_key. |
parameter::set_global_value |
Set a global package parameter. |
parameter::set_value |
Set the value of a package instance parameter. |
parse_incoming_email |
Takes an incoming message and splits it into parts. |
party::approved_members |
Get a list of approved members of the given party. |
party::email |
Return the parties email. |
party::flush_cache |
Flush the party cache |
party::get |
Returns party information. |
party::get_by_email |
Return the party_id of the party with the given email. |
party::get_by_email_not_cached |
Return the party_id of the party with the given email. |
party::name |
Gets the party name of the provided party_id |
party::new |
Creates a party of this type by calling the .new function for
the package associated with the given party_type. |
party::party_p |
party::types_valid_for_rel_type_multirow |
creates multirow datasource containing party types starting with
the $start_with party type. |
party::update |
Update information about a party. |
permission::cache_flush |
Flush permissions from the cache. |
permission::get_parties_with_permission |
Return a list of lists of party_id and acs_object.title,
having a given privilege on the given object |
permission::grant |
grant privilege Y to party X on object Z |
permission::inherit_p |
Does this object inherit permissions? |
permission::permission_p |
Does the provided party have the requested privilege on the given object? |
permission::require_permission |
require that party X have privilege Y on object Z |
permission::require_write_permission |
If the user is not allowed to edit this object, returns a permission denied page. |
permission::revoke |
revoke privilege Y from party X on object Z |
permission::set_inherit |
set inherit to true |
permission::set_not_inherit |
set inherit to false |
permission::toggle_inherit |
toggle whether or not this object inherits permissions from its parent |
permission::write_permission_p |
Returns whether a party is allowed to edit an object. |
person::delete |
delete a person |
person::flush_cache |
Flush all caches for specified person. |
person::flush_person_info |
Flush only info coming from person::get_person_info proc. |
person::get |
Get person information together with inherited party and object
one. |
person::get_bio |
Get the value of the user's bio(graphy) field. |
person::get_person_info |
Extracts person information. |
person::get_person_info_not_cached |
Extracts person information. |
person::name |
Return the name of a person. |
person::name_flush |
Flush the person::name cache. |
person::new |
create a new person |
person::person_p |
Is this party a person? |
person::update |
Update person information. |
person::update_bio |
Update the bio for a person. |
pkg_info_comment |
pkg_info_dependency_p |
pkg_info_key |
pkg_info_new |
Returns a datastructure that maintains information about a package. |
pkg_info_path |
pkg_info_spec |
proxy::exec |
Execute the statement in a proxy instead of normal exec |
rp_handle_tcl_request |
Handles a request for a .tcl file. |
rp_internal_redirect |
Tell the request processor to return some other page. |
rp_serve_concrete_file |
Serves a file. |
sec_change_user_auth_token |
Change the user's auth_token, which invalidates all existing login cookies,
i.e. |
sec_get_random_cached_token_id |
Randomly returns a token_id from the token cache |
sec_get_token |
Returns the token corresponding to the token_id. |
sec_get_user_auth_token |
Get the user's auth token for verifying login cookies. |
sec_login_get_external_registry |
If the login was issued from an external_registry, use this as
well for refreshing. |
sec_login_handler |
If a login cookie exists, it is checked for expiration
(depending on LoginTimeout) and the account status is validated. |
sec_random_token |
Generates a random token. |
security::RestrictLoginToSSLP |
Return 1 if login pages and other pages taking user password
should be restricted to a secure (HTTPS) connection and 0 otherwise. |
security::configured_driver_info |
Return a list of dicts containing type, driver, location and port
of all configured drivers |
security::cookie_name |
security::csp::add_static_resource_header |
Set the CSP rule on the current connection for a static
resource depending on the MIME type. |
security::csp::nonce |
Generate a nonce token and return it. |
security::csp::render |
This is the CSP generator. |
security::csp::require |
Add a single value directive to the CSP rule-set. |
security::csrf::new |
Create a security token to protect against CSRF (Cross-Site
Request Forgery). |
security::csrf::validate |
Validate a CSRF token and call security::csrf::fail the
request if invalid. |
security::driver |
Return the secure driver if available |
security::get_client_property_password |
Convenience function for retrieving user password from client property |
security::get_qualified_url |
security::get_register_subsite |
Returns a URL pointing to the subsite, on which the
register/unregister should be performed. |
security::get_secure_location |
Return the current location in secure (https) mode. |
security::https_available_p |
Return 1 if server is configured to support HTTPS and 0 otherwise. |
security::locations |
This function returns the configured locations and the current
location and the vhost locations, potentially in HTTP or in HTTPs
variants. |
security::parameter::signed |
Compute a compact single-token signed value based on the
parameterSecret. |
security::parameter::validated |
Validate the single-token signed value and return its content value. |
security::redirect_to_insecure |
Redirect to the given URL and enter insecure (HTTP) mode. |
security::redirect_to_secure |
Redirect to the given URL and enter secure (HTTPS) mode. |
security::require_secure_conn |
Redirect back to the current page in secure mode (HTTPS) if
we are not already in secure mode. |
security::safe_tmpfile_p |
Checks that a file is a safe tmpfile, that is, it belongs to the
configured tmpdir. |
security::secure_conn_p |
Returns true if the connection [ad_conn] is secure (HTTPS), or false otherwise. |
security::secure_hostname_p |
Check, if the content of host is a "secure" value, which means, it
is either white-listed or belongs to a non-public IP address,
such it cannot harm in redirect operations. |
security::set_client_property_password |
Convenience function for remembering user password as client property
rather than passing it as query parameter. |
security::validated_host_header |
server_cluster_all_hosts |
Returns a list of all hosts in the server cluster, possibly
including the current host. |
server_cluster_enabled_p |
Returns true if clustering is enabled. |
site_node::closest_ancestor_package |
Starting with the node of the given id, or at given url,
climb up the site map and return the id of the first not-null
mounted object. |
site_node::delete |
delete the site node |
site_node::delete_service_nodes |
Unmount and delete all (shared) service packages under this
site_node. |
site_node::exists_p |
Returns 1 if a site node exists at the given url and 0 otherwise. |
site_node::get |
Returns an array representing the site node that matches the given url. |
site_node::get_all_from_object_id |
Return a list of site node info associated with the given object_id. |
site_node::get_ancestors |
site_node::get_children |
This proc gives answers to questions such as: What are all the
package_id's (or any of the other available elements) for all the
instances of package_key or package_type mounted under node_id
xxx? |
site_node::get_element |
returns an element from the array representing the site node that matches the given url
either url or node_id is required, if both are passed url is ignored
The array elements are: package_id, package_key, object_type, directory_p,
instance_name, pattern_p, parent_id, node_id, object_id, url. |
site_node::get_from_node_id |
returns an array representing the site node for the given node_id |
site_node::get_from_object_id |
return the site node associated with the given object_id
WARNING: Returns only the first site node associated with this object. |
site_node::get_from_url |
Returns an array representing the site node that matches the given url. |
site_node::get_node_id |
site_node::get_node_id_from_object_id |
site_node::get_object_id |
site_node::get_package_url |
Get the URL of any mounted instance of a package with the given package_key. |
site_node::get_parent |
site_node::get_parent_id |
site_node::get_url |
return the url of this node_id |
site_node::get_url_from_object_id |
Returns a list of URLs for site_nodes that have the given object
mounted or the empty list if there are none. |
site_node::instantiate_and_mount |
Instantiate and mount a package of given type. |
site_node::mount |
mount object at site node |
site_node::new |
Create a new site node |
site_node::rename |
Rename the site node. |
site_node::unmount |
unmount an object from the site node |
site_node::update_cache |
Brings the in-memory copy of the site nodes hierarchy in sync with the
database version. |
site_node::verify_folder_name |
Verifies that the given folder name is valid for a folder under
the given parent_node_id. |
site_node_apm_integration::child_package_exists_p |
This may become either a private interface or be deprecated in
the future. |
site_node_apm_integration::delete_site_nodes_and_package |
First deletes ALL the site nodes this instance is mapped to, then deletes the instance. |
site_node_apm_integration::get_child_package_id |
Get the package_id of package_key that is mounted directly
under package_id. |
site_node_object_map::del |
unmap object object_id from site_node node_id in table site_node_object_mappings |
site_node_object_map::get_node_id |
site_node_object_map::get_url |
site_node_object_map::new |
map object object_id to site_node node_id in table site_node_object_mappings |
string_truncate |
Truncates a string to len characters adding the string provided in
the ellipsis parameter if the string was truncated. |
string_truncate_middle |
Cut middle part of a string in case it is too long
DEPRECATED: does not comply with OpenACS naming convention |
tdom::get_attribute_value |
Returns the value of the attribute specified |
tdom::get_node_object |
Returns a tDOM object to the args given
If the tDOM object doesn't exist or the value is null, return null
Example -----------------------------------------------------
XML: <experiment>
<first-name>Annabelle Lee</first-name>
Params: parent_node_object=$tdom_experiment_object
args=experimenter experimenter_two
Returns: TDOM object for experimenter node
End Example -------------------------------------------------
</pre> |
tdom::get_node_xml |
Returns xml of the data pointed to by the node object
If tag doesn't exist or the value is null, returns null |
tdom::get_parent_node_object |
Returns a tDOM object for the parent node of the child node object passed in |
tdom::get_tag_value |
Returns the tag value of the tag_name passed in
If tag doesn't exist or the value is null, returns null
Example -----------------------------------------------------
XML: <experiment-id>1222</experiment-id>
Params: node_object=$document
args=experiment-id EXPERIMENT-ID
Returns: 1222
End Example -------------------------------------------------
</pre> |
template::csrf::validate |
validate a csrf token |
text_templates::create_pdf_content |
Create the pdf content from a template |
text_templates::create_pdf_from_html |
The HTML Content is transformed into a PDF file |
text_templates::store_final_document |
The document is stored in the given folder. |
us_state_widget |
Returns a state selection box. |
util::age_pretty |
Formats past time intervals in one of three different modes depending on age. |
util::array_list_spec_pretty |
Pretty-format an array-list spec with proper indentation. |
util::backup_file |
Backs up (move) the file or directory with given path to a file/directory with a backup suffix. |
util::block_request |
Block a request for certain kind of requests. |
util::catch_exec |
Catch a call to Tcl exec. |
util::configured_location |
Return the configured location as configured for the current
network driver. |
util::diff |
Perform a UNIX diff on 'old' and 'new', and return an HTML fragment of the changes. |
util::external_url_p |
check if this URL is external to the current host or a valid alternative
valid alternatives include
HTTPS or HTTP protocol change
HTTP or HTTPS port number added or removed from current hostname
or another hostname that the host responds to (from host_node_map) |
util::file_content_check |
Check whether the provided file is of the requested type. |
util::find_all_files |
Returns a list of lists with full paths and filename to all files under $path in the directory tree
(descending the tree to a depth of up to $max_depth). |
util::get_http_status |
util::get_node_attributes |
Extract attributes names and values from a tDOM node |
util::get_referrer |
util::html::get_form |
Extract form with the specified id from a structure as that
coming from <code>util::html::get_forms</code> proc. |
util::html::get_form_vars |
Read vars from a form structure as that coming out from
<code>util::html::get_form</code>. |
util::html::get_forms |
Extract every form's specification from HTML supplied |
util::html_diff |
Perform a UNIX diff on 'old' and 'new', and return an HTML fragment of the changes. |
util::http::available |
Return the preferred HTTP API among those available based on
preference and OpenACS installation capabilities. |
util::http::basic_auth |
Builds BASIC authentication header for an HTTP request |
util::http::cookie_auth |
This proc implements the generic pattern for cookie-based authentication: user
logs in a webpage providing username, password and optionally other information
in a form, page replies generating one or more authentication cookies by which
user will be recognized on subsequent interaction with the server. |
util::http::get |
Issue an HTTP GET request to 'url'. |
util::http::post |
Implement client-side HTTP POST request. |
util::http::post_payload |
Build the payload for a POST request |
util::http::set_cookies |
Extracts cookies from response headers. |
util::inline_svg_from_dot |
Transform a dot source code into an inline svg image based on
code from xotcl-core; should be probably made more
configurable in the future. |
util::interval_pretty |
Takes a number of seconds and returns a pretty interval of the form "3h 49m 13s" |
util::join_location |
Join hostname and port and use IP-literal notation when necessary. |
util::json2dict |
Parse JSON text into a Tcl dict. |
util::json::array::create |
Construct a JSON object with the given values list |
util::json::array::get_values |
Verify that the given Tcl structure is an object, and return its
values list. |
util::json::gen |
Top-level procedure to generate a JSON string from its Tcl list representation. |
util::json::indent |
Indent a JSON string to make it more easily digestable by the human mind. |
util::json::json_value_to_sql_value |
While mysql happily treats false as 0, real SQL does not. |
util::json::object::create |
Construct a JSON object with the given values list |
util::json::object::get_value |
Returns the value of an attribute in an object. |
util::json::object::get_values |
Verify that the given Tcl structure is an object, and return its
values list. |
util::json::object::set_by_path |
This is an odd utility that mimics some odd code in the Ilias SCORM module, included
here because it might be of more general use. |
util::json::object::set_value |
Set an attribute value in an object structure. |
util::json::parse |
Parse JSON text into a Tcl list. |
util::json::sql_values_to_json_values |
Converts empty values to "null", consistent with how oracle, mysql, and
the nspostgres bindvar hack treats them. |
util::json::type_of |
Return the type of the item, "object" or "array" |
util::link_responding_p |
util::max |
Returns the maximum of a list of numbers. |
util::min |
Returns the minimum of a list of numbers. |
util::name_to_path |
Transforms a pretty name to a reasonable pathname. |
util::ns_set_to_tcl_string |
Return a plain text version of the passed-in ns_set, useful
for debugging and introspection. |
util::pdfinfo |
Calls the pdfinfo command line utility on a given pdf file. |
util::potentially_unsafe_eval_p |
Check content of the string to identify potentially unsafe content
in the provided string. |
util::random |
Return a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1. |
util::random_init |
Seed the random number generator. |
util::random_list_element |
Returns a random element from the list. |
util::random_range |
Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and range. |
util::randomize_list |
Returns a random permutation of the list. |
util::request_info |
Produce a string containing the detailed request information. |
util::resources::can_install_locally |
Check, whether the operating system's permissions allow us to
install in the configured directories. |
util::resources::cdnjs_get_newest_version |
Return the newest version for the library denoted by
'resource_info' from cdnjs. |
util::resources::cdnjs_version_API |
Return a link to the version API of cdnjs. |
util::resources::check_vulnerability |
Return a dict containing vulnerability info with the keys
"hasVulnerability", "libraryURL" and "versionURL" |
util::resources::download |
Download resources typically from a CDN and install it for local usage. |
util::resources::download_helper |
Helper for ::util::resources::download, since some download
sites tend to redirect. |
util::resources::is_installed_locally |
Check, if the required resource files are installed locally. |
util::resources::register_urns |
Convenience function to register URNs based on the information provided by the resource_info dict. |
util::resources::resource_info_procs |
Returns a list of "resource_info" procs, potentially prefixed
by some namespace. |
util::resources::version_segment |
Return the partial directory, where a certain version is/will be installed. |
util::roll_server_log |
Invoke the AOLserver ns_logroll command with some bookend log records. |
util::split_host |
Split host potentially into a hostname and a port |
util::split_location |
Split the provided location into "proto", "hostname" and "port". |
util::string_check_urlsafe |
This proc accepts a string and verifies if it is url safe. |
util::string_length_compare |
String length comparison function for use with lsort's -command switch. |
util::subst_safe |
Make string safe for subst'ing. |
util::suspicious_query_variable |
Guess if a query variable was encoded twice |
util::tdomDoc2dict |
Helper proc for util::json2dict, which outputsreturns the provided
tDOM document in the form of a Tcl dict. |
util::trim_leading_zeros |
Returns a string with leading zeros trimmed. |
util::unzip |
util::var_subst_quotehtml |
Substitute in the provided string all variables with their values
(like "subst -nobackslashes -nocommands ..."), and perform HTML
quoting on the variable values before substitution. |
util::which |
Use environment variable PATH to search for the specified executable
program. |
util::word_diff |
Does a word (or character) diff on two lines of text and indicates text
that has been deleted/changed or added by enclosing it in
start/end_old/new. |
util::zip |
Create a zip file. |
util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate |
Converts 1998-09-05 to September 5, 1998
DEPRECATED: this proc hardcodes the date format and the language
to American English. |
util_absolute_path_p |
Check whether the path begins with a slash |
util_background_exec |
Executes a chunk of code in the background. |
util_background_get_result |
Gets the result of a completed background thread execution. |
util_background_reset |
Gets the result of a completed background thread execution. |
util_background_running_p |
util_close_html_tags |
Given an HTML fragment, this procedure will close any tags that
have been left open. |
util_commify_number |
Returns the number with commas inserted where appropriate. |
util_complete_url_p |
Determine whether the provided argument is a complete URL,
i.e., it contains a scheme, and a host |
util_convert_line_breaks_to_html |
Convert line breaks to <p> and <br> tags, respectively. |
util_current_directory |
Returns the directory of the current URL. |
util_current_location |
This function behaves like [ad_conn location], since it returns
the location string of the current request in the form
protocol://hostname?:port? but it honors the "Host:" header field
(when the client addressed the server with a hostname different
to the default one from the server configuration file) and
therefore as well the host-node mapping. |
util_current_location_node_id |
returns node_id of util_current_location. |
util_driver_info |
Returns the protocol and port for the specified (or current) driver. |
util_email_unique_p |
Returns 1 if the email passed in does not yet exist in the system. |
util_email_valid_p |
Returns 1 if an email address has more or less the correct form. |
util_escape_quotes_for_csv |
Returns its argument with double quote replaced by backslash double quote |
util_expand_entities |
Replaces all occurrences of common HTML entities with their plaintext equivalents
in a way that's appropriate for pretty-printing. |
util_expand_entities_ie_style |
Replaces all occurrences of &#111; and &x0f; type HTML character entities
to their ASCII equivalents. |
util_get_current_url |
Returns a URL for re-issuing the current request, with query variables. |
util_get_subset_missing |
Returns the elements in list1 that are not in list2. |
util_get_user_messages |
Gets and clears the message to be displayed on the next page load. |
util_list_of_ns_sets_to_list_of_lists |
Transform a list of ns_sets (most likely produced by db_list_of_ns_sets)
into a list of lists that match the array set format in the sublists
(key value key value ...) |
util_memoize |
If <i>script</i> has been executed before, return the value it
returned last time, unless it was more than <i>max_age</i> seconds ago. |
util_memoize_cached_p |
Check whether <i>script</i>'s value has been cached, and whether it
was cached no more than <i>max_age</i> seconds ago. |
util_memoize_flush |
Forget any cached value for <i>script</i>. |
util_memoize_flush_pattern |
Loop through all cached entries, flushing all that match the
pattern that was passed in. |
util_memoize_flush_regexp |
Loop through all cached entries, flushing all that match the
regular expression that was passed in. |
util_memoize_initialized_p |
Return 1 if the util_memoize cache has been initialized
and is ready to be used and 0 otherwise. |
util_memoize_seed |
Pretend <code>util_memoize</code> was called with <i>script</i> and
it returned <i>value</i>. |
util_remove_html_tags |
Removes everything between < and > from the string. |
util_remove_nulls_from_ns_set |
Creates and returns a new ns_set without any null value fields |
util_report_library_entry |
Should be called at beginning of private Tcl library files so
that it is easy to see in the error log whether or not
private Tcl library files contain errors. |
util_report_successful_library_load |
Should be called at end of private Tcl library files so that it is
easy to see in the error log whether or not private Tcl library
files contain errors. |
util_return_headers |
We use this when we want to send out just the headers
and then do incremental writes with ns_write. |
util_sets_equal_p |
Tests whether each unique string in list1 occurs as many
times in list1 as in list2 and vice versa (regardless of order). |
util_subset_p |
Tests whether list1 is a subset of list2. |
util_text_to_url |
Modify a string so that it is suited as a well formatted URL path element. |
util_url_valid_p |
Check if an absolute Web URL (HTTP, HTTPS or FTP) is valid. |
util_user_message |
Sets a message to be displayed on the next page request. |
util_wrap_list |
Wraps text to a particular line length. |
whos_online::all_invisible_user_ids |
This function returns a list with all user_ids which are set to invisible |
whos_online::interval |
Returns the last number of seconds within a user must have requested
a page to be considered online. |
whos_online::num_anonymous |
Get the number of anonymous users currently online, and not invisible |
whos_online::num_users |
Get the number of registered users currently online, and not invisible |
whos_online::seconds_since_first_request |
Returns the number of seconds since the user with given id first requested
a page. |
whos_online::seconds_since_last_request |
Returns the number of seconds since the user with given id requested
a page. |
whos_online::set_invisible |
This procedure sets the user user_id to invisible,
his user_id will not be returned by user_ids. |
whos_online::unset_invisible |
This procedure unsets the invisible state of user_id. |
whos_online::user_ids |
This function returns a list of user_ids from users which have requested a page
from this Server in the last 10 min and aren't set to invisible. |
whos_online::user_invisible_p |
This function checks if the user user_id is set
to invisible. |
wrap_string |
wraps a string to be no wider than 80 columns by inserting line breaks |
xml_doc_free |
Free the doc |
xml_doc_get_first_node |
Get first node |
xml_doc_render |
Render the doc |
xml_get_child_node_attribute_by_path |
Return the attribute of a child node down a give path from the current node. |
xml_get_child_node_content_by_path |
Return the first nonempty contents of a child node down a given path from the current node. |
xml_node_get_attribute |
Get Node Attribute |
xml_node_get_children |
Get children nodes |
xml_node_get_children_by_name |
Find nodes of a parent that have a given name |
xml_node_get_children_by_select |
Get children of given node that match supplied XPATH query |
xml_node_get_content |
Get Content |
xml_node_get_first_child |
Returns the first child node |
xml_node_get_first_child_by_name |
Returns the first child node that has a given name |
xml_node_get_name |
Get Node Name |
xml_node_get_type |
Get Node Type |
xml_node_set_attribute |
Set Node Attribute |
xml_parse |
Parse a document and return a doc_id |
xml_support_ok |
The proc that checks that XML support is complete |