Class ::YUI::AnchorField       In addition to the standard TableWidget's AnchorField, we also allow the attributes <ul> <li>onclick <li>target </ul> 
Class ::nntp::Session       Support for NNTP session. 
Class ::nsbeat::Beat        
Class ::xo::Table::BootstrapTableRenderer::AnchorField       In addition to the standard TableWidget's AnchorField, we also allow the attributes <ul> <li>onclick <li>target </ul> 
Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField       In addition to the standard TableWidget's AnchorField, we also allow the attributes <ul> <li>onclick <li>target </ul> 
Class ::xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropzone       Dropzone widget for drag and drop of files, e.g. 
Class ::xowiki::Mode       Mode handler to set for the current session some application specific mode (like e.g. 
Class ::xowiki::RSS       Report content of xowiki folder in RSS 2.0 format. 
Class ::xowiki::Upload       Abstract class for upload handlers. 
Class ::xowiki::UploadFile       Class for storing files as xowiki::File instances. 
Class ::xowiki::UploadFileIconified       Refinement of ::xowiki::UploadFile but returning content rended by a special renderer. 
Class ::xowiki::UploadPhotoForm       Class for storing files as instances of photo.form. 
Class ::xowiki::WikiForm       Form Class for XoWiki Pages. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField       Base FormField class. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField       An abstract class for shuffling options and answers. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select       XOTcl class for selecting a subset from a list of candidates. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext       This class can be used to provide an interface for specifying internationalized text strings saved in message keys via input from a form. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text       This class can be used to provide an interface for specifying internationalized text strings saved in message keys via input from a form. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric       Field with numeric content. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::range       HTML5 range input field. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce       TinyMCE XoWiki richtext-editor integration. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields       Provide multiple text and short text entries. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::activity-graph       Include an activity graph 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::available-formfields       List the available form field types of this installation. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::available-includelets       List the available includelets of this installation. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::book       Show contents in book mode. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::bookmarklet-button       Include bookmarklet button that makes it easy to add the current page as a bookmark in the browser of the client. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories       List the specified category tree. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories-recent       Display recent entries by categories. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::chat       Include a chat in the current page 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::child-resources       Include the content of the current folder somewhat similar to explorer. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::collab-graph       Include a collaboration graph 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::community-link       Include a link to the community including the current page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::composite-form       Create a form from the selection 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::copy-item-button       Button to copy a page 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::create-item-button       Button to create a new page based on the current one 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::creation-date       Include the creation date of the current or specified page in the provided format. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::delete-item-button       Button to delete the current or a different page 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::delicious       Add a button to submit article to delicious. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::digg       Add a button to submit article to digg. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::edit-item-button       Button to edit the current or a different page 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::flowplayer       Include an mp4 image using flowplayer 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::folders       List the folder tree of the current instance 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::form-menu       Include a form menu for the specified Form 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::form-stats       Include form statistics for the specofied Form page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages       Show usages of the specified form. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::get       Get an instance variable from the current or from a different page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::gravatar       Include gravatar picture for the specified email 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::html-file       Include the specified HTML file 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::iframe       Include an iframe containing the specified URL 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::jquery-carousel       Display a sequence of pages via jquery-carousel, based on book includelet. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::jquery-cloud-carousel       Display a sequence of pages via jquery-cloud-carousel, based on book includelet. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::jquery-infinite-carousel       Display a sequence of pages via jquery-infinite-carousel, based on book includelet. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::jquery-spacegallery       Display a sequence of pages via jquery-spacegalleryl, based on book includelet. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::kibana       Include a Kibana chart identified by the provided hash 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::last-visited       Display last visited pages. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::link-with-local-return-url       Insert a link with extra return URL pointing the current object. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::most-frequent-visitors       List the most frequent visitors. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::most-popular       Display most popular pages of this wiki instance. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-categories       List the categories associated with the current page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-general-comments       List the general comments available for the current page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-references       List the pages which are referring to the current page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-refers       List the pages which are referred to the current page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-tags       List the tags associated with the current page. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-yahoo-publisher       Name of the publisher, when posting URLs to my yahoo (use in connection with with_yahoo_publisher). 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages       Personal notification messages This includelet can be used for personal messaging, where a sender can send messages to a single user in a single applications (e.g. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::presence       Show users actively in the wiki. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::random-form-page       Include random form page (instance of the specified form) 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::recent       Display recent modified entries. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::references-graph       Include a graph of the (partial) link structure in a wiki, starting either with a page or a folder. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::rss-button       Include an RSS button referring to pages of the specified time span. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::rss-client       Include RSS content 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::selection       Provide a selection of pages 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::set-parameter       Set a parameter accessible to the current page (for certain tailorings), accessible in the page via e.g. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::slidy       Display a sequence of pages via W3C slidy, based on book includelet 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::tags       Display specified tags. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::timeline       Include a timeline of changes (based on yahoo timeline API) 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::toc       Show table of contents of the current wiki. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::unread-items       List unread items. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::unresolved-references       List the pages with unresolved references in the current xowiki/xowf package. 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::user-timeline       Include a timeline of changes of the current or specified user (based on yahoo timeline API) 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::view-item-button       Button to view the current or a different page 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::yui-carousel       Include YUI carousel showing the pages of the specified or current folder. 
Object ::YUI::loader       The YUI Library comes with a "Loader" module, that resolves YUI-module dependencies. 
YUI::loader proc require       This is the key function of the loader, that will be used by other packages. 
nntp::Session instproc destroy       Log-out from the session and destroy the session object. 
nntp::Session instproc group       update all entries from the specified group 
nntp::Session instproc login       Log-in with the provided credentials 
nntp::Session proc refresh       Refresh articles in the database with messages from the NNTP news server. 
nsbeat::Beat instproc beat        
nsbeat::Beat instproc data        
xo::ChatClass instproc login       Logs into a chat 
xowiki::BootstrapNavbar instproc render 
xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render       doku 
xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenuItem instproc render       doku 
xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropzone instproc render       doku 
xowiki::File instproc www-download       This web-callable method downloads the file content of the current File object. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc combine_data_and_form_field_default       Combine the value of the form field (e.g. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc extra_html_fields       Should be overloaded to provide extra content to some forms. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc get_property       Retrieves a FormPage property 
xowiki::FormPage instproc is_folder_page       Check, if FormPage is a folder. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc load_values_into_form_fields       Load either the instance variables or the instance attributes into the provided form-fields. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc property       Retrieve a FormPage property. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc render_thumbnails       Renderer of the thumbnail file(s). 
xowiki::FormPage instproc set_form_data       Store the instance attributes or default values into the form via set_form_value. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc set_live_revision        
xowiki::FormPage instproc set_property       Stores a value as FormPage property 
xowiki::FormPage instproc update_attribute_from_slot       Tailored version of update_attribute_from_slot to keep insert_xowiki_form_instance_item_index in sync after single attribute updates. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc update_item_index       Tailored version of CrItem.update_item_index to keep insert_xowiki_form_instance_item_index in sync after updates. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc www-edit       This web-callable method renders a form page in "edit" mode (i.e. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc www-file-upload       This web-callable method can be used for uploading files using the current object as parent object for the new content. 
xowiki::FormPage instproc www-toggle-modebutton       AJAX called function, called via POST. 
xowiki::FormPage proc compute_filter_clauses       Compute from "-unless" or "-where" specs the "tcl", "sql" and optional "hstore" query fragments. 
xowiki::FormPage proc fetch_object       Load a content item into the specified object. 
xowiki::Menu instproc render       doku 
xowiki::MenuItem instproc render       doku 
xowiki::Mode instproc get       Get the current mode, which might be set by the user or which might be obtained from the default method. 
xowiki::Mode instproc set       Set the mode to the specified value 
xowiki::Mode instproc toggle       Switch state of the toggle 
xowiki::Package instproc external_name       Generate a name with a potentially inserted parent name 
xowiki::Package instproc folder_path       Construct a folder path from a hierarchy of xowiki objects. 
xowiki::Package instproc get_ids_for_bulk_actions       The page_reference is either an item_id, a fully qualified URL path or the name exactly as stored in the content repository ("name" attribute in the database, requires parent_id to be provided as well) 
xowiki::Package instproc get_parameter       Resolves configurable parameters according to the following precedence: (1) values specifically set per page {{set-parameter ...}} (2) query parameter (3) form fields from the parameter_page FormPage (4) standard OpenACS package parameter The specified attribute can be of the form "name:value_constraint" 
xowiki::Package instproc get_parameter_from_parameter_page       Try to get the parameter from the named parameter_page. 
xowiki::Package instproc import       import the specified pages into the xowiki instance 
xowiki::Package instproc item_ref       An item_ref refers to an item (existing or non-existing) in the content repository relative to some parent_id. 
xowiki::Package instproc lookup       Lookup name (with maybe cross-package references) from a given parent_id or from the list of configured instances (obtained via package_path). 
xowiki::Package instproc make_link       Creates conditionally a link for use in xowiki. 
xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link       Generate a (minimal) link to a wiki page with the specified name. 
xowiki::Package instproc reparent       Reparent a wiki page from one parent page to another one. 
xowiki::Package instproc require_root_folder       Make sure, the root folder for the given package exists. 
xowiki::Package instproc resolve_page       Try to resolve from object (path) and query parameter the called object (might be a package or page) and the method to be called. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-change-page-order       This web-callable method changes the page order for pages by renumbering and filling gaps. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-delete       This web-callable "delete" method does not require an instantiated object, while the class-specific delete methods in xowiki-procs need these. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-edit-category-tree       This web-callable method redirects the caller to the category admin page for a certain category tree. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-edit-new       This web-callable method can be used to create new pages in the current package. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-google-sitemap       This web-callable method reports the content of xowiki folder in google site map format 
xowiki::Package instproc www-google-sitemapindex       This web-callable method calls "google_sitemapindex" for producing a sitemap index. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-import-prototype-page       This web-callable method is designed for admin to ease the import of prototpye pages. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-manage-categories       This web-callable method redirects the caller to the category admin page configured for the current package. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-refresh-login       This web-callable method forces a refresh of a login and do a redirect. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-reindex       This web-callable method can be used to reindex all items of this package by adding all pages of this package to the search queue. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-rss       This web-callable method reports the content of xowiki folder in rss 2.0 format. 
xowiki::Package instproc www-update-references       This web-callable method can be used to update the page references between all items of this package instance. 
xowiki::Package proc get_package_id_from_page_id       Obtain the package_id from either the item_id or the revision_id of a page 
xowiki::Package proc get_url_from_id       Get the full URL from a page in situations, where the context is not set up. 
xowiki::Package proc google_sitemapindex       This method provides a sitemap index of all xowiki instances in google site map format 
xowiki::Package proc instantiate_page_from_id       Instantiate a page in situations, where the connection context is not set up (e.g. 
xowiki::Package proc is_xowiki_p       A small stunt to detect if a package is a descendant of xowiki. 
xowiki::Page instproc create_form_fields_from_form_constraints       Create form-fields from form constraints. 
xowiki::Page instproc get_form_data       Get the values from the form and store it in the form fields and finally as instance attributes. 
xowiki::Page instproc include       Include the html of the includelet. 
xowiki::Page instproc is_folder_page       Check, if page is a folder. 
xowiki::Page instproc pretty_link       This method is a convenience stub for Package->pretty_link and can be overloaded for different pages types. 
xowiki::Page instproc render       Render a wiki page with some optional features, such as including a footer or updating references for this page. 
xowiki::Page instproc resolve_included_page_name       Determine the page object for the specified page name. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-autosave-attribute       The web-callable method which is a simplified version of save-attributes, but which does NOT perform input validation, which might be a problem in case of partial input. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-bulk-delete       This web-callable method performs a bulk delete based on the object names provided by the form-variable "objects" and refresh then the caller page. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-clipboard-add       This web-callable method adds elements to the clipboard based on the names provided by the form variable "objects". 
xowiki::Page instproc www-clipboard-clear       This web-callable method clears the clibpboard contents. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-clipboard-content       This web-callable method displays the content of the clipboard. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-clipboard-copy       This web-callable method copies the content of the clipboard to the current folder. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-clipboard-export       This web-callable method exports the content of the clipboard in form of an xowiki dump. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-create-new       This web-callable method creates a new page, typically an instance of a form page. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-create-or-use       This web-callable method calls www-create-new, unless overloaded from some other package, as done e.g. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-csv-dump       This web-callable method produces a CSV dump based on the includelet "form-usages". 
xowiki::Page instproc www-delete       This web-callable method deletes a page via the delete method of the package. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-delete-revision       This web-callable method deletes a single revision of a Page, which is actually performed by the "delete_revision" method of the package, which is responsible for caching. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-diff       This web-callable method produces a "diff" of two pages based on the current page and the revision_id provided as query parameter by "compare_revision_id". 
xowiki::Page instproc www-duplicate       This web-callable method duplicated the current object. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-edit       This web-callable method renders a page in "edit" mode (i.e. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-list       This web-callable method provides a listing of pages. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-make-live-revision       This web-callable method makes the revision specified by parameter "revision_id" the live revision, or when this is not available, the parameter "local_return_url". 
xowiki::Page instproc www-popular-tags       AJAX called function, returns an HTML snippet with the popular tags. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-revisions       This web-callable method lists the revisions based. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-save-attributes       The web-callable method save-attributes is typically callable over the REST interface. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-save-tags       This web-callable method saves tags (provided via form parameter "new_tags"). 
xowiki::Page instproc www-toggle-publish-status       This web-callable method toggles from "production" to "ready", and from "ready" or "archived" to "production". 
xowiki::Page instproc www-validate-attribute       This web-callable method can be used to validate form attributes, typically called via AJAX. 
xowiki::Page instproc www-view       This web-callable method is called when viewing wiki content. 
xowiki::PageInstance instproc get_from_template       Get a property from the parent object (template). 
xowiki::PageInstance instproc www-use-template       This web-callable method can be used to change the "template" of a PageInstance. 
xowiki::PageTemplate instproc www-delete       This web-callable method deletes a page via the delete method of the package. 
xowiki::Upload instproc store_file       Abstract method. 
xowiki::UploadFile instproc store_file       Store the file provided via instance variables by using the formfield::file implementation (uses xowiki::File). 
xowiki::UploadFileIconified instproc store_file       Store files and return a thumbnail rendering when successful. 
xowiki::UploadPhotoForm instproc store_file       Ignore everything, which does not have an image/* mime type. 
xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render 
xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render 
xowiki::YUIMenuBar instproc render MenuBar looks best without a header and with one MenuItemList only 
xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render       doku 
xowiki::before-uninstantiate       Callback to be called whenever a package instance is deleted. 
xowiki::bootstrap::card       Render a Bootstrap Card. 
xowiki::bootstrap::icon       Render a Bootstrap Icon. 
xowiki::bootstrap::modal_dialog       Generic modal dialog wrapper. 
xowiki::bootstrap::modal_dialog_popup_button       Generic modal dialog wrapper. 
xowiki::filter_option_list       Process an option list (pairs of label and id) suitable to be passed to several widgets and remove all entries having an id from the except list. 
xowiki::formfield::CompoundField instproc get_named_sub_component_value       Return the value of a named subcomponent. 
xowiki::formfield::child_components       For every form-field obj in the provided objs, return a list of all child components (potentially leaf components of compound fields). 
xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc       Convert the provided dict into form_constraint syntax (comma separated). 
xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec       Convert the provided dict into a form-field spec together with the form-field name. 
xowiki::formfield::dict_value       Return the dict value of the specified "key" when this member exists. 
xowiki::formfield::enumeration instproc scores        
xowiki::formfield::fc_to_dict       Convert from form_constraint syntax to a dict. 
xowiki::hstore::double_quote       From hstore manual: "Double-quote keys and values that include whitespace, commas, =s or >s. 
xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages proc get_messages_response       Get all messages for the notification-id and the give user in form of an AJAX array. 
xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages proc message_add       Send the user a message. 
xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages proc message_dismiss       The user has dismissed a message. 
xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages proc modal_message_dialog       Create a bootstrap3/5-compatible modal dialog 
xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages proc modal_message_dialog_register_submit       Register a submit callback for all bootstrap3 modal dialogs having an .submit class. 
xowiki::kibana_backend_reply       Rewrite backend reply 
xowiki::kibana_url_rewrite       Rewrite default url_rewrite_callback 
xowiki::notification::do_notifications       generate a notification 
xowiki::randomized_index       Return a single randomized value between 0 and length-1. 
xowiki::randomized_indices       Produce a list of "length" random numbers between 0 and length-1. 
xowiki::require_parameter_page       Create or up update a parameter page. 
xowiki::update_item_index       Helper function to update single or multiple fields of the xowiki_form_instance_item_index. 
xowiki::utility proc change_page_order       Update page_order attributes for pages by renumbering and filling gaps. 
xowiki::utility proc formCSSclass       Obtain CSS class name for a form from its name 
xowiki::utility proc user_is_active       Tell whether a user is active according to the Request Monitor.