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Class ::canvas::API Basic Canvas API for OAuth calls. Class ::ms::Authorize Support for the Microsoft Microsoft identity platform ID tokens to login/logout via MS Azure accounts. Class ::ms::Graph The "tenant" identifies an organization within azure. Class ::xo::Authorize Base class to support OAuth authorization API Class ::xo::REST The client_id/client_secret identifies the registered "app" for which later app-tokens are used to issue action via the REST interface. Class ::xo::lti::LTI Common Parameter Class ::xo::oauth::GitHub Tailored OAuth handler for GitHub canvas::API instproc token Get bearer token (access token) from the /oauth2/v2.0/token endpoint. canvas::API instproc {account admins} Get a paginated list of the admins in the account. canvas::API instproc {account courses} Retrieve a paginated list of courses in this account. canvas::API instproc {account get} Retrieve information on an individual account, given by id or sis sis_account_id. canvas::API instproc {account list} A paginated list of accounts that the current user can view or manage. canvas::API instproc {account permissions} Returns permission information for the calling user and the given account. canvas::API instproc {account settings} Returns all of the settings for the specified account as a JSON object. canvas::API instproc {course activities} Returns the paginated Returns the current user's course-specific activity stream, paginated. canvas::API instproc {course todo} Returns a paginated list of the current user's course-specific todo items. canvas::API instproc {course users} Returns the paginated list of users in this course. ms::Authorize instproc login_url Returns the URL for logging in "oauth2/authorize" is defined in RFC 6749, but requests for MS id-tokens inversion v1.0 and v2.0 are defined here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/id-tokens ms::Authorize instproc logout Perform logout operation form MS in the background (i.e. ms::Authorize instproc logout_url Returns the URL for logging out. ms::Graph instproc run_donecallback Method to be finally executes the donecallback. ms::Graph instproc schedule_donecallback Add an atjob for the for the done callback. ms::Graph instproc token Get bearer token (access token) from the /oauth2/v2.0/token endpoint, with timestamp validation (based on "expires_in") result. ms::Graph instproc {application get} Get the properties and relationships of an application object. ms::Graph instproc {application list} Get the list of applications in this organization. ms::Graph instproc {chat get} Retrieve the properties and relationships of user object. ms::Graph instproc {chat messages} Retrieve the properties and relationships of user object. ms::Graph instproc {group deleted} List deleted groups. ms::Graph instproc {group get} Get the properties and relationships of a group object. ms::Graph instproc {group list} To get a list of all groups in the organization that have teams, filter by the resourceProvisioningOptions property that contains "Team" (needs beta API): resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team') Otherwise, one has to get the full list and filter manually. ms::Graph instproc {group member add} Add a conversationMember to a group. ms::Graph instproc {group member list} Get a list of the group's direct members. ms::Graph instproc {group member remove} Remove group member Details: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-delete-members ms::Graph instproc {group memberof} Get groups that the group is a direct member of. ms::Graph instproc {group owner add} add an owner to a group. ms::Graph instproc {group owner list} Retrieve a list of the group's owners. ms::Graph instproc {group owner remove} Remove group owner Details: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-delete-owners ms::Graph instproc {team archive} Archive the specified team. ms::Graph instproc {team channel list} Retrieve the list of channels in this team. ms::Graph instproc {team clone} Create a copy of a team specified by "team_id". ms::Graph instproc {team create} Create a new team. ms::Graph instproc {team delete} Delete group/team. ms::Graph instproc {team get} Retrieve the properties and relationships of the specified team. ms::Graph instproc {team member add} Add a conversationMember to the collection of a team. ms::Graph instproc {team member list} Get the conversationMember collection of a team. ms::Graph instproc {team member remove} Remove a conversationMember from a team. ms::Graph instproc {team unarchive} Restore an archived team. ms::Graph instproc {user get} Retrieve the properties and relationships of user object. ms::Graph instproc {user list} Retrieve the properties and relationships of user object. ms::Graph instproc {user memberof} Get groups, directory roles, and administrative units that the user is a direct member of. ms::Graph instproc {user me} Retrieve the properties and relationships of the current user identified by the token. ms::Graph proc run_donecallback Helper method for running callbacks. xo::Authorize instproc login_url Returns the URL for log-in xo::Authorize instproc logout Perform logout operation from oauth in the background (i.e. xo::Authorize instproc name xo::Authorize instproc perform_login Get the provided claims from the identity provider and perform an OpenACS login, when the user exists. xo::REST instproc pp Simple pretty-print function which is based on the conventions of the dict structures as returned from Microsoft Graph API. xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render Set per-call parameters xo::oauth::GitHub instproc get_user_data Get user data based on the temporary code (passed via "-token") provided by GitHub. xo::oauth::GitHub instproc logout_url Returns the URL for logging out. xo::oauth::nonce xo::oauth::timestamp