lib/chat.tcl       This include renders a chat room on a page. 
lib/current-messages.adp       This include renders a chat room on a page. 
lib/current-messages.tcl       This include displays currently persisted chat room messages 
lib/transcripts.adp       This include displays currently persisted chat room messages 
lib/transcripts.tcl       This include is the UI to display and manage chat room transcripts 
tcl/apm-callback-procs.tcl       APM Callback procs 
tcl/chat-ajax-procs.tcl       chat - chat procs<p>This file defines the following Objects and Classes: ::xowiki::includelet::chat_room<a href='/xotcl/show-object?show_methods=1&amp;show_source=0&amp;object=::xowiki::includelet::chat_room'><img src='/resources/acs-subsite/ZoomIn16.gif' alt='[i]' border='0'></a> 
tcl/chat-procs.tcl       TCL Library for the chat system v.6 These procs serve now only as a backward compatibility layer, as all the relevant logic is implemented in xotcl-chat-procs. 
tcl/xotcl-chat-procs.tcl       Chat Objects 

Package Documentation