-- acs_object__delete/1
create or replace function acs_object__delete(
  delete__object_id integer
) returns int4 as $$

  obj_type record;

   -- Also child relationships must be deleted. On delete cascade
   -- would not help here, as only tuple in acs_rels would go, while
   -- related acs_object would stay.
   PERFORM acs_object__delete(object_id)
     from acs_objects where object_id in
     (select rel_id from acs_rels where
          object_id_one = delete__object_id or
          object_id_two = delete__object_id);

  -- GN: the following deletion operation iterates over the id_columns
  -- of the acs_object_types of the type tree for the object and
  -- performs manual deletions in these tables by trying to delete the
  -- delete__object_id from the id_column.  This deletion includes as
  -- well the deletion in acs_objects.
  -- In the best of all possible worlds, this would not
  -- be necessary, when the objects would have specified "on delete
  -- cascade" for the id_columns.

  for obj_type
  in select ot2.table_name, ot2.id_column
       from acs_object_types ot1, acs_object_types ot2
       where ot1.object_type = (select object_type
                               from acs_objects o
                               where o.object_id = delete__object_id)
         and ot1.tree_sortkey between ot2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(ot2.tree_sortkey)
    order by ot2.tree_sortkey desc
    -- Delete from the table.

    -- DRB: I removed the quote_ident calls that DanW originally included
    -- because the table names appear to be stored in upper case.  Quoting
    -- causes them to not match the actual lower or potentially mixed-case
    -- table names.  We will just forbid squirrely names that include quotes.
    -- daveB
    -- ETP is creating a new object, but not a table, although it does specify a
    -- table name, so we need to check if the table exists. Wp-slim does this too

    if table_exists(obj_type.table_name) then
      execute 'delete from ' || obj_type.table_name ||
          ' where ' || obj_type.id_column || ' =  ' || delete__object_id;
    end if;
  end loop;

  return 0; 
$$ language plpgsql;