-- -- bookmark__delete/1 -- create or replace function bookmark__delete( integer ) returns int4 as $$ DECLARE p_bookmark_id ALIAS FOR $1; -- in bm_bookmarks.bookmark_id%TYPE, c_bookmark_id_tree RECORD; c_bookmark_id_one_level RECORD; BEGIN FOR c_bookmark_id_tree IN select bm.bookmark_id, (select case when count(*)=0 then 1 else 0 end from bm_bookmarks where parent_id = bm.bookmark_id) as is_leaf_p from bm_bookmarks bm, bm_bookmarks bm2 where bm2.bookmark_id = p_bookmark_id and bm.tree_sortkey between bm2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(bm2.tree_sortkey) order by tree_level(bm.tree_sortkey) desc, is_leaf_p desc, bm.tree_sortkey LOOP -- DRB: This query is insane in both its PG and Oracle versions but I do not -- have time to improve it at the moment ... FOR c_bookmark_id_one_level IN select bookmark_id from bm_bookmarks bm_outer where parent_id = ( select parent_id from bm_bookmarks where bookmark_id = c_bookmark_id_tree.bookmark_id ) and not exists ( select 1 from bm_bookmarks where parent_id = bm_outer.bookmark_id ) and bm_outer.bookmark_id in ( select bm.bookmark_id from bm_bookmarks bm, bm_bookmarks bm2 where bm2.bookmark_id = p_bookmark_id and bm.tree_sortkey between bm2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(bm2.tree_sortkey) order by bm.tree_sortkey ) LOOP delete from acs_permissions where object_id = c_bookmark_id_one_level.bookmark_id; delete from bm_in_closed_p where bookmark_id = c_bookmark_id_one_level.bookmark_id; delete from bm_bookmarks where bookmark_id = c_bookmark_id_one_level.bookmark_id; perform acs_object__delete(c_bookmark_id_one_level.bookmark_id); END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN 0; END; $$ language plpgsql;