-- composition_rel__check_representation/1
create or replace function composition_rel__check_representation(
) returns bool as $$

  check_representation__rel_id                 alias for $1;  
  container_id                                 groups.group_id%TYPE;
  component_id                                 groups.group_id%TYPE;
  result                                       boolean;     
  row                                          record;  
    result := 't';

    if acs_object__check_representation(check_representation__rel_id) = 'f' then
      result := 'f';
    end if;

    select object_id_one, object_id_two
    into container_id, component_id
    from acs_rels
    where rel_id = check_representation__rel_id;

    -- First let's check that the index has all the rows it should.
    if composition_rel__check_index(component_id, container_id) = 'f' then
      result := 'f';
    end if;

    -- Now let's check that the index doesn't have any extraneous rows
    -- relating to this relation.
    for row in  select *
                from group_component_index
                where rel_id = check_representation__rel_id  
      if composition_rel__check_path_exists_p(row.component_id, row.group_id) = 'f' then
        result := 'f';
        PERFORM acs_log__error('composition_rel.check_representation',
                      'Extraneous row in group_component_index: ' ||
                      'group_id = ' || row.group_id || ', ' ||
                      'component_id = ' || row.component_id || ', ' ||
                      'rel_id = ' || row.rel_id || ', ' ||
                      'container_id = ' || row.container_id || '.');
      end if;
    end loop;

    return result;
end;$$ language plpgsql;